

Effect of Early Enviormental Experience on Environment Selection and Preference of Laying Hens

【作者】 齐琳

【导师】 包军;

【作者基本信息】 东北农业大学 , 动物营养与饲料科学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 国内外对动物环境选择及偏爱的研究多集中在野生动物上,对于动物环境选择是先天行为(遗传)还是后天学习行为所决定,一直存在争议,但对于家畜尤其是家禽的环境选择与偏爱的研究很少,国内对蛋鸡环境选择与偏爱的研究未见报道。本试验通过研究早期经验,社会因素,后期经验,食物诱饵对蛋鸡环境选择与偏爱的作用,揭示各种因素及其复合作用对蛋鸡环境选择与偏爱的影响和各种因素在蛋鸡环境选择与偏爱中的相互作用。动物的行为是先天遗传和后天学习两个成分的复合,环境经验对于动物行为的形成与表达起到很重要的作用,本试验通过研究早期环境经验和后期环境经验对蛋鸡行为的作用,来揭示不同早期环境经验和不同后期环境经验对蛋鸡行为的形成和表达的影响。本试验通过不同因素影响下蛋鸡环境选择后在两个环境(户外散养环境,笼养环境)的时间比较,以及经历了两个环境饲养后的蛋鸡的环境选择与偏爱及其偏爱程度的研究来揭示蛋鸡偏爱于哪一种环境及偏爱程度。本研究通过经历笼养环境蛋鸡和户外散养环境蛋鸡行为的差异比较以及经过两种环境饲养蛋鸡与只经过一种环境饲养的蛋鸡的行为差异比较,来评价哪种环境利于蛋鸡的积极行为表达,哪种环境抑制蛋鸡的积极行为的发挥。本研究通过对蛋鸡环境选择与偏爱和环境经验对行为影响的研究,为评价哪种环境对蛋鸡是正向刺激,符合其身心需要及行为需求,哪种环境对蛋鸡是负向刺激,不满足其身心需要及行为需求提供科学依据。试验设计:试验1和试验2分别选用了两批蛋鸡,每个试验的蛋鸡分别进入两种不同环境进行饲养,分别是户外散养环境和笼养环境。试验1的分组试验设计:A组:户外散养鸡;B组:笼养鸡;C组:户外散养鸡,伙伴拴户外环境,非伙伴拴笼子;D组:笼养鸡,伙伴拴笼子,非伙伴拴户外环境;E组:户外散养鸡,伙伴拴笼子,非伙伴拴户外环境;F组:笼养鸡,伙伴拴户外环境,非伙伴拴笼子试验2的分组试验设计:K组:户外散养鸡;L组:笼养鸡;M组:户外散养鸡转笼养两周;N组:笼养鸡转户外散养两周;O组:户外散养鸡转笼养两周,伙伴拴户外环境,非伙伴拴笼子;P组:笼养鸡转户外散养两周,伙伴拴笼子,非伙伴拴户外环境;Q组:户外散养鸡转笼养两周,伙伴拴笼子,非伙伴拴户外环境。R组:笼养蛋鸡转户外环境,伙伴拴模拟户外环境,非伙伴拴笼子;S组:户外散养蛋鸡转笼养环境,两边放笼子,一侧放食物;V组:笼养蛋鸡转户外环境,笼子放食物;T组:户外散养蛋鸡转笼养环境,笼子放食物;U组:笼养蛋鸡转户外环境,两边是笼子,一侧放食物。试验条件由半封闭饲养暗箱,选择装置(全封闭暗箱+选择通道),模拟户外环境,笼子组成。用由电脑控制的录像系统对试验进行全方位的全程录像。每组鸡分别从相应环境中选出12只鸡,在半封闭暗箱中饲养3天,拴伙伴组由12只中选出一只拴在指定环境里作为伙伴,从与试验蛋鸡饲养环境相反的环境中选出一只作为非伙伴拴在另一个指定环境里。每组随机选出其中10只鸡进行试验,每只试验鸡都是从半封闭暗箱中轻轻推入全封闭暗箱中,封闭5分钟后开启闸门,让鸡能够进入选择通道进行选择。每次试验录像记录1小时,试验后通过观察录像,记录各种试验参数并进行统计分析。试验结果及结论:1当蛋鸡只经历一种环境饲养并没有其它因素影响时,蛋鸡大多数选择早期所经历的饲养环境。表明当没有其他因素影响时,早期经验对蛋鸡环境选择有很强烈的影响。2社会作用虽然对早期户外散养环境饲养的蛋鸡的环境选择产生了影响,但没有改变早期经验对户外散养鸡的环境选择的主导作用;当伙伴拴在户外环境里时,社会作用使户外散养环境对于笼养鸡的吸引力显著加强,使笼养鸡大多数转变为选择户外散养环境,表明笼养鸡并不喜欢它们早期生活的笼养环境。3早期户外散养的蛋鸡在经历笼养环境饲养后,选择户外环境的比例显著上升,表明后期笼养环境经验无法改变蛋鸡的早期户外散养环境经验建立的环境选择倾向;早期笼养鸡在经历户外散养环境饲养后,大多数转变为选择户外散养环境,与只经历笼养环境的蛋鸡相比,差异显著,表明后期户外散养环境经验会改变蛋鸡的早期笼养环境经验建立的环境选择倾向。4所有的蛋鸡一旦经过两个环境饲养后(笼养和户外散养),绝大多数都会选择户外散养环境,表明蛋鸡偏爱户外散养环境。5即使在笼子一侧放上食物或伙伴,都无法改变经历两个环境饲养的蛋鸡对于户外散养环境的选择倾向,表明蛋鸡偏爱户外散养环境的强烈程度。6所有的试验蛋鸡无论先选择什么环境,在整个观察过程里,在户外散养环境中的时间都明显高于在笼子里的时间,差异显著。表明所有蛋鸡都偏爱户外散养环境。蛋鸡对户外散养环境的偏爱表明户外散养环境更符合蛋鸡的身心需求。7早期户外散养蛋鸡的行为要好于早期笼养蛋鸡,沙浴,展翅,修饰,觅食,探求等表达天性的自然行为明显多于笼养蛋鸡,而消极行为如刻板行为明显少于笼养蛋鸡,表明蛋鸡的早期环境经验对蛋鸡行为的形成影响显著,表明户外散养环境好于笼养环境,有利于蛋鸡自然天性的表达,更符合蛋鸡的身心需要和行为需求。8早期笼养的蛋鸡经历户外散养环境饲养后,表达天性的自然行为明显增多,刻板行为明显降低,说明后期环境经验对蛋鸡的行为起到了明显的修饰作用,表明户外散养环境是积极的环境刺激,会释放蛋鸡表达自然天性行为的潜能。9早期户外散养环境饲养的蛋鸡经历笼养后,表达天性的自然行为明显减少,刻板行为明显升高,说明后期环境经验对蛋鸡的行为起到了明显的修饰作用,表明笼养环境是消极的环境刺激,会限制蛋鸡的行为表达,会抑制蛋鸡表达自然天性行为的潜能。

