

【作者】 梁敢

【导师】 李锦芳;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 中国少数民族语言文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 体貌范畴研究近二三十年来倍受国内外语言学学者的关注,然而各语言体貌范畴的研究发展很不平衡。本文利用田野语言学方法收集第一手材料,以广西壮族自治区南宁市武鸣县罗波镇梁彭村的壮语为主要语料来源,同时兼顾南部壮语等其他壮语方言的材料,较系统、全面、深入地描写壮语的体貌,旨在揭示壮语体貌范畴的类型学特征。本文共分为六章。第一章绪论回顾国内外体貌范畴研究动态,重点介绍壮语体貌研究的现有成果,同时交待本研究的研究方法、目的、价值、意义,说明本文语料采集点的地理环境、人文环境,归纳武鸣县罗波镇梁彭村壮语的音系。第二章完整体重点研究壮语的现实完整体(?)dai55 (得)、liu42 (了)、pan31(成)、(去),经历完整体(过),短时完整体(动词重叠)的语义特征、语法化过程,同时,涉及完整体中的动词类型、动词论元特征等。第三章非完整体本章把壮语的非完整体分为七个小类,分别为进行体(正)、持续体(着)、将行体(欲)、起始体hun55tou55(起来)、接续体(?)o:η31poi33(下去)、先行体(先)和惯常体(?)jou35(?)jou35(在在)、(?)jap55(?)jap55(眨眨)、kwen35(惯),从语义、句法与动词类型的关系、语法化等进行研究。第四章貌本章在郑定欧对貌界定的基础上将壮语的貌范畴按动作或状态实现的方式和涉及的主观态度分为八个小类进行研究,分别为描摹貌、尝试貌、胡乱随意貌、任意貌、反复貌、量少可爱貌、量多厌恶貌、决意催促貌,主要从语义、语法化、动词类型、否定等方面深入分析。第五章壮语体貌差别、类型特征及相关阐述本章对北部壮语和南部壮语的体貌作初步比较,并指出壮语体貌的类型学特征为貌突显语言,壮语属于貌和语气均突显的语言。提出语言时体貌范畴历史演变的模式,即M>A>T。第六章结语指出研究的创新点、不足、展望。本研究的意义在于:1、本文是壮语体貌范畴专题语法研究,弥补壮语语法专题研究之不足;2、运用语言类型学、语言接触、认知语言学等理论研究壮语的方言语法,拓宽我们新视野,有助于了解和发现本区域语言新特征;3、系统的专题语法描写,有助于母语人更深入的了解自己的语言特征,对当地文化的传承、发展与保护有积极的作用;4、时体貌范畴历史演变模式的提出虽然是一种假设,等待更多跨语言比较进行验证、发展,但是它基于一定的客观描写的语言事实,有一定的解释力。

【Abstract】 Aspect and manner categories have been the focus of research by scholars from home and abroad since twenty or thirty years ago in the field of linguistics. Yet the development of this research is unbalanced among all the languages in the world. With the new method of field linguistics for collecting data in the first hand from Liangpeng Village, Luobo Town, Wuming County, Nanning City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Regions, as the base of our field work, and with Southern Zhuang Dialect and other materials, we have a relatively overall, deep and systematical study of categories of aspect and manner in Zhuang language for the purpose of revealing its characteristics in typology. This dissertation consists of six chapters as follows.Chapter One Preface makes a review on the development of aspect and manner study from home and abroad, mainly on the study of aspect and manner in Zhuang language. Also the research method, aims, value, significance are introduced. And more information about the base of our field work, Liangpeng Village Luobo Town Wuming County, like its geography environment and human environment as well as its phonological component are showed.Chapter Two Perfective subcategorizes three types, namely present perfective, past perfective and transient perfective. The present perfective includes(?)dai55’get’, liu42’finished’, pan31’succeed’, poi33’go’four markers, and past perfective marks with kwa35’cross’, the transient perfective with duplication. The contents cover semantic analysis, grammaticalization, verb types and verbal arguments etc.Chapter Three Imperfective subcategorizes seven types as progressive (?)i:(?)35 ’right’, durative t(?)k55’touch’, future marker(?)i55’want’, inceptive hun55tou55’up come’, continuous (?)o:(?)31poi33’down go’, pre-inchoative ko:n35’first’and, iterative or habitual(?)jou35(?)jou35’stay stay’,(?)jap55(?)jap55’wink wink’, kwen35’get used to’. Semantic, syntactic, verb types and grammacticalization of imperfective are explored.Chapter Four Manner subclassifies eight groups based on the definition of Chinese’Mao’(manner) by Zheng Ding’ou, namely descriptive manner’abb’ construction, tentative manner(?)ja(?)55’look’, casual manner Ca:k55’sound suffix’, arbitrary manner’V+wa:(?)33+V+(?)ai13’construction, repetitive manner ’V+poi33+Vma33’construction and ka(?)35’saw’, pek55’beat’, less-lovely manner Ce:t55’sound suffix’, more-detesting manner Ca:t55’sound suffix’, and will-determining and urging manner Ca(?)35’sound suffix’. The manner category is also explored from semantic, grammaticalization, verb types, negative etc.Chapter Five Difference, characteristic and explanation of aspect and manner in Zhuang makes a comparison between Northern and Southern Zhuang dialects and points out that Zhuang is a language of manner prominent as well as mood prominent interms of its characteristics of typology. And as hypothesis a new model of diachronic evolvement of TAM is put forward as M>A>T. Chapter Six Conclusion points out the new points, shortcoming of present study and further research in the future.The value of this dissertation includes the following four points:(a) Filling the gap of grammar study in Zhuang language; (b) Helping reveal language features in this regions and broaden our horizon by using new theories of language typology and language contact and cognitive linguistics as well; (c) As a dialect grammar description, it may help the natives better know of their mother tongue and play an active role in inheriting, developing and protecting the local cultures; (d) The model of diachronic evolvement of TAM can explain some phenomena to some extent.


