

【作者】 王国彪

【导师】 文日焕;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 中国少数民族语言文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 车天辂(1556-1615)是朝鲜王朝中期的诗文大家,其人放荡不羁,仕途不畅,其诗文雄健奇壮,成就卓著,收入《五山集》。国内外记述、研究车天辂的生平、文学成就等的文献总体上很少,而且缺乏深入的分析和阐释。本文将立足于具体的诗歌文本,多方法、多角度对车天辂的汉诗进行本体研究和对比研究,充分认识车天辂汉诗的创作概况、思想蕴含、创作艺术,并且将其浪漫气质与李白诗歌进行比较,为中朝古代诗歌的交流提供更为形象、直观的证据。全文主体部分由四章组成。第一章介绍了车天辂汉诗的创作概况,第二、三章分别介绍了车天辂汉诗的思想含蕴和创作艺术,第四章从境界、题材、意象等三个方面对车天辂、李白诗歌的浪漫气质进行了比较。车天辂生活的时代,政治方面内有激烈党争、外有倭寇作乱,文化方面性理学研究逐渐衰落、文坛学唐之风日益浓厚。他参加了多次重要的外交活动,也经常与友人唱和,其间创作了大量的优秀诗歌,共计1800多首,其中七言律诗将近七成。其诗歌题材多样,主要有赠别、咏怀、悼亡、咏史、友谊、山水、题画、战争、隐逸等,其中赠别、咏怀两大题材数量最多,成就也最高。车天辂的诗风受到社会、多种艺术、个人等多种因素的共同作用,呈现了由“清新”到“豪壮”再到“忧郁”的转变趋势,而其雄健奇壮的主体诗风得到了诗坛的承认。车天辂汉诗中的思想意蕴体现了儒、释、道融合、以儒为主的特点。其中的爱国情怀和内心苦闷最引人注目,而忧虑现实、同情人民、追求清静闲适、珍视友情等思想意蕴也很突出。车天辂的汉诗在艺术方面也取得了很高的成就。评论家公认其诗歌风格多样,以雄健奇壮为主,情感激越,气势充沛。车天辂注意借鉴、吸收李白、杜甫等人的诗歌创作,反复咏叹自己的不幸遭遇和苦闷心情,具有强烈的主体意识。其诗歌以想象与夸张为主要塑造手段,并以剑、鳌等意象及丰富而恰当的典故来表现诗人的坦荡胸怀和独特的艺术构思,制造了巨大的声势,具有浓厚的浪漫气质。车天辂与李白在性格、经历、文学见解、诗风等多方面具有相似性。在诗歌境界、题材、意象等方面,李白诗歌的浪漫气质对车天辂的影响很大。车天辂汉诗的浪漫境界与李白诗歌的宇宙境界有许多相似之处,均善于以大手笔写大背景、大场面,运用宏伟的自然意象,以哲学的思维面对宇宙、自然(山水)和人生。在浪漫题材方面,车天辂饮酒诗的文化意蕴与李白诗歌基本相同,部分饮酒诗如李白一样,运用了醉态思维,达到了醉的境界。酒成为获得创作灵感的重要源泉和体悟自然、寻求生命真谛的介质。车天辂的送别诗多叙写对对方的羡慕之情及自己的不幸,较李白多了一些悲伤。基于当时的政治环境和个人经历,车天辂的送别诗对人物的介绍更加详细,而且常常将友情与政治内容捆绑在一起。在剑、鳌、鹏、月这四种意象的内涵和使用策略上,车天辂向李白学习,同时也参照现实、比照人生,做了相应的增减或收放,突出了想象力和主体性,体现了鲜明的浪漫诗风。可以说,车天辂在继承李白精神内核的同时,也能结合自身实际,择取最能表达特定场合、条件下的内心感受的要素,积极进行改造和创新,取得了较好的表达效果和欣赏效果。总的看来,车天辂是一个具有鲜明个性的诗人,其雄健奇壮、激昂铺陈的诗风独树一帜,为朝鲜朝中期汉诗“学唐”之风的盛行做出了重要贡献。车天辂的诗文研究也将进一步深入,并取得更多更大的成果。

