

Study on Forest Landscape Restoration

【作者】 张晓红

【导师】 黄清麟;

【作者基本信息】 中国林业科学研究院 , 森林经理学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 森林景观恢复(FLR)是一个旨在恢复伐后森林景观或退化森林景观的生态完整性和提高人类福利的过程,它提供了一种森林可持续经营的补充框架,是在毁林或森林退化导致生态系统服务质量下降的景观内实施的生态系统方法。目的不是重建森林的原始状态(即使这是可能的),而是加强景观的恢复能力,从而保持未来经营选择的开放,同时帮助社区提高并维持从森林经营中获得的效益。作为履行国际上在森林、生物多样性、气候变化和荒漠化方面各项商定承诺的一个途径,森林景观恢复在国际上已经受到了广泛的关注。本文在综合论述森林景观恢复理论与技术的研究与应用现状的基础上,以陵水黎族自治县(区域水平)和大敢FLR示范区(社区水平)为例,从区域水平和社区水平构建了适合中国国情与林情的森林景观恢复内容与方法体系,并对森林景观格局分析、森林景观变化驱动力分析、退化与次生森林特征与恢复策略和参与式农村评估(PRA)方法的应用等关键技术进行了深入研究。(1)通过森林景观恢复在案例区的实地应用与研究,构建了森林景观恢复内容与方法体系:利益相关者分析、建立FLR支持、分析景观镶嵌体及其动态、驱动力分析、确定立地水平恢复选择及优先恢复立地、制定立地水平恢复策略、FLR规划与实施和监测与评价是森林景观恢复的主要内容与实施步骤,利益相关者决策分析法、平衡土地利用折衷、联合决策制定和冲突管理机制是内容中涉及的主要方法,“双重过滤器”、公众参与和适应性经营是整个过程必须遵循的原则,这些内容、方法和原则共同构成了森林景观恢复的内容与方法体系。(2)在森林景观格局分析方面,以3期(1991、1999和2008年)遥感影像为陵水黎族自治县景观格局分析的基础数据,同时在遥感信息提取的基础上,采用参与式小班区划与小班调查的方法获取了大敢FLR示范区的基础数据。从森林景观恢复和森林经营的角度,建立了适用于FLR的森林景观要素分类系统,包括退化原始林、次生林、退化林地、人工林等类型。采用景观指数方法分析了景观格局与动态,利用Markov模型预测了景观变化,为确定优先恢复立地和制定FLR规划提供了依据。(3)采用转移概率矩阵和参与式方法相结合,分析了森林景观动态变化的驱动力。结果表明:1991-2008年间林业政策与重点工程是陵水黎族自治县森林数量与质量提高的主导因素,扶贫开发、生计开发、村旁绿化和农田防护林网、采砂、池塘养殖和旅游开发等驱动因子分别是不同区域森林景观变化的重要因素;大敢森林景观恢复示范区1990-2009年景观动态变化是基本生活保障、扶贫支农政策、农林产品价格和传统习俗等驱动因子共同作用的结果。采用Markov模型建立的转移概率矩阵能够用于景观动态变化驱动力的初步分析;转移概率矩阵和参与式方法相结合的驱动力分析方法同时适用于区域水平和社区水平的森林景观恢复的景观变化动因分析。(4)结合退化与次生森林特征分析,提出了立地水平恢复策略。结果表明:退化原始林群落结构较为完整,乔木层树种丰富,表现出较高的物种多样性,由于反复的人为择伐利用等干扰,乔木层第Ⅰ亚层价值较高的和干形较好的树木大部分已被利用,但是第Ⅱ亚层中仍然有干形较好、生长正常、经济价值较高的珍贵树种,如降香黄檀(Dalbergia odorifera)、无翼坡垒(Hopea exalata)、青皮(Vatica mangachapoi)、野生荔枝(Litchi chinensis)等;灌木层和草本层物种丰富,有价值较高的珍贵的乔木幼树和幼苗;应采取封禁性保护和促进天然更新的恢复策略。相比退化原始林,次生林群落结构简单、多样性低,但乔木层仍有珍贵乡土树种和用材树种,应采取保护与补植相结合的经营策略,其中集体所有的次生林,采取保护性措施;个人所有的次生林,实施保护与补植相结合的措施,尽可能补植降香黄檀、土沉香(Aquilaria sinensis)等珍贵乡土树种。退化林地应采取人工林造林的重建策略,并在人工造林过程中尽可能保留残留的天然幼树。促进退化与次生森林有效保护的措施之一是种植绿色隔离带。(5)参与式农村评估(PRA)方法在社区水平的应用研究结果表明:PRA的应用得到了大敢村与森林景观恢复相关的重要信息,同时也是社区居民和其他利益相关者参与社区森林景观恢复活动的重要途径。PRA方法为实施森林景观恢复提供了一个主动而有效地途径,是一种适用于FLR、充分体现FLR中公众参与的方法。