【Abstract】 The research on enviorment selection and preference mainly focuses on wild animal in our country and abroad。There is a constant dispute on what is the main determinant of enviorment selection.But the research on enviorment selection and preference for livestock are very few,especially on fowl .This research reveals not only the effect of different factors, their combined action on enviorment selection and preference ,but also the interaction of different factors in enviorment selection and preference by studing the effect of early experience, social factor,later experience,food bait on enviorment selection and preference.Animal behavior is formed by two components which are congenital genetic factors and acquired factors.enviormental experience is very important for formation and expression of animal behavior. This research reveals the effect of different early enviormental experience and different later enviormental experience on the formation and expression of laying hens’behavior by studing the effect of different early enviormental experience and different later enviormental experience on laying hens’behavior.The research reveals which enviorment laying hens prefer and the level of the preference by not only comparing the time of staying in different enviorments of laying hens after their enviorment selection under the effect of different factors but also the enviorment selection and preference ,preference’s level of laying hens which have experienced both enviorments. The research appraises which enviorment is good for the expression of laying hens’positive behaviour and which experiment restrains the expression of laying hens’positive behaviour by not only the comparison of behaviors’differences between the laying hens which have experienced captive enviorment and the laying hens which have experienced outdoor enviorment but also the comparison of behaviors’differences between the laying hens which have experienced two enviorments and the laying hens which have experienced only one enviorment .This experiment provides a scientific basis for appraising which enviorment is positive stimulus, consistent with their physical, psychological needs and behavioral needs, which enviorment is a negative stimulus, not consistent with their physical, psychological needs and behavioral needs by studing laying hens’enviorment selection and preference of laying hens, the effect of enviormental experience on behavior.Experiment designing: experiment1 and experiment 2 respectively select two groups of laying hens,the laying hens of each experiment are feeding in two different enviorments . the two different enviorments are free range outdoor outdoor enviorment and captive enviorment.Grouping in experiment 1: group A: laying hens feed in the outdoor enviorment,B: laying hens feed in cages,C: laying hens feed in the outdoor enviorment ,a companion was fastened in simulant out door enviorment, unacquainted lying hen was fastened in cage.group D: laying hens feed in cages,a companion was fastened in cage ]unacquainted lying hen was fastened in simulant outdoor enviorment, E: laying hens feed in the outdoor enviorment,a companion was fastened in cage ,unacquainted lying hen was fastened in simulant outdoor enviorment, F: laying hens feed in cages a companion was fastened in simulant outdoor enviorment, ]unacquainted lying hen was fastened in cageGrouping in experiment 2:group K: laying hens feed in the outdoor enviorment . group L: laying hens feed in cages.group M: laying hens feed in cages,,feed in cages for two week. group N:laying hens feed in cages, feed in the outdoor enviorment for two week .group O : laying hens feed in the outdoor enviorment , ,feed in cages for two week, a companion was fastened in simulant outdoor enviorment, ]unacquainted lying hen was fastened in cage. group P: laying hens feed in cages, ,feed in the outdoor enviorment for two week ,a companion was fastened in cage unacquainted lying hen was fastened in simulant outdoor enviorment.group Q: laying hens feed in the outdoor enviorment, ,feed in cages for two week ,a companion was fastened in cage unacquainted lying hen was fastened in simulant outdoor enviorment.group R : laying hens feed in cages ,feed in the outdoor enviorment for two week ,a companion was fastened in simulant outdoor enviorment, unacquainted lying hen was fastened in cage. group S: laying hens feed in the outdoor enviorment, ,feed in cages for two week,two cages were put next to both sides of the selection equipment ,one cage with food ,the other with no food.group U: laying hens feed in cages ,feed in the outdoor enviorment for two week , two cages were put next to both sides of the selection equipment ,one cage with food ,the other with no food.group T: laying hens feed in the outdoor enviorment, ,feed in cages for two week,the cage with food in the experiment.group V: laying hens feed in cages ,feed in the outdoor enviorment for two week , ,the