

【作者】 何江

【导师】 荣仕星;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 民族地区公共行政管理, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 20世纪中后期世界进入信息化与全球化时代以来,人类社会发生了越来越多的重大灾难事件。这些灾难与传统灾难不同,他们隐蔽性强、扩散性大、伤害力强,并且防不胜防地隐藏在现代社会的每一个角落。德国学者乌尔里希·贝克等西方风险社会理论学家更是惊呼,人类已经进入到了一个新的社会阶段:即“风险社会阶段”。他们指出,正是所谓代表“现代科学理性”的化工、电子、基因技术等科学技术,以及“使地球不适于居住的政策实施”,成为风险产生的源源动力;也正是通过无限制的现代化风险的生产,地球上的灾难不断加剧出现。正是基于对上述风险社会基本理念的认同,本文以风险社会理论为出发点,研究作为典型的人类社会——城市的整体风险性。本研究首先提出,城市是人类力量特别是科学技术对自然改变最剧烈、最集中的典型产物。随着世界城市化的不断发展,城市也越来越多地承载着人类社会愈加复杂的功能。因此,城市具有天然的内在风险属性;然后,本研究将治理理论、城市治理理论、复杂系统理论、城市社会理论作为分析工具,对城市主要风险,尤其以我国的主要城市风险为例,进行了框架式展现与分析,以凸显城市的风险特征;最后,基于上述城市系统的整体风险特征,尝试提出了对城市进行“全面风险治理”的解决思路框架。

【Abstract】 In the mid to late 20th century when the world has entered the era of information and globalization, a growing number of major disasters have taken place in human beings society. Showing different characteristics from traditional ones, they are hidden in every corner of modern society with stronger diffusion and more serious injury. German scholar Ulrich. Baker and other Western schools of social theory even exclaimed that mankind has entered a new social stage:namely "stage of risk society." They pointed out that it is just the so-called "modern science and rational" like chemical, electronics, genetic technology, science and technology, as well as "make the Earth uninhabitable for implementation of the policy" that was responsible for the risk of power; and it is precisely through the unlimited production of the risk of modernization that the occurrence of the disaster on Earth has been emerging more frequently.Based on the recognition of the above basic risk theory, this paper takes city as a starting point to study as a typical human society unit, considering the city’s existing overall risks. The paper first proposes that city is a place where human forces, especially science and technology, have been making the most dramatic and violent changes on the nature, and thus city is an output of man-made product, which inherently composes the risk nature of the city. With the world’s continuous development of urbanization, cities are increasingly bearing the human society’s complex functions. Therefore, the city has the natural properties of the inherent risks; Based on this supposition, using Governance theory, Urban governance theory, Complex system theory and Urban sociology theory as analytical tools, the paper makes an overall analysis of the risks existing in cities, herein including social risks, technological risks and biological risks, taking Chinese cities as examples. In the conclusion, based on the risky characteristics existing in urban system, the paper attempts to put forward a Total risk management framework as a solution to the risk problems in cities.