【Abstract】 Forest landscape restoration (FLR) is a process that aims to regain ecological integrity and enhance human well- being in deforested or degraded forest landscapes. It provides a complementary framework to sustainable forest management and the ecosystem approach in landscapes where forest loss has caused a decline in the quality of ecosystem services. It doesn’t aim to re-establish pristine forest, even if this were possible; rather, it aims to strengthen the resilience of landscapes and thereby keep future management options open. It also aims to support communities as they strive to increase and sustain the benefits they derive from the management of their land. As a vehicle for delivering on internationally agreed commitments on forests, biodiversity, climate change and desertification, FLR has got broad attention internationally. Taking Lingshui Li Autonomous County and Dagan FLR demonstration area as a case, this paper constructed the system of contents and methods of FLR from the view of regional-level and community-level based on overview of study on FLR theory and techniques. Key techniques in pattern analysis of forest landscape, analysis on driving forces of forest landscape dynamics, degraded and secondary forest characteristics and site-level restoration strategies, and application of Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) method were put forward to provide the basis for restoration and sustainable management of degraded and secondary forests.The system of contents and methods of FLR was constructed through field application of FLR in study area. Analyzing stakeholders, building support for FLR, understanding the landscape mosaic and its dynamics, analyzing driving forces, identifying site-level options and priority sites, developing site-level restoration strategies, making FLR plan, and Monitoring and evaluating are the contents and following steps to implement FLR. Stakeholder approach, balancing land-use trade-offs, joint decision-making and conflict management are the methods involved in the contents. The "double filter", public participation and adaptive management are the principles that must be followed in the whole process. These methods, principles and above steps constitute the system of contents and methods of FLR.Three RS data (in 1991, 1999 and 2008) are the source of baseline information in landscape pattern analysis of Lingshui Li Autonomous County. Based on RS information extraction, participatory subcompartment division and survey is the method to obtain the basic community-level data. In view of forest restoration and rehabilitation, system of forest landscape element types was set up, mainly including degraded primary forest, secondary forest, degraded forest land and plantation. In order to provide the basis for identification of priority sites and making FLR plan, landscape pattern and dynamics of study area were analyzed with landscape indices method and Markov model was established to forecast its development tendency.The dominant forces responsible for changes on forest landscape were identified using transition probability matrix and the participatory approach. The results show that forestry policies and key programs are the dominant factors which cause the increase of forest quantity and quality during the period of 1991 to 2008 in Lingshui Li Autonomous County. Reducing rural poverty through development, livelihood development, village greening and farm-shelter, sand excavation, pond culture and tourism development are important factors in the changes on forest landscape in different area of the county. Forest landscape dynamics during 1990 to 2009 in Dagan FLR demonstration area is the joint results caused by several driving forces, such as the basic living allowances, policies of poverty alleviation, prices of forest products and traditional practices.Based on the analysis of characteristics of degraded and secondary forests, the site-level restoration strategies were developed. Degraded primary forest has integrity community structure. Most of valuable trees in the sub-storey I in arbor storey have been used while there are many valuable native trees with better stem form such as Dalbergia odorifera, Hopea exalata,Vatica mangachapoi and Litchi chinensis because of the di-sturbances such as repeated selective cutting. Shrub storey and grass storey in forest stands have rich species and valuable tree saplings and seedlings.The basic rstoration strategy for Degraded primary forest can be persued protection and artifical measures promoting natural regeneration. Compared to degraded primary forest, secondary forest has simple community structure and low diversity, but with valuable native trees and timber species in arbor storey .Protection and enrichment planting are the management strategies for secondary forest. protective "decompression" is the main strategy for collective-owned secondary forest while enrichment planting combined with protection is the suitable strategy for individual-owned secondary forest. Species for enrichment planting should be valuable native trees, such as Dalbergia odorifera, Hopea exalata. The rehabilitation strategy for degraded forest land focuses primarily on tree-planting. Meanwhile, residual tree seedlings should be protected as much as possible. Planting live green fence is one of the effective measures for protection of degraded and secondary forests.The Results of study on the appilication of PRA at the community level show that the most improtant information related to FLR in Dagan village could be got by PRA method and PRA was the effective approch to help community residents and other stakeholders to participate in FLR activities. PRA provided a proactive and effective approach for implementation of FLR and could embodies the public participation of FLR theory.


