

Evaluation of Existing Forest Management Models in Xiaolongshan Gansu Province

【作者】 袁士云

【导师】 张守攻;

【作者基本信息】 中国林业科学研究院 , 森林培育, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本研究在分析林分经营模式评价及与其相关领域研究现状的基础上,对小陇山现有林分经营技术进行了总结,遴选了次生林综合培育技术体系的天然阔叶林抚育、天然阔叶林改造—人工更新、天然灌木林带状改造—人工更新及天然灌木林全面改造—人工更新等四个类型9个林分经营模式(以下简称模式),以及近自然森林经营技术体系中引进与示范的天然阔叶林目标树单株经营模式和结构化森林经营技术体系中示范与推广的天然阔叶林林分结构优化调整模式等11个林分经营模式为研究对象,以地带性近原始林—锐齿栎天然阔叶混交异龄林为参照林分,对研究林分的现实状态特征进行了分析,完善了描述林分状态特征的指标体系。运用遗传距离和相对差异率方法,分析了经营林分与参照林分的状态特征差异。提出了基于技术合理性和经济可行性的模式有效性评价方法,对11种模式进行了有效性评价。根据评价结果,对小陇山次生林经营技术体系和典型模式的改进提出了建议。研究得出如下主要结论:(1)构建了林分经营模式有效性评价方法。运用改进的林分状态特征指标体系,描述研究林分的状态特征;运用遗传距离和相对差异率比较方法,对不同林分之间具有分布属性和非分布属性的结构状态特征差异性进行量化分析。以单位用工使经营林分接近自然生长林分(参照林分)的程度度量经营模式的技术合理性;以单位用工在经营林分中获取的木材数量度量经营模式的经济可行性;综合模式的技术合理性和经济可行性综合评价林分经营模式的有效性。(2)给出了11个经营林分的平均差异性分析结果。以地带性近原始林为参照得知,天然阔叶林类型的模式,其林分的状态特征与参照林分更为接近,改造更新形成的人工林类型的模式则差异较大。天然阔叶林类型的模式中,“天然阔叶林皆伐—补植油松—则恢复模式”(模式1)的差异最小,天然阔叶林目标树单株经营模式(模式4)最大;改造更新类型的人工林类型模式中,“天然灌木林带状改造—人工更新油松—未抚育模式”(模式8)最小,“天然灌木林全面改造—人工更新日本落叶松-抚育模式”(模式11)最大。差异性分析结果与研究林分的现实状态基本一致。(3)研究结果显示,天然阔叶林类型模式的林分组成和空间利用程度与参照林分的差异较小;改造更新的人工林类型的模式,其林分与参照林分的差异则十分明显。以不同类别的指标分析经营林分状态与参照林分的差异性得出:模式1的林分组成与参照林分的差异最小,灌木林全面改造-人工更新油松-抚育模式(模式10)的差异最大。模式3的林分空间利用与参照林分的差异最小,模式11的差异最大。模式5的物种多样性与参照林分差异最小,模式11差异最大。模式1的林分活力与参照林分差异最小,灌木林带状改造-人工更新华山松-未抚育模式(模式7)差异最大。(4)通过单位用工使经营林分接近自然生长林分(参照林分)的程度度量林分经营模式的技术合理性,反映了林分经营模式的实施成本和模式实现经营目标的程度。评价结果为,“天然阔叶林林分结构优化调整模式”(模式3)的技术合理性最好,模式4次之,次生林综合培育技术体系的模式均较差。次生林综合培育技术体系的9个模式中,天然阔叶林择伐抚育模式(模式2)技术合理性最好,天然灌木林全面改造-人工更新油松-抚育模式(模式6)最差。(5)研究得知,小陇山林区林分经营成本主要为用工成本,以单位用工在经营林分中获取的木材数量度量经营模式的经济可行性,符合小陇山林区的实际。评价结果为,模式4经济可行性最好,模式3与模式4几乎相同,次生林综合培育体系的林分经营模式明显较差。次生林综合培育技术体系的9个模式中,天然阔叶林抚育类型的模式经济可行性较好,天然灌木林全面改造更新类型的模式经济可行性较差,灌木林带状改造-人工更新类型的模式没有木材产出,经济可行性最差。(6)模式有效性评价得出的量化表达结果,完全切合小陇山林分经营实际。以技术合理性和经济可行性综合评价模式有效性,结果如下:模式3技术有效性最好,模式4次之,次生林综合培育体系的模式有效性明显较差。次生林综合培育体系的9个模式中,天然阔叶林类型比改造更新形成的人工林类型更为有效。天然阔叶林类型中,模式2较好,模式1较差。改造更新形成的人工林类型中,天然阔叶林改造更新类型的模式有效性较好,天然灌木林全面改造更新类型次之,天然灌木林带状改造更新类型较差;其中模式8有效性最好,模式11有效性最差。(7)对小陇山次生林综合培育技术体系的改进进行了探讨,提出了现有林分经营模式改进的原则和方法,给出了7种林分经营模式改进示例。总之,以地带性近原始林为参照评价经营林分技术合理性的差异性分析方法,丰富了林分差异性比较研究内容。基于模式技术合理性和经济可行性,评价林分经营模式有效性的方法,拓展了森林经营效果评价的途径,具有一定的实用性。

