

【作者】 恩和特布沁

【导师】 贺金瑞;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 民族政治学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 21世纪世界各国的竞争将围绕着人才竞争展开。实施人才强国战略,是增强我国综合国力和国际竞争力,实现中华民族伟大复兴的必然选择。我国是一个有着56个民族的多民族国家,各民族的人才资源共同构成了我国人力资源的宝库。少数民族人才是推进少数民族和民族地区发展的关键因素,但是由于历史和现实的原因,少数民族人才的开发和培养相对滞后。建设一支素质高、规模大、结构合理的少数民族人才队伍,开创人尽其才、才尽其用、人人成才、行行成才的新局面,大力提升少数民族和民族地区竞争力和综合实力,是民族地区实施人才强国战略的重要基础和前提,也是我国实施人才强国战略的重要组成部分。目前,学术界在浩繁的人才资源开发及人才强国战略研究中,对少数民族人才资源开发问题的研究还很薄弱,既有的研究成果主要是对西部地区人才存在的问题进行了理论探讨,或以某一具体民族地区为个案进行调查分析,而对于少数民族人才资源的开发培养方面具有广泛意义的研究尚处于起步阶段,不能满足少数民族和民族地区经济社会发展所需要的理论支持。为此本文以人力资源理论为研究基础,在充分吸收和借鉴国内外学者已有研究成果的基础上,对实施科学发展观过程中我国少数民族和少数民族地区的人才资源开发问题进行研究。归纳并梳理了我国少数民族人才开发的历史和现状,分析了少数民族人才开发存在的问题及实施人才强国战略的必然性及重要意义,并提出了自己对少数民族人才开发方面的对策建议,以期对我国少数民族人才开发和培养的研究尽一己之薄力。第一章导论介绍了论文选题的依据和意义,并对国内外相关研究成果进行了归纳、总结和分析;介绍了文章的结构、主要内容及研究方法和创新之处。第二章主要归纳了中国少数民族人才开发的历史和现实。首先归纳总结了中国少数民族人才开发的历史,梳理并分析了中国少数民族人才开发的现状,在以上分析的基础上提出少数民族人才资源的开发是加快中国少数民族地区经济社会发展的战略选择。第三章主要阐述了中国少数民族人才开发的思想基础和理论依据。首先,归纳总结了经典作家马克思、恩格斯、列宁、斯大林等人的人才观以及对我国开发少数民族人才资源的指导意义。其次,对以毛泽东、邓小平、江泽民为核心的中国共产党三代领导集体的人才观及其对少数民族人才资源开发的理论贡献进行了梳理。特别是总结了胡锦涛总书记提出的科学人才观的主要含义及内容,科学人才观与科学发展观以及建设社会主义和谐社会的关系和重要性。最后,归纳分析了国内外主要人力资本与人才资源开发的理论,介绍了主要发达国家人才资源开发的积极经验以及我国人力资源开发的战略目标和主要内容。第四章主要论述了中国少数民族人才开发的战略构想。实施少数民族人才开发战略是历史的必然,是时代的要求。为了促进少数民族和民族地区的发展,缩小东西部之间的差距,实现社会的和谐发展,必须实施加快少数民族人才资源开发的战略。当然少数民族人才资源开发必须因地制宜,具体问题具体分析,处理好人才开发的普遍性与特殊性的关系。此外,“人人可以成才,行行可以成才”应该成为少数民族人才开发的价值取向和目标。第五章提出了中国少数民族人才资源开发的对策建议。首先,要创新少数民族人才资源开发的制度和机制,从而使少数民族人才资源开发有制度保障和机制制约;其次,要优化少数民族人才资源开发的环境,良好的环境是少数民族人才资源开发的重要条件;再次,确立了中国少数民族人才资源开发的重点目标,使人才资源开发工作具体、明确,具有可操作性;最后,提出了少数民族人才资源开发的具体措施。结语指出,少数民族人才资源开发是一个长期的宏伟的战略规划,本文只是对该问题关注和研究的起始,接下来还有很多需要进一步研究的问题,在以后的工作实践中我将会继续关注并作进一步的研究。党的十七大报告指出要“牢牢把握各民族共同团结奋斗、共同繁荣发展的主题,保障少数民族合法权益,巩固和发展平等团结互助和谐的社会主义民族关系。”少数民族人才的培养是维护民族团结和地区稳定的政治需要,也是民族地区加快特色经济和特色产业发展的需要,更是实现我国少数民族文化艺术传承的需要。只有在此基础上我国才能实现各民族的团结,实现少数民族与汉族之间的和谐、民族地区与非民族地区的和谐,建设社会主义和谐社会。

