

Research on the Micro-Finance Service and Risks of Rural Finance in China

【作者】 刘星

【导师】 吕火明;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 农业经济学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 金融是现代经济的核心。经济发展水平决定着金融发展程度,金融又反作用于经济。保持经济体系和金融体系之间良性的循环关系对于一个国家的经济和金融发展都至关重要,健康的金融体系可以有效促进经济发展,反之金融系统的风险过高又会制约经济的可持续发展能力。相应地,农村金融作为农村经济的核心,是农村经济发展中最为重要的资本要素配置系统,在社会主义新农村建设中肩负着重要任务。但目前农村金融供给不足、农村金融机构服务能力低、风险水平高等诸多问题,在很大程度上制约着农村经济的发展。二十世纪七、八十年代国外出现的“微型金融的革命”颠覆了传统商业银行“嫌贫爱富”的经验理念,因此,在深入研究农村微型金融服务基本理论的基础上,结合我国农村金融风险的现状,探讨农村微型服务的风险防范和安全体系,具有重要的理论和实践意义。1、论文的主要内容全文分为前言和正文两个部分。前言部分首先阐述了论文选题的国内外背景和研究意义,然后对选题的国内外研究现状从农村金融发展理论、农村微型金融机构的影响、农村微型金融服务的扶贫和可持续性、我国农村金融风险等四个方面做了综述,最后对论文在研究方法上的特点、论文的主要创新或贡献进行了阐述。正文部分共分为六章。第一章是农村金融体系的变迁与农村微型金融服务市场。首先介绍了中国农村金融体系的变迁以及微型金融机构的出现,然后指出政府扶持条件下我国农村地区金融机构的发展,接着界定农村微型金融服务的基本概念以及我国的总体情况,最后以河北省三县为调查样本分析了我国农村微型金融服务市场。本章是全文研究的逻辑起点,为后面各个逻辑环节的论证奠定了必要的基础。第二章是农村微型金融服务的基础理论研究。首先,研究了农村地区金融抑制现象,并通过建立数学模型得到金融机构在农村地区设立分支机构的条件。其次,从理论上提炼了农村微型金融服务模式,并做了相应的评价。再次,提出了衡量农村微型金融服务效能的三个指标:覆盖力、可持续性和福利影响,并分别对我国各个农村金融机构进行了效能分析。最后,研究了农村微型金融服务变革的路径选择。本章是全文的理论起点,为后面分析农村金融风险和微型金融服务的风险防范奠定理论基础。第三章是农村微型金融服务的风险分析。首先,在界定农村金融风险概念的基础上,研究发现我国农村金融风险具有高风险性、较强扩散性、内部关联性、供给不足和隐蔽性等基本特征。然后,分别运用规范分析和实证分析两个方法研究了我国农村微型金融服务风险的现状。规范分析时,论文从各类农村微型金融服务供给主体和供给环境两个视角展开了研究。从供给主体来看,研究认为,国有商业银行由于远离农村草根文化——熟人社会圈层,其在提供农村微型金融服务过程中存在较高的信息不对称风险,同时分析了农业政策性银行、农村微型金融机构等其他供给主体的微型金融服务风险。从供给环境来看,论文分析了我国农村地区的金融发展环境与城区存在的差距引致的特殊风险。实证研究过程中,运用了中国农业银行2007年不良贷款剥离前的省区数据,通过建立面板计量模型,得出了以下结论:一是经济发展水平对于金融机构的经营规模、信贷资产质量、盈利能力具有直接的影响。二是在省域经济层面上,银行信贷资产质量在2002-2006年出现了明显的提升,除工、中、建三行股改剥离因素外,更得益于经济增长、信贷规模扩张提高了银行的盈利能力,整体上降低了金融机构的风险表现水平。三是金融系统因为吸纳了相当一部分改革的成本,造成金融机构存在着较多的不良贷款,成为商业银行、尤其是国有商业银行经营中难以处置的历史包袱,对于涉农业务较多的农业银行来说,这种影响更为明显。第四章是农村微型金融服务的风险防范研究——基于金融机构视角。首先,要完善农村金融机构风险互补机制。由于我国地区经济发展水平存在着较大的差异,农村纳入现代经济体系的步伐也不尽一致,单一的金融体系是不可能为广大农村地区提供有效的金融服务。因此,为克服农村地区“金融抑制”对农村经济的不利影响,必须建立起多元化的金融体系,并建立起互补性的金融体系控制机制。然后,提出要构建金融机构参与微型金融服务的有效模式,分别对政策性金融业务、农业银行、信用社、非正规金融以及金融机构创新等几个视角展开了研究。最后,分析了两种主要风险形态——市场风险和信用风险的管理策略。第五章是农村微型金融服务的安全体系研究——基于监管者视角。此部分则从监管者角度研究农村微型金融服务的安全体系建设。首先,在农村金融体系监管体系建设中,要依托于新旧巴塞尔协议确定的监管要求,建立有效的多元化风险控制体系,即在新《巴塞尔协议》的基本框架下,按照农村地区金融特点,从信用风险控制入手,建立健全金融机构的内部治理结构,完善基础管理,建立以监督检查、责任为核心的制约机制和完善的授信管理机制,并逐步将风险控制范围扩大到各类市场风险和操作风险,监管体系要按照不同的层次,完善对正规金融机构的监管体系,逐步将非正规金融机构纳入监管体系之中。然后,探讨建立存款保险制度和充分发挥央行作为最后贷款人作用。最后,作为监管体系的重要补充,监管部门要引导金融机构建立完善农村金融行业自律机制,提高监管效果,全面提高农村金融机构风险防范能力。第六章是结论及政策建议,也是论文的最后一章。论文的主要结论包括:(1)在我国城乡存在着较为明显的二元经济差异,城乡金融服务体系也存在着明显差异;(2)当前提高农村微型金融供给水平,重建农村金融体系是按照两条主线进行的;(3)当前的政策导向是在较短时间内解决农村微型金融服务供给不足的问题。作为一种政治安排,对有关要求提出了明确的时间要求,因此采取了政府主导下的强制性制度变迁为主的模式,不可避免地引入了较多的行政力量;(4)监管问题对微型金融的健康发展至关重要,随着金融机构数量、种类、产品服务大量增加后带来了巨大的监管压力,在微型金融机构吸收存款后,保护存款人的利益、对经营不善的机构进行清算等问题成为对监管体系新的挑战。论文的建议包括:(1)国家对金融机构服务“三农”实行财政政策扶持,激发金融机构加快涉农业务发展的积极性,在“三农”服务到位的同时分散风险;(2)加强法治建设,夯实金融生态制度基础,保障金融机构合法权益;(3)全面推进信用体系建设,规范金融生态信用秩序,防范信用风险;(4)加快发展中介服务体系,丰富和完善金融生态链;(5)打造诚信文化,奠定风险防范的文化基础。2、论文的主要创新论文在三个方面进行了创新性研究:首先,论文摆脱了原来城乡金融二元分类方法,指出农村微型金融服务中存在的缺陷才是当前农村金融体系建设中的重点和难点。通过对农村金融机构风险状况的分析和农村微型金融行为的分析,说明在我国农村地区目前经济发展水平下,难以建立一套全国统一的农村金融发展模式,需要通过全国性机构、地方性机构和民间互助形式的机构相互结合、相互补充,建立多元化的混合型的农村金融体系,满足不同经济发展水平下农村地区对金融服务的需求。农村微型金融行为的特点要求必须更多地依托“草根式”的微型金融机构,微型金融机构必须通过产品、技术和制度创新来克服农村金融体系中的风险因素,在不断提高覆盖力的情况下,实现可持续发展的目标。其次,论文运用规范分析和实证分析相结合分析了农村:微型金融服务风险。规范分析时,论文从供给主体和供给环境两个视角研究了农村微型金融服务风险,认为金融机构是否融入农村草根文化的核心——熟人社会关系是其开展微型金融服务的重要保障,并分析了大力发展农村微型金融服务市场的前提条件。实证分析时,由于缺乏农村微型金融服务的整体数据,论文仅以农业银行为例,选取农业银行2007年大规模剥离不良贷款前的相关数据,尽可能还原农村微型金融服务风险的真实面貌。最后,论文深入探讨了农村金融生态环境建设问题。市场机制是农村金融体系发展的基本方向,但在现有经济条件下,大量农村地区的金融生态环境尚不足以支持金融机构的市场化经营农村微型金融服务的需要,需要中央政府、地方政府、金融机构和农村客户的共同努力,共同建设健康、有序的农村金融生态环境,提高农村地区经济发展水平。