cage with food in the experiment Experiment condition: semi-closed opaque box,selection equipment(all closed opaque box+ selection channel), the enviorment of simulant outdoor enviorment, cage. Record the whole process of the experiment from all points of view by using computer-controlled camera systerm.12 laying hens were radomly selected for each group,They were feed in semi-closed opaque box,for three days, 10 laying hens were randomly selected from 12 laying hensIf the experiment for some group need companion and unacquainted lying hen ,One lying hen was selected from the rest two laying hens as the companion ,and randomly select one unacquainted lying hen from the laying hens feed in the enviorment opposite to the enviorment which the experiment laying hens feed in Every lying hen was pushed gentally from semi-closed opaque box to all closed opaque box,. Five minutes later open the gate,the laying hens can go into the selection channel and select the enviorment. Record for one hour and a half by camera, every experimental record parameter by watching the video and statistical analysis.Experimental result and conclusion:1. Without the effect of other factors , early experience of the laying hens decide the enviorment the laying hens select in enviorment selection, most of the laying hens in the group select the enviorment which they experience in the early time.2. Social effect affect enviorment selection of the hens which were feed in the outdoor enviorment in the early time,but it can’t change the decisive effect of early experience to enviorment selection of laying hens which were feed in the outdoor enviorment in the early time; when the companion was fastened in simulant outdoor enviorment,Social effect make simulant outdoor enviorment have much more attractiveness to the laying hens feed in cage in early time. It make the laying hens feed incage in early time change to select outdoor enviorment for most of them. It make clear that they don’t like the enviorment they were feed in early time.3. Afer the laying hens which were feed in the outdoor enviorment experience being feed in cage , the proportion of selecting outdoor enviorment raise significantly for them. It make clear that if the enviorment the laying hens experience in later period is passive stimulus, the experience in later period can not change the gravitate of enviorment selection which was formed in early time. afer the laying hens which were feed in cage experience outdoor enviorment ,they changed to select outdoor enviorment for most of them, the discrepancy was significant, it showed that if the enviorment the laying hens experience in later period is positive stimulus, the experience in later period can revise the gravitate of enviorment selection which was formed in early time.4. After the laying hens experience both the two enviorment , most of them select the outdoor enviorment. It shows that laying hens prefer outdoor enviorment.5. Even if the food or companion was put in the cage, the gravitate of selecting outdoor enviorment can not be changed. It shows how strong the preference of outdoor enviorment to laying hens.6. No matter which enviorment the laying hens choose, in the whole observing process , the time they stay in outdoor enviorment is longer than the time they stay in the cage. The discrepancy is significant. It shows that all the laying hens prefer the outdoor enviorment, the outdoor enviorment is good for the body and mind of the laying hens.7. The behaviour of laying hens feed in outdoor enviorment is better than the behaviour of laying hens feed in cage. The behaviours of laying hens feed in outdoor enviorment which express natrual nature such as Dustbathing,spreading wings ,Preening, Foraging and seeking are more than that of laying hens feed in cage obviously. The passive behaviour of laying hens feed in outdoor enviorment such as Stereotaping are less than that of laying hens feed in cage obviously. It shows that the outdoor enviorment is good for displaying the natural nature,and meet the demand of body and mind for laying hens.the welfare of the outdoor enviorment is much better than the enviorment of cage.8. The laying hens feed in cage in early time experience the outdoor enviorment,the behaviour which display the nature raise obivously, the behaviour of Stereotaping decline obviously, it shows that the outdoor enviorment is positive enviorment stimulus,the outdoor enviorment can correct the behaviour of laying hens to good direction and release potency of displaying behaviour of nature.9. The laying hens feed in outdoor enviorment in early time experience the enviorment of cage,the behaviour which display the nature decline obivously, the behaviour of Stereotaping raise obviously, it shows that the outdoor enviorment is passive enviorment stimulus,the enviorment of cage restrict the displaying of normal behaviour for laying hens and restrain the potency of displaying behaviour of nature.