【Abstract】 The models of existing forest stand management (MFSM) in Xiaolongshan, Gansu Province were summarized based on the stand structure and production evaluation in this study, Totally 11 kinds of MFSM under 3 forest management technical systems were selected for study and a zonal climax community—Quercus aliena var. acutiserrata near primary forest was defined as the reference forest stand. There are 9 kinds of MFSM under the secondary forest comprehensive silvicuture technical system, the model of stand structure optimization adjustment under the forest management based on stand structure optimization technical system, and the model of target trees cultivation under the close to natural forest management technical system in all of the MFSM. The differences of state characteristics between MFSM stands and reference stand were analyzed by means of the genetic distance analysis and relative difference ratio based on improved indicators, and the method of effectiveness evaluation on management models was proposed including technical rationality and economic feasibility. The suggestions how to improve forest management technology system of secondary forest and management models of typical stands in Xiaolongshan forest area were proposed according to the results of effectiveness evaluation of the 11 kinds of forest management models. The main conclusions were as follows:(1) The effective evaluation method of stand management models was established. The characteristics of MFSM stand were described using improved indicators. The difference of structure state features with distribution and non-distribution was quantitatively analyzed using the genetic distance method and relative difference ratio respectively. The technical rationality of MFSM was measured by the extent of the management stand close to natural stand (reference forest stand) in unit labor; the economic feasibility of management models was measured by timber quantity obtained in unit labor; the effectiveness was synthetically evaluated based on its technical rationality and economic feasibility.(2) The result of difference analyzing between 11 kinds of MFSM stands and reference forest stand was presented in the study. The state features of natural type of MFSM stands were closer to the zonal climax community than the plantation stand of transformation-regeneration type. In the type of natural forest MFSM, the difference of state characteristics from reference stand was the smallest for the model of clear cutting of natural forest-replanted Pinus tabulaeformis -natural restoration (Model 1),the model of target trees cultivation (Model 4) was the largest. However, in the type of transformation—artificial regeneration MFSM, the differences of the model of overall transformation of shrubbery artificial regenerated by Pinus armandii—no tending (Model 8) were the smallest compared with the reference stand, whereas the model of overall transformation of shrubbery—artificial regenerated by Larix kaempferi—tending (Model 11) was the largest.(3) The results of difference analysis using different indicators showed that the difference of forest stand composition and space utilization was not significant between the stand type of natural forest MFSM and the reference stand, but the difference between the stands of transformation—artificial regenerated and the reference stand was significant. The terms of stand composition showed the difference between Model 1 and the reference stand was the smallest, whereas the difference between the overall transformation of shrubbery—artificial regenerated by P. tabulaeformis—tending (Model 10) and the reference was the largest. In term of space utilization, the difference of optimization adjustment of natural forest stand structure (Model 3) was the smallest compared with the reference stand, but the Model 11 was the largest. In term of species diversity, the difference of Model 5 was the smallest compared with the reference stand, but the Model 11 was the largest. .In term of vigor, the difference of Model 1 was the smallest compared with the reference stand, but the belt transformation of shrubbery—artificial regenerated by P. armandii—no tending (Model 7) was the largest difference.(4) The analysis of the technical rationality of MFSM showed Model 3 was best followed by Model 4, both of which were significantly better than all models of secondary forest comprehensive cultivation. In type of secondary forest comprehensive cultivation, the selective cutting of natural forest (Model 2) was the best one on technical rationality, whereas the Model 10 was the lowest one. The evaluation results of the technical rationality reflected not only the economical cost of MFSM, but also the level of realization of MFSM goal.(5) The economic feasibility of the Model 4 was the highest and was similar to the Model 3, but all models of comprehensive cultivation were lower. In models of secondary forest comprehensive cultivation, the economic feasibility of natural regeneration type was higher than shrubbery overall transformation-artificial regeneration type, and the belt transformation of shrubbery—artificial regeneration type was lower because of without timber production. The main economical cost of MFSM in XLS was labor, which conformed to the actual situation in XLS forest area that the economic feasibility of management models measured by timber quantity which was obtained in unit labor.(6) The effectiveness of MFSM was comprehensively evaluated based on its technical rationality and economic feasibility. The Model 3 was the most effective, and Model 4 was the second, both of which were more effective than all models of secondary forest comprehensive cultivation system .The effectiveness value of Model 3 was 8.334, and Model 4 was 7.047, respectively, the value of other models≤4.333.In 9 of the secondary forest comprehensive cultivation, the model of natural forest management was more effective than that of transformation—artificial regeneration. Among models of natural forest management, the Model 2 was better, whereas the Model 1 was worse. However, in the type of transformation—artificial regeneration, the effectiveness of transformation of natural forest was higher than the belt transformation of shrubbery and the models of overall transformation of shrubbery were the lowest. Among these, the model of belt transformation of shrubbery—artificial regeneratedby P. Tabulaeformis- not tending (Model 8) were the best, and the Model 11 was the worst.(7) The technical systems about how to improve the secondary forest comprehensive cultivation in XLS forest area was discussed, a suggestion to improve existing forest management models was made, and 7 kind of demonstrate models were presented in this study.The difference analysis method, which was used to evaluate technical rationality of forest management models with the zonal climax community as reference system enriched the content of stand difference comparison, and the effectiveness evaluation method of forest management models based on the technical rationality and economic feasibility could be a new choice to evaluate the forest management model.


