

【作者】 郑岩

【导师】 姚念慈;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 清史·满族史, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 清代是中国历史上最后一个封建王朝,也是继蒙古建立的元朝之后,又一个由北方民族—满洲族建立的全国统一政权。清朝入关前的历史,被称为“清朝前史”,亦即清朝势力的兴起史。“清朝势力”的形成,是一个历史过程,从“建州女真”发展为“满族”这个民族共同体,再到“清朝势力”的兴起,这三者是“清代前史”这一历史阶段中三个历史时期连续发展的产物。本文首先着重于对建州女真早期发展史的研究。本文试图探究建州女真在明朝统治下在东北地区的活动,以建州女真早期发展的历史为主线,涉及建州三卫及毛怜卫的的概况,包括其崛起、发展和中衰的过程以及建州女真的具体活动情况,并试图揭露出清先世曾经臣服明廷,曾受建州卫指挥之职的一系列史实。本文的时间断限从明朝建立的洪武元年(1368)至成化三年(1467),内容包括百年间建州女真从兴起到衰落的经过,从洪武年间阿哈出归降,永乐元年建立建州卫到成化三年董山伏诛、李满住被杀,建州女真中衰的这一历史过程。其次,本文利用现有的资料和研究成果,对于建州女真早期历史的具体问题,如关于建州女真的居地和迁徙,建州女真首领家族谱系进行比较分析研究,对于孟森先生在《明元清系通纪》中的观点、结论加以评论,从而来检讨孟森先生对清先世研究的开创性贡献。本文第一章通过对《明实录》和《朝鲜李朝实录》中相关史料的梳理,对明前期建州女真的卫所的初置地点、居地变迁,建州女真首领的家族谱系做一考察,并对孟森先生等学者的观点进行了分析、评价。本文第二章着重论述洪武、永乐年间设立建州卫、毛怜卫及建州左卫的过程,建州女真这三个卫所的建立,标志着建州女真这个集团的形成。本文第三章着重论述建州女真发展的过程。永乐末年,建州女真(建州卫、建州左卫和毛怜卫)的首领及部众跟从永乐帝征讨蒙古,得到明朝的恩赏;仁宣时期,建州卫女真人寇掠朝鲜、被朝鲜攻伐,被迫移居婆猪江;建州左卫首领猛哥帖木儿帮助明朝招谕叛逃之杨木答兀,与长子阿古同被杀害;由于建州左卫无主,猛哥弟凡察与猛哥子董山争卫印,明朝析置建州右卫以解决建州左卫女真的内部争端。本文第四章着重论述建州女真发展到正统后期,凡察、董山、李满住任建州女真首领。由于这些人贪欲渐生,见利忘义,不断寇掠明朝辽东和朝鲜,招致明朝愤怒,与朝鲜军队联合讨伐建州女真,诛杀了李满住和董山,凡察的继任者纳郎哈也于次年被杀,建州女真这些首领的被杀,导致了建州女真的一度中衰。本文的附篇中就《明元清系通纪》中提出的满洲源流、清世祖及爱新觉罗家族世系问题,在爬梳史料的基础上进行了探讨。建州女真的早期历史不仅对清朝的建立、发展起着至关重要的作用,在某种程度上,也影响着中国历史的进程。

【Abstract】 Qing Dynasty is the last feudal dynasty in Chinese history, and was established by the northern ethnic group—Manchues. The history before its entering the Shanhai Pass is called "Pre-history of the Qing Dynasty", which means the rise of the Qing forces in history. The formation of the Qing forces is a historical process, which includes the process from the history of" Jianzhou Nuzhen ", and then to a national community which is called "Manchues", and finally to the "Qing forces".These three are the products of continuous development of the "Pre-history of the Qing Dynasty" period.This thesis focuses on the early development of the Jianzhou Nuzhen, and attempting to explore this issue from the process of the construction, development to its decline. This article covers the first year of Hongwu period(1368) in Ming Dynasty to the third year of Chenghua period (1467), which includes one-hundred-year history.ChapterⅠuses the existing information and researched results to do some research on some specific issues of Jianzhou Nuzhen, such as the original address of the location and its changes. As well this thesis is attempting to make comments on Mr. Meng Sen’s groundbreaking research on the ancestor of the Emperor’s family in Qing Dynasty.ChapterⅡfocuses on the issues of the establishment and formation of Jianzhou Wei, Maolian Wei and Jianzhouzuo Wei in Yongli period. The establisnment of the above three Wei is a symbol of the group of Jianzhou Nuzhen。ChapterⅢfocuses on the developing process of Jianzhou Nuzhen. In Yong Le period, Jianzhou Nuzhen followed Emperor Yongle to conquer the Mongolia. In Hongxi and Xuande periods, Jianzhou Nuzhen moved to Pozhu River. Monge Temur-the leader of Jianzhouzuo Wei helped the Ming government to pacify a beyrayed armyman--Yangnmudawu, and at last he himself and his eldest son were killed by Yang. After Monge’s death, the Ming government settled another Wei-Jianzhouyou Wei.ChapterⅣfocuses on the decline period of Jianzhou Nuzhen. In Tianshun and Chenhua periods, Fancha, Dong Shan and Li Manzhu were the leaders of Jianzhou San Wei. Because of their greed, they led their group people to invaded and robbed in Korea and Liaodong in China. The Ming army jointed Korean forces to crusade against Jianzhou Nuzhen. Dongshan and Li Manzhu were killed in this battle. This led Jianzhou Nuzhen once in decline.The last part is attachments, including two articles, discussing the issues of the source term, time of occurrence and significance of Manchu, and the ancestors, the heritage of the Aixinjueluo family. And also analyzes and evaluates Mr. Meng Sen’s the point of view.The early historuy of Jianzhou Nuzhen influnced the history of not only the Qing Dynasty, but also the procession of China.


