

【作者】 张宝成

【导师】 青觉;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 民族政治学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 时至今日,原本属于哲学范畴的“认同”概念,在受到心理学界的关注之后,几乎已经成了社会科学领域最为时髦的词汇之一,认同研究也成为民族学、政治学、社会心理学、人类学、社会学等诸多学科共同关注的一个交叉领域。随着研究的深入,学界将认同概念的外延不断扩大。自我认同、身份认同、社会认同、文化认同、地域认同、民族认同、公民认同、政治认同、国家认同等一系列概念应运而生。本文则将研究的重点锁定在“民族认同”与“国家认同”两个概念。因为探讨“民族认同”与“国家认同”不但是民族政治学专业的核心研究领域之一,而且是世界所有多民族国家共同关注的焦点问题。本文选定呼伦贝尔巴尔虎蒙古人作为研究对象,一方面,作为一支既古老又相对年轻的蒙古部落,巴尔虎蒙古人以其悠久的历史、沧桑的经历、特有的生活方式和独特的民族文化曾经引起国内外众多学者的关注;另一方面,作为一个具有世界意义的民族——蒙古族,对东北亚地区的稳定有着不可估量的作用,从地缘战略的角度来看,蒙古族对中、蒙、俄三国的关系有着极为重要的政治影响力。目前所谓的“三蒙统一论”仍然是影响三国关系稳定发展的一支干扰势力。作为蒙古族的一个部落,巴尔虎人具有蒙古族最基本的地缘政治意义——跨国部族。此外,选定呼伦贝尔巴尔虎蒙古人作为研究个案还有利于研究者把握研究对象和收集调研数据。在研究的过程中,笔者首先在文献整理的基础上梳理出巴尔虎人的历史迁移的脉络,对巴尔虎文化产生的背景有了一个较为清晰的把握;在对前人关于“认同”研究的基础上对本文的两个基本概念——“民族认同”、“国家认同”进行了分析,研制了“巴尔虎民族认同与家国认同调查问卷”和“访谈调研提纲”;运用SPSS数据处理系统对调研数据进行了分析,同时在运用比较法和跨学科研究法的基础上,对巴尔虎蒙古人的“民族认同”与“国家认同”进行了分析。从论文结构来看,本文整体分为三个部分,共七章内容。第一部分包括第一、二、三章,阐明了本研究的缘起、个案的选定、研究的方法,梳理了“民族认同”与“国家认同”的研究现状,厘清了巴尔虎蒙古人的发展历史与民族文化特征。第二部分包括第四、五、六章,在问卷调查与访谈调查分析的基础上,笔者就调研的实际,在多元文化背景下,从自我身份认同、民族文化认同、族群身份认同、公民认同和政治认同等几个角度,以及事先设定的年龄、职业与国度等变量的基础上,对巴尔虎蒙古人的“民族认同”与“国家认同”进行了比较分析。第三部分即为本文的第七章,在对巴尔虎蒙古人民族认同与国家认同研究的基础上,就我国多民族国家的实际,如何实现跨国民族的“民族认同”与“国家认同”的和谐一致,建构社会主义和谐社会提出了一定的思考。本研究得出的结论是:巴尔虎蒙古人存在着“民族认同”与“国家认同”双重认同,而且这种认同因年龄和职业的不同存在着差异;与同宗的俄罗斯布里亚特人相比,我国巴尔虎蒙古人有着更为强烈的国家认同,双重认同和谐共生,互不矛盾。这一结论表明,从我国跨国民族的民族认同与国家认同的现状来看,构建和谐国家有着深厚的民族情感基础,国家向心力是不同民族的共同认同,这是我国民族关系的主流,也是我国多年来实施的民族政策所取得的巨大成绩。然而,由于跨国民族天然的情感联系,国内外不同民族分裂势力的干扰,以及我国公民教育的发展程度都会对跨国民族的国家向度产生一定的影响。因此,如何应对国内外发展形势,及时采取有效措施实现各民族的“民族认同”与“国家认同”的和谐与一致,是摆在我们每一个人面前的课题。

【Abstract】 Until recently, the conception of identity, originally in the domain of philosophy, has almost become one of the most modern words in the field of social sciences after being concerned by psychology circles, and the research of identity has been a key multifocal area in ethnology, political science, social psychology, anthropology and sociology. With intensive study, the academic world has continuously expanded the denotation of identity, and what emerged as the times require are self-identity, identification, social identity, cultural identity, territorial identity, ethnic identity, civil identity, political identity and national identity. The paper primarily studies the conception of ethnic identity and national identity because the research of ethnic identity and national identity is not only central to ethnic politics but also a hot issue concerned by all the multi-ethnic nations in the world.Mongolians in Bharhut, Hulunbuir League have been studied in this paper because, on one hand, as an old but relatively young Mongolian tribe, the attention was concentrated on its long history, time-honored experience, unique life style and distinct national culture by numerous scholars home and abroad, on the other hand, as an ethnic group with world significance, Mongolians contribute immeasurably to the stability of Northeast Asia, and, from geopolitical point of view, Mongolians are rather influential in the relationship among China, Mongolia and Russia. At present, the so-called "Tri-Mongolian Unification" is the most interferential force. As a Mongolian tribe, Bargud hold the most basic political significance of geopolitics carried by Mongolians--multinational clans. Besides, taking Mongolians in Bharhut, Hulunbuir as case studies can help researchers get touch with subjects and collect investigation data.In the research process, the writer, based on the literature review, sorts out a path of historical transfer of Bargud so as to get a clear understanding of cultural background of Bharhut. The author analyzes the two basic concepts in the paper---ethnic identity and national identity on the basis of predecessors’exploration on identity, develops questionnaires on ethnic identity and national identity in Bharhut and the outline of interview, then analyzes the quantitative data with SPSS, and makes an analysis on ethnic identity and national identity of Bharhut Mongolians with comparison method and interdisciplinary approach. According to the structure, the paper is divided into three parts, seven chapters altogether. The first part, including ChapterⅠ,ⅡandⅢ, demonstrates the research origin, subjects’choice, and research methods, then combs out the present research status of ethnic identity and national identity and gets down to Bharhut Mongolian development history and ethnic culture features. Part Two includes ChapterⅣ,Ⅴ, andⅥin which the writer, based on questionnaires and interviews as well as the practical research, makes a contrastive analysis on the ethnic identity and national identity of Bharhut Mongolians under the multicultural background from the standpoint of self-identity, national culture identity, ethnic identity, civil identity and political identity, considering the variations of age, occupation, and country. Part Three is Chapter Seven which brings forward several reflections on how to realize perfect harmony in ethnic identity and national identity of transnational ethnicity and the construction of socialistic harmonious society on the research basis of ethnic identity and national identity of Bharhut Mongolians.The conclusion of the research is that dual identity exists in Bharhut Mongolians, i.e., ethnic identity and national identity which differ owing to different age and occupation while Bharhut Mongolians in our country differ from Buriats in Russia, although they are akin, on ethnic identity and national identity. The results show that, from the present situation of ethnic identity and national identity in transnational ethnicity, the construction of harmonious country has a solid basis of nationalist sentiment and the centripetal force of our country is the common identity from different nationalities which is mainstream relation between nationalities and also the great achievements of nationality policy conducted for many years in our country. However, all the natural emotional bond of transnational ethnicity, interference from secessionist forces home and abroad, and the development level of citizenship education will have some influence on the nation trend of transnational ethnicity, so everyone should consider how to deal with new situation home and abroad and take prompt and effective measures to realize harmony of ethnic identity and national identity from all nations.