【Abstract】 In 21st century, the talents play a very important role in the competition among nations in the world. Nothing works, but building up and performing ’talent strategy’ does, in order to enhance Chinese overall national strength and international competitiveness, which eventually realize Chinese prosperity and the peace of the world. China is a multi-ethnic country with totally 56 peoples, each of which is a part of the whole. Furthermore, each people is an important talent resource for human resources of our country. The minority talents are essential to develop minority and ethnic areas. However, in the present, the situation of the development and training of minority talent is far away from what it supposed to be due to various historical and practical factors. Therefore, what is going to be done is to build and develop minority talent groups in a large scale which have high quality and good structure, which is the premise and foundation of implementing’talent strategy’ in minority areas, and is also the important component in’talent strategy’. By this way, a new situation can be created in which each talent has the perfectly matched job, being used effectively and efficiently, and vise versa, each job has the right talent. This new situation is greatly advantageous to enhance competitiveness and overall strength of minorities and minority areas.Currently, the study of the development of minority talent is relatively weak in the research of the development of human resources and talent strategy’ what has been done is the theoretical study in terms of the problems existing in the talents of west part, or the one in terms of a certain case in a certain minority area. The study on the large-scale meaning of minority talent development still stays on the preliminary stage so that theoretical research cannot provide enough support to the economic advance in minority areas. In this dissertation, based on human resource theory, and the available achievements from China and the abroad, the issues during performing scientific development theory about the development of minority talents in minority areas were studied. Through analyzing the problems occurring during developing minority talents and summarizing the history and current situation of minority development in our country, the author provides political advice in the area of minority talent development which is supposed to make a contribution to the advancement of minority talent development and training.The 1 st chapter introduces the base and meaning of the dissertation topic setup by presenting, analyzing, and summarizing the main achievements of China and the abroad around the topic. In addition, the dissertation structure, main contents, research methods, and creative points are briefly talked about in this chapter.Chapter two involves the history and current situation of Chinese minority talent development, based on which the first conclusion is provided that the development of minority talents is the choice of fasting social and economic development in minority areas.In chapter three, the thinking base and theoretical support for minority talent development is presented. First of all, the talent views from classic writers such as Marx, Engels, Lenin, and Stalin are summarized and the meaning of their views to instruct the development of minority talents is emphasized. Secondly, it overlooks and rearranges the theories and their contribution to ethic minority talent development, which Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping and Jiang Zemin at the core of three generations of the Chinese Communist Party leadership have issued.In Chapter 4, it puts forward a proposal about the development of talent of minorities in China.First of all, it is necessary to innovate the system and mechanism for developing talents resources of minorities, so that the development of ethnic minority human resources has system guaranteed and mechanism restricted. Secondly, optimize the environment for development of minority human resources, because a good environment is an important condition that develop ethnic minority of human resources. Thirdly, establish the key objectives of human resources development for Chinese minority, making human resources development specific, clear and operable; finally, put forward specific measures for minority of human resources development.The conclusion pointed out:the development of talent in minorities is a long and grand strategy, as for this problem, the essay is only the beginning of concern and research.Then we still have many problems that need us to research. It is necessary that we will go on concerning about it and make further studies in later work and practice.Seventeenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) has pointed out:"Firmly grasping the theme that all nationalities work hard with a united and prosperity and development together, safeguard lawful rights interests of minorities, and consolidate and develop the right for equality, solidarity and mutual help ethnic relations of harmony."To train the talents of ethnic minority is the requirements for maintaining national unity and stability of the region’s policy, but also the requirements of speeding up characteristics economic and characteristics ethnic, even to achieve the needs of minority cultural and artistic heritage. Only on this basis to achieve our national unity and to achieve harmony between the minority and the Han nationality, national regional and non-minority areas of harmony and build a harmonious socialist society.

【关键词】 少数民族人才开发培养对策
【Key words】 Minority talentDevelopmentTrainingStrategy