【Abstract】 Finance is the core of modern economy. Economy determines finance and finance counter-react to economy. Keeping a virtuous cycle between economic system and financial system is very important both to a country’s economic and financial development. A fine financial system can effectively promote economic development, contrariwise, high risk degree of financial system will restrict economy’s sustainable development ability. The rural finance, as the hardcore of modern rural economy, is the important capital factor allocation system in development of rural economy, shoulders the important tasks during construction of new socialist countryside. However, the rural finance faces many problems such as deficient supply of rural finance, lower service ability of rural financial institutions, high risk level and etc., which largely restricted development of rural economy. During the seventies and eighties of the 20th century, "Micro-finance Institution revolution" appeared abroad, which changed the traditional commercial bank’s philosophy of "never favoring wealth over poverty". Then, researching the rural micro-financial services theory, combined with the status quo of China’s rural financial risks to explore the micro-services in rural areas of risk prevention and security system, has important theoretical and practical significance.1. Main contentsThe dissertation includes two parts of preface and text. The preface first sets forth foreign and domestic background and significance of the subject, then reviews foreign and domestic studying state about the subject from such four sides as the theory of rural finance development, the impact of rural micro-financial institutions, the poverty alleviation and sustainability of rural micro-financial services, China’s rural financial risks. Finally it expounds features of studying methods, main innovation or contribution.The text contains six chapters. ChapterⅠis Changes in the rural financial system and rural micro-financial services market. First it introduced the changes in China’s rural financial system, as well as the emergence of micro-financial institutions, and then under the condition that the Government of China to support development of financial institutions in rural areas, and then defined the rural micro-financial services to the basic concepts, as well as the overall situation of our country, the end, Hebei Province, three County for the investigation of samples for analysis of China’s rural micro-financial services market. This chapter is the logical starting point of the whole text, which establishes necessary theoretical foundation.ChapterⅡis basic theories of rural micro-financial services. First, it studied the phenomenon of financial repression in rural areas, and the conditions of establishing branches in rural areas for financial institutions using mathematical models. Secondly, it refined the theory of rural micro-financial services model and makes a corresponding evaluation. Then, it made three indicators for the measure of rural micro-financial service’s the effectiveness:coverage of power, sustainability and welfare effects, and analyses the various effectiveness. Last, it studied the path selection of rural micro-financial services. This chapter is the theoretic starting point of the whole text, which establishes necessary theoretical foundation of risk prevention.ChapterⅢis research on the risks of the rural micro-financial services. First, the chapter defined the concept of financial risks in rural areas and found that China’s rural financial risks are high risk, strong diffuse, internal relevance, supply shortages and the characteristics of hidden etc. Then, it researched the status quo of China’s rural financial risks using two methods including normative analysis and empirical analysis. Normative analysis of China’s rural financial risk, mainly analyzed the providers and environment of the rural micro-financial services.As the main provider, state-owned commercial banks away from rural grass-roots culture-an acquaintance of social circle, face a higher risk of asymmetric information, while the dissertation analyzed the risks for agricultural policy bank and rural micro-finance institutions.About the supply environment, the dissertation analyzed the special risks arising from the environment gaps between the rural and urban areas. In the process