

The Study on China’s Bamboo Technical Standards System Constructing

【作者】 侯新毅

【导师】 江泽慧;

【作者基本信息】 中国林业科学研究院 , 木材科学与技术, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 我国既是竹子资源大国,也是竹产业大国。竹子种类、分布范围和竹林面积均居世界首位,共有竹子约42属,500余种,竹林面积约421万hm2,占国土面积的0.5%,占全国森林面积的2.8%。尤其近年来,随着科学技术的发展,竹子的开发利用正处在从生产生活用材向工业用材转变的重要阶段,其资源开发的广度、深度不断拓展,产品门类不断增加。然而,目前我国的竹子标准化工作相对滞后。主要表现在:竹子标准化战略不明晰、竹子标准化滞后于产业发展、具体标准的制定缺乏协调、标准内容陈旧。在一定程度上,竹子标准化的落后已经成为影响和制约我国竹产业发展的重要瓶颈因素之一。标准化对规范和约束产品质量,推动科技进步和科技成果应用,促进建立正常的国际贸易秩序的作用远未发挥出来。而有效推动竹子标准化工作,研究和构建竹子技术标准体系具有十分重要的的理论意义和应用价值。标准体系是一定范围内的标准按其内在联系形成的科学有机整体,是包括现有、应用和预计发展的标准的全面蓝图,也是这一领域内编制标准,制修订规划和计划的重要依据。竹子技术标准体系由标准系统要素、标准体系结构和竹子技术标准明细表三部分构成,是竹子标准化工作有序开展的基础和重要依据。本研究以标准化系统工程为理论基础和方法论指导,将其应用于竹子技术标准体系构建。通过对标准化系统工程的内涵、方法论空间、对象系统分析、组织实施程序等与竹产业发展实际的有效结合,形成了标准化系统工程在竹子技术标准体系构建中的应用思路。即在国内外竹子标准化现状研究的基础上,将标准化系统工程与竹产业发展实际紧密结合,系统开展竹子标准系统、竹子技术标准依存主体系统和竹子标准系统要素分析,力求构建结构化的竹子技术标准体系框架模型和竹子技术标准明细表,并探讨竹子技术标准体系组织实施的策略和建议。研究中,从竹子标准化的目标和需求分析着手,依据标准系统的结构构建理论,构建出了结构化的竹子技术标准体系框架模型:主要包括由静态组成结构、动态时序结构、产品形态发展结构与认识论空间相结合,形成的竹子技术标准依存主体总体构成模型;由平行分解方式、树状结构形式、支撑结构形式与产业发展时序结构相结合,形成的竹子技术标准体系时-空有序结构模型;由标准的属性空间与系统工程的方法论空间相结合,形成的竹子技术标准体系方法论空间模型。这种覆盖全产业链的结构化的标准体系结构,符合竹产业发展现状,能够确保竹子标准体系的完整性、系统性,也是竹子标准体系功能实现的基础。以竹子技术标准体系的结构模型为依据,在系统开展竹子技术标准要素分析的基础上,结合GB/T 13016—91《标准体系表编制原则和要求》的规定,建立了竹子技术标准体系表的层次结构示意图和层次结构格式。层次结构示意图由竹子通用标准、专业基础标准、门类基础标准和具体技术标准四个层次构成;层次结构格式由竹产业大系统,资源培育和综合加工利用2个分系统,以及种质资源保护、种苗繁育、竹子造林、竹林经营、笋竹食品生产利用、原竹加工利用、竹日用品生产利用、竹人造板生产利用、竹结构设计与利用、竹材热解利用、竹纤维生产利用11个子系统构成,且大系统、分系统、子系统和具体标准之间的关系为支撑关系。将竹子技术标准方法论空间模型与标准系统要素分析相结合,编制出结构化的竹子技术标准明细表,共计列出标准210项。其中,资源培育分系统包括标准53项,综合加工利用分系统包括标准153项;有竹子通用基础标准5项,竹子专业基础标准8项,竹子门类基础标准36项,竹子具体技术标准161项;列为国家标准50项,列为行业标准160项;有强制性标准20项,推荐性标准190项;在技术标准类型中,有技术工艺标准78项,有产品标准54项,有检验试验标准21项,卫生和健康标准5项,环境标准5项,设计标准2项。此外,对竹子技术标准体系的组织实施基础进行了深入分析,并提出了六项对策和建议:一是应逐步建立符合市场需求和产业发展现状的竹子标准化管理体制和运行机制;二是应强化竹藤标准化技术委员会的宏观管理和统一协调职能,弱化其微观的标准制订职能,积极扩大以企业为主体的利益相关方对标准体系实施和具体标准制订的参与;三是应系统开展竹子标准的清理整顿工作,同时加快推进竹子标准化基础科研工作,提高标准制订的质量和水平;四是应建立与竹子技术标准体系实施相适应的竹产品监督检验和质量认证体系,使竹子标准体系的实施落到实处;五是应建立竹子技术标准信息化工作平台,增强竹子标准体系实施、管理和信息发布的公开性、透明性;六是积极参与竹子国际和区域标准化活动,积极推动国际标准化组织组建与竹产品相关的技术委员会,尤其要力争以我国竹子技术标准体系为基础,探索建立全球竹子技术标准的框架和蓝图。