【Abstract】 Cha Cheon-ro (1556-1615) was the famous sinologist in mid-Joseon Dynasty. He had arbitrary character but career was unfortunately. His poem is excellent and the style is magnificent and fabulously. His works have been collected in "Wu Shan Collection". In China and abroad, the research results of Cha Cheon-ro are rarely and the current result is lack of deep analysis and interpretation. This paper will research Cha Cheon-ro’s Chinese poetry with variety of angles and methods to know of an overview of his works and ideological and artistic.At the same time,I will compare the romantic temperament of Cha Cheon-ro and Li Bai to provide more image and visual evidence for the poetry exchange between China and Korea.The main part of the paper is composed by four chapters. The first chapter describes Cha Cheon-ro’s Chinese poetry’s profile. The second chapter and the third chapter describe Cha Cheon-ro’s Chinese poetry’s ideological and artistic. The fourth chapter compare the romantic temperament of Cha Cheon-ro and Li Bai from mood, subject matter and imagery.In the era of Cha Cheon-ro, party struggles was fierce domestic and Japan, Jurchen invaded repeatedly. Zhu Xi Neo-Confucianism was declining from the peak and literature started to learn Tang Dynasty’s literature. Cha Cheon-ro participated in diplomatic activities repeatedly and wrote the poem with his friends. During the poetry exchange,he wrote about 1800 excellent poems. In these poems, Seven-Rhythm poems accounted for 70%. Cha Cheon-ro’s poems’all kinds of theme include parting, expressing feelings, mourning, recounting history, descripting friendship, scene, on painting,war, seclusion and so on. Parting and expressing feelings poem is majority and most excellent. Cha Cheon-ro’s poems’style has been changed from "fresh" to "sublime" then to "depression" and the change was impacted by many factors such as socity, many arts, personal interests.In the field of poetry, the style of magnificent and fabulously has been affirmed.Cha Cheon-ro’s poem reflects integration of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, and the Confucianism is most important. His patriotic feelings and depression are most obvious. Moreover, the implication of concerning reality, worring about the people, pursuing quiet and leisure, cherishing friendship are also obvious.Cha Cheon-ro’s Chinese poem’s artistic achievement is very high. Critics agreed that his poetry style is diversity and the main style is magnificent and fabulously.His many poems are filled with strong emotions and abundant momentum. Cha Cheon-ro was interested in learning Li Bai and Du Fu,expressed his bad experience and depression repeatedly.So his poems have strong subjective consciousness. His poems are full of imagination and exaggeration as well as using the image of sword and big turtle and appropriate allusions to express his open mind and unique artistic idea.These factors produced great momentum and romantic temperament.Impacted by Li Bai’s mood, subject matter and imagery, Cha Cheon-ro has many similarities with Li Bai in the character, experience, literature and opinion. There are many similarities in Cha Cheon-ro’s romantic realm of Chinese poems and Li Bai’s universe realm. They were good at writing the generous background, big scenes, using the magnificent natural imagery in order to face the universe, natural (landscape), and life with philosophy thoughts. Cha Cheon-ro’s drinking poems’cultural implication is similar to Li Bai, and some drinking poems express drinking state with drunken thinking. Wine became an important source of creative inspiration and the media which be used to feel nature and seek the true meaning of life. Cha Cheon-ro’s many parting poems descripted admiration to his friends who would leave as well as expressed his own misfortune.So his poem is more sad than Li Bai’s. Cha Cheon-ro’s parting poems introduced characters more completely,and often combined friendship with political content. Impacted by Li Bai, Cha Cheon-ro liked to descript sword, big turtle, big bird,moon.When he shaped these images,he referenced to the reality and life and ajusted appropriately in order to express imagination and subjectivity well. At the same time, romantic poetry style became more obvious. Cha Cheon-ro not only absorbed Li Bai’s poems’essence,but also conjuncted it with his own actual situation to choice the special factors of mind to write. Transformation and innovation made Cha Cheon-ro’s poems better.In a word, Cha Cheon-ro’s character was distinctive,his Chinese poem’s magnificent,fabulously and passionate style is unique and accelerated the style that followed Tang in mid-Joseon Dynasty.And Cha Cheon-ro’s research will be into depth more and more.

【关键词】 车天辂李白汉诗比较朝鲜
【Key words】 Cha Cheon-roLi BaiChinese poetry ComparisonKorea