of empirical study, the chapter reached the following conclusions through the establishment of panel econometric model using the provincial data of Agricultural Bank of China before spin-off non-performing loans in 2007:firstly, the level of economic development directly affects the marketing capacity of financial institutions, quality of credit assets and profitability. Secondly, in the provincial economic level, the assets quality of bank credit among 2002-2006 improved significantly. With the exception of joint-stock reform and asset stripping of ICBC, BOC and CCB, economic growth and credit expansion increase the size of the bank’s profitability, as a whole to reduce the risk of financial institutions. Thirdly, to absorb a considerable part of the cost of reform result in more non-performing loans of financial institutions, and become the historical burden of commercial banks, especially the state-owned commercial banks. To ABC, the impact is more evident.Chapter IV is risk prevention study of the rural micro-financial services-based on the perspective of financial institutions. First of all, we must improve the complementary mechanisms of risk for rural financial institutions. Since there are large differences between areas, regional economic development level is not quite the same pace, it is impossible for the majority of rural areas to provide effective financial services. Therefore, in order to overcome the adverse effects of the rural areas "financial repression", we must establish a diversified financial system and the corresponding complementary control mechanisms. Then, the chapter proposed to build an effective model of participation of micro-financial services for financial institutions, namely, policy-oriented financial services, agriculture, banks, credit unions, non-formal finance, and innovation of financial institutions etc.. Finally, the chapter analyses the two main risk management patterns-market risk and credit risk management strategies.Chapter V is the security system of the rural micro-financial services-Based on the regulator perspective. This section studied the building of the security system for the rural micro-financial services from the point of regulator. First, in the process of building rural financial supervision system, relying supervision demands confirmed by new and former Basel Agreement, we need establish efficient multi-risk control system, that is, to set up a efficient risk control system under the basic frame of new Basel Agreement and in accordance with financial features of rural areas, establish and strengthen internal management structure of financial institutions and perfect basic management starting with credit risk control, to build restriction mechanism that takes supervision, check and responsibility as core, perfect credit extension mechanism, and expand the risk control range to various risk control market risks, and operation risks step by step. In accordance with the different levels, the supervision system must perfect the supervision system to the former financial institutions, and incorporates the informer financial institutions into the frame of supervision system. Then, the chapter explored the establishment of deposit insurance system and full playing to the role of the central bank as a lender of last resort. Last, as the main supplement of the supervision system, regulatory authorities should guide financial institutions to establish and improve the rural financial sectors self-regulatory mechanism, improve the effectiveness of supervision for purpose of enhance risk control capacity of rural financial institutions in all-round.ChapterⅥ, which is the last chapter of the dissertation, is conclusions and policy recommendations. The main conclusions of dissertation include:(1) There are more obvious differences as the dual economy between urban and rural areas in China, urban and rural financial service system are