【Abstract】 China is a big country both in bamboo resources and bamboo industry. China’s bamboo species, distribution range and bamboo forest area are top first in the world. There are about a total of 42 generas and 500 species bamboo, and the bamboo forest area is about 4.21 million hm2, accounting for 0.5% of land area and 2.8% of forest area. Especially in recent years, with the science and technology development, utilization and development of bamboo is in the transformation stage from the production and living materials to the industrial materials. The breadth and depth of bamboo utilization is continuously expanding, and the product categories are also on the rise. However, at present China’s bamboo standardization is still backward, which mainly present in four aspects. First, bamboo standardization strategy is unclear. Second, bamboo standardization lags behind the bamboo industry development. Third, bamboo specific standard setting is lack of coordination. Fourth, the contents of bamboo standards are relevant obsolete. Therefore, in some degree the backward bamboo standardization has become a major bottleneck factor for influence and restricting the development of bamboo industry. The role of standardization in regulation and restriction product quality, promoting technology progress and science & technology achievements application, and developing the normal bamboo products international trade order are not bring into full play.For effectively promoting bamboo standardization work, researching and building bamboo technology standard system will play an important role. Standard system is a scientific and organic whole formed by a range of standard according their internal relations, and is also the blueprint for existing standards and new standards expected to develop. At the same time, standard system is an important basis for drawing up standard and development and revision plans and programs. Bamboo technology standard system consisted by three parts: system elements, system structure and technology standards list, which is a very important basis and foundation for carrying out bamboo standardization work.In this study, standardization system engineering was used as theory and methodology guidance for building bamboo technology standard system. Through effective combining standardization system engineering’s connotation, methodology of space, object systems analysis, and organization implementation procedures with bamboo industry practical development, the application ideas of standardization system engineering in bamboo technology standard system building have been formed. That is on the basis of researching home and aboard bamboo standardization status quo, closely integrate standardization system engineering with bamboo industry practical development, systematically study and analyse bamboo standard system, bamboo technology standard relying subjects’object system and bamboo standard system elements, and strive to build structured bamboo technology standard system framework model and bamboo technology standard list. At the same time, to deep research the organization and implementation strategies and suggestions of bamboo technology standard system.In this study, according to the structure construction theory of standard system, starting from the targets and needs analysis, a structured bamboo technology standard system framwork model has been created. The model includes three aspects. The first is overall composition model of bamboo technology standards relying subjects, which shaped by static composition stucture, dynamic temporal structure, product form development structure combining with epistemology space. The second is spatiotemporal ordered structure model of bamboo technology standard system, which shaped by the parallel decomposition method, tree structure, support structure combining with temporal structure of bamboo industry. The third is methodology space model of bamboo technology standard system, which shaped by standard attribute space combining with methodology space of system engineering. This structured and covered the whole industry chain standard system model is consistent with the bamboo industry development status, can ensure the holistic and systemic properties of bamboo standard system, and also is the basis of standard system function realization.Based on bamboo technology standard system model, combined the bamboo technology standard system elements analysis with GB/T 13016-91’s (Principles and requirements for preparing diagrams of standard system) requirements, the hierarchical structure schematic diagram and the hierarchical structure format of bamboo technology standard list have been established. The former consisted of bamboo general standards, professional basis standards, category basis standards and specific technology standards. The later consisted of bamboo industry big system; bamboo resource cultivation and bamboo comprehensive processing and utilization 2 subsystems; bamboo germplasm protection, bamboo germchit culture, bamboo afforestation, bamboo forest management, bamboo shoot and bamboo food utilization, solid bamboo processing and utilization, bamboo commodities processing and utilization, bamboo based panel processing and utilization, bamboo structure utilization, bamboo thermal decomposition products utilization and bamboo fibers processing and utilization 11 small systems. And the relationship between the big system, subsystems, small systems and specific technology standards is support relationship.Combined the methodology space model of bamboo technology standard system with system elements analysis, the bamboo technology standard list was created, which contains 210 standards. Among these, bamboo resource cultivation subsystems have 53 standards and bamboo comprehensive processing and utilization subsystems have 153 standards. And also in that, there are 5 bamboo general standards, 8 bamboo professional basis standards, 36 category basis standards and 161 bamboo specific technical standards; 50 national standards and 160 industrial standards; 20 mandatory standards and 190 recommended Standards. Among the types of standards, there are 78 technology and process standards, 54 product standards, 21 inspection and test standards, 5 sanitation and health standards, 5 environment standards and 2 design StandardsFurthermore, in this study organization and implementation of bamboo technology standard system has also been analyzed, and six countermeasures and suggestions are given. The first is to establish the bamboo standardization management regime and operation mechanism which can conform to market demand and bamboo industry practical development. The second is enhancing the macro-management and unified coordination functions for national bamboo and rattan standardization technical committee, and weakening its microscopic management functions in standard setting. Actively expand other stakeholders, especially for enterprises, to participant in standard system implementation and specific standard setting. The third is to systematically carry out standard cleaning-up and rectification work, while accelerating the foundational scientific research work of bamboo standardization, and enhancing the quality and level of standard-setting. The forth is to establish bamboo product supervision, inspection and quality certification system, so that the implementation of the bamboo standard system can be into practice. The fifth is to establish informationlization work platform for bamboo standardization, and increase the openness and transparency of bamboo standard system implementation, management and information dissemination. The sixth is to actively participate in international and regional standardization activities of bamboo, actively promote ISO to set up technical committees related bamboo products, and in particular strive to explore the establishment of global bamboo technology standard framework and blueprint on the basis of China’s bamboo technology standard system.


