

【作者】 刘欣

【导师】 林文勋;

【作者基本信息】 云南大学 , 中国古代史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 自上世纪初,日本学者内藤湖南提出唐宋社会变革论以来,中外学者普遍认同从唐末至宋代,中国古代社会发生了具有重大历史意义的转折。宋代是中国近世的开端,社会流动性空前加速,社会各阶层对自己身份地位不稳的担心,促使人们将自己或前人的一切切身切实的社会经验转化为对子孙的叮咛嘱托,以此避免家道的衰落。亲人之间的这种真情告白,不存在虚情假意,更不会说假话,因此其作为史料的客观性是不言而喻的。本文正是在此社会语境下以及在中国家训发展史的大背景下审视宋代家训,以期揭示其转型的内在根据和外在形态;进而通过家训这一文化载体来充分反映宋代社会的变迁。学术界对于这一课题,虽有涉及,但尚欠系统深入。家训准确的定义是什么?什么样的文献才算是家训文献?迄今为止还没有一部(篇)著作或论文对宋代家训做出完整科学的回答。本论文在充分吸收前贤研究成果、广泛收集、整理、考辨和分析家训资料的基础上,较科学地定义了宋代家训,总结出宋代家训的基本表现,对家训进行文体分类并对其中最具特色的“诗训”、“字说”作了个案解析,更对“家训”的起源作了科学的推断。家训史料的拓展与运用,既是本文所追求的目的更是本文的亮点。本文的研究视角更关注诸如家书、遗言、家长日常行为等不为人注意细节,对历来家训研究中所忽视的“母训”与“女教”形式也有说明。在此基础之上,本文深刻分析了宋代家训广泛出现的原因,并从家训写作手法,内容形式与写作目的上证明宋儒对家训的改造,最终使家训成为体现其教化权力,对乡土社会进行文化整合的有力工具。

【Abstract】 Since the beginning of 20th century when Japanese scholar Konan Naito proposed the Tang-Song Social Transformation, there was an important historic transition taking place from the late Tang to song dynasty that being widely received in academic community. Being the beginning of Chinese modern history, social liquidity in song dynasty accelerated unprecedentedly which made every social level worry about theirs status’s instability. In order to avoid the decline of family, people changed their or their forefathers’social experiences into prescription on offspring. There is no unction or stories in the sincerity vindicate among relatives that makes parental instruction become important historic materials. Under this social context, the article examines parental instruction of song dynasty in order to disclose the inward basis and outward conformation, to reflect enough the transformation of song dynasty through parental instruction.There is no systematic research on the subject. What is the exact content of parental instruction? What kind of document is the material of parental instruction? There is no one works or article doing systematic research on the subject up to now. Basing on the wide collection, arrangement, exploration and analysis, the article defines the concept of parental instruction of song dynasty, summarizes the basic representation, case studies the poem instruction and word instruction that the most secular representation of parental instruction, scientific concludes the source of parental instruction. The widening and application of historic materials of parental instruction is both the aim and the qualities of the article. The article concerns the unnoticed details such as family letters, dying declaration and patriarchal routine behaviors, illuminates the mother’s instruction and female instruction that being ignored by most researchers. The article analyzes the reason of wide emergence of parental instruction in song dynasty, verifies parental instruction has become a strong instrument that embodies the scholar’s cultivation right and cultural integration in the local society through the transformation of parental instruction made by scholars in song dynasty.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 云南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 01期
  • 【分类号】K244
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】1636