also; (2) Current efforts to improve the supply of rural micro-finance level and reconstruction of rural financial system are carried out in accordance with two main lines; (3) The current policy orientation is to solve the problem of inadequate supply for the rural micro-financial services in a relatively short period of time. As a political arrangement, it puts forward a clear time requirements and adopts a mandatory system under the government-led change-based model, which inevitably browns a greater amount of executive power; (4) Regulatory issues are critical to the healthy development of micro-finance. With the increasing of the number, types, products and services of financial institutions, these problems become new challenges to the regulatory system that includes the protection of the interests of depositors and the liquidation for poor organizations. The main suggestions include:(1) Government should support financial institutions for "Three Agriculture Problems" by implementing proactive fiscal policy, stimulate the enthusiasm of developing agriculture-related business and diversify risk at the same time; (2) Strengthening the law construction, strengthening the institutional basis of financial ecology, protecting the legitimate rights and interests of financial institutions; (3) Comprehensively promoting the construction of credit system, standardizing financial ecological credit order and preventing the credit risk; (5) Building an ethical culture, laying the cultural foundation of risk prevention.2. Main innovation or contributionThe main innovation or contribution of the dissertation may reflect in the following aspects:First, the dissertation proposed that defects of rural micro-financial services are currently the emphasis and difficulty in the building of the rural financial system out of the original binary classification of urban and rural finance. It is difficult to establish a unified model of rural financial development in our current level of economic development in rural areas by analyzing the risk situation of rural financial institutions and rural micro-financial activities. We should establish a wide range of mixed-type rural financial system to meet the demand for financial services for different levels of economic development in rural areas through combination and complement of national institutions, local agencies and institutions of civil. The characteristics of rural micro-financial activities require to be more relying on "grassroots" type of micro-finance institutions. Micro finance institutions need overcome the risk factors of the rural financial system by products, technology and institutional innovations and achieve sustainable development objectives and continuously improve the coverage.Secondly, the dissertation researched the status quo of China’s rural financial risks using two methods including normative analysis and empirical analysis. Normative analysis of China’s rural financial risk, mainly analyzed the providers and environment of the rural micro-financial services. As Empirical analysis, for the lack of the overall data about rural micro-financial services, the paper only selected the data of ABC in 2007 before large-scale divestiture of non-performing loans for learning the true face of risk about rural micro-financial services.Finally, the dissertation examined in depth the problems ecological environment construction of rural financial. The market mechanism is the basic direction of the development of the rural financial system. But under the current economic conditions, a large number of financial ecological environment in rural areas is still insufficient to support market-oriented financial institutions. Therefore, the central government should work together with local governments, financial institutions and rural clients to build healthy and orderly environment for rural finance and raise the level of economic development in rural areas.


