

【作者】 张翠

【导师】 贺金瑞;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 民族政治学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 歌德在《浮士德》结尾的诗句中说:“永恒之女性引导我们飞升”。也有一位西方哲人说过:“衡量一个国家的文明程度,要看这个国家对待女性的态度”。的确,通过一国女性的生存现状考察,便能清晰地看到这个国家的社会发展状况与文明程度。女性是一个神秘的性别,她时而被尊崇、时而被践踏;她时而被塑造成美、爱情、伟大、丰饶的象征,时而又被塑造成诱惑、罪恶、堕落、无能的象征。翻开人类历史的长卷,我们可以清晰地看到女性的百态风姿与千种哀愁……有一点毋庸置疑,那就是女性如同男性一样,是人类的另一半,而且同男性一样举足轻重。没有女性的存在和女性的伟大功绩,人类将不复存在,何谈人类的发展与进步?因此,正视女性存在的真正价值和应享有的地位,对于人类自身发展具有非常重要的意义。也唯有男女两性共同的进步才是全民族、全人类的真正进步。对女性的关注,特别是对女性群体中的弱势群体——少数民族女性的关注,关注少数民族女性的生存现状、政治地位与政治参与状况、受教育程度、家庭地位、生育状况与健康状况,理当成为社会关注的焦点。虽然新中国成立以来,我国少数民族女性的社会地位、政治地位有了翻天覆地的变化,享有了同男性一样的法律地位和权利,但是,各种传统观念和固有习俗仍然禁锢人们的头脑,我国少数民族女性的生存现状和权益保护仍然存在一定问题,需要学术界予以关注和研究,进而推动少数民族女性的进步与发展,实现其真正的解放。我国目前少数民族女性研究虽然已经取得了一定的研究成果,国内也有一些研究少数民族女性问题的专家学者,但是从少数民族女性参政状况入手,进而研究少数民族女性生存状况和权益保护问题的还不多见。女性人类学的尊重差异、强调多元的研究范式正是为本文在研究中国民族地区少数民族女性参政问题提供了可以借鉴的研究视角。基于这种多元的视角,笔者将具有特定历史积淀、文化习俗、宗教信仰、利益观念的少数民族女性群体的参政状况与我国汉族女性的参政状况区别研究,透过我国少数民族妇女参政状况(因为“政治参与”状况和程度是衡量女性社会地位的其中一个“正向指标”),同时也是以研究少数民族女性参政状况和社会参与状况为切入点,进而探究少数民族女性的生存现状、社会地位、社会角色及其权益保护问题。通过对我国少数民族女性参政状况的考察,为我国少数民族女性最终走上真正解放的道路,尽力探寻现实可行的措施与方法。本文运用了历史研究法、文献研究法、理论研究法、实证研究法、比较分析法、访谈法等政治学和社会学的研究方法。本文主要内容共分七部分:第一部分是绪论。主要介绍了本文的选题背景及选题意义,对国外、国内关于少数民族妇女参政的研究现状与文献进行了较为详尽的综述,对相关基本概念(诸如:“民族地区”、“少数民族妇女”、“妇女参政”、“女性人类学”)进行了界定,以及阐述了本文的研究方法、创新之处和存在的问题和困难。第二部分详细阐述了妇女参政的女性人类学视界。女性人类学的从二元对立的分析模式到多元的视角、性别视角下的人文视野以及对女性地位及其生存状况的考察,均为本文在研究中国民族地区少数民族妇女参政问题提供了可以借鉴的研究视角。同时也对马克思主义妇女理论对妇女参政与妇女解放的考察、女性主义对女性参政权的争取等女性参政的理论依据进行了较为详细的论述。第三部分是对近代以来中国妇女参政的历史考察。主要包括两部分内容,第一部分是近代以来中国妇女争取参政权的历程,包括近代中国女性参政意识的觉醒、现代中国女性争取参政权的进程和建国以来妇女参政的历史进步。第二部分是近代以来中国少数民族妇女参政的历史回顾,包括旧社会中国少数民族妇女的政治地位、近代以来中国少数民族妇女运动的初起和建国以来中国民族地区少数民族妇女参政的历史性飞跃。第四部分是对当代中国不同民族地区少数民族妇女参政状况的考察,主要考察了少数民族女性参与全国及民族地区各级人民代表大会、全国及民族地区各级政治协商会议、中国共产党及民主党派的情况,还对少数民族女干部、各行各业的女精英状况进行了统计。最后分析了我国民族地区少数民族妇女参政现状中存在的一些问题。第五部分是探寻了当代中国民族地区少数民族妇女参政现状的成因,从客观和主观两个角度来分析。客观原因主要有少数民族传统文化和传统性别观念、宗教妇女观、教育水平和受教育程度、培养选拔机制不够健全和家庭的拖累与牵制等原因。主观原因主要有女性自身的自卑心理、依赖心理和嫉妒心理等。第六部分是对完善中国民族地区少数民族妇女参政的提出笔者自己的一些建议和思考。主要从努力构建民族地区少数民族妇女参政的良好环境、充分发挥妇联在培养、选拔少数民族女干部中的重要作用、切实发出少数民族参政女性的呼声为女性同胞谋福利、大力发展教育、借鉴国外提升女性参政水平的有益经验等方面提出了一些具体建议。最后是笔者的思考,认为少数民族女性应该正确“认识自我”,做自己的主人,去“追随自己的心”,在自己喜欢的行业发挥自身的优势,这是我国民族地区少数民族女性同胞,也是全国女性同胞的共同愿景。第七部分是附录部分,主要是笔者关于中国民族地区少数民族妇女参政的访谈,主要包括对话内蒙古、宁夏、新疆自治区的妇联主席,以及对民族地区少数民族妇女干部的访谈。还有凸显妇女权益保障的当代国际公约、当代中国有关妇女权益保障和参政援助的法律、政策依据。作为通过对中国少数民族女性政治参与状况的研究,进而研究少数民族女性的生存状况和权益保护问题,使本课题既具有学科建设的理论意义,也在当前建设和谐社会的大背景下,探究少数民族女性的生存境遇与发展方面具有实实在在的现实意义。

【Abstract】 In the end of the Faust, Goethe said,"the eternal female lead us rise." Another western philosopher said, "To measure a country’s civilization, you should see the country’s attitude towards women." Indeed, through the investigation of the women’s survival situation in the country, you can see clearly the country’s social development and civilization.Women is a mysterious sex. She sometimes is exalted and trampled. She sometimes is portrayed as the symbol of beauty, love, greatness and abundance, and portrayed as the symbol of temptation, evil, corruption and incompetence. Opened the scroll of human history, we can clearly see the thousands of women’s grace and sadness……Undoubtedly, women, like men, is the other half of humanity, but also as important as men. None of the women and women’s greatness, humans will cease to exist, what about humans’ development and progress? Therefore, face up to the true value of women’s existence and their status, it will be very important for humans’ development. Only the common progress of both sexes is the real progress of mankind.Concern to women, especially to the disadvantaged group of women——Chinese minority women, concerned about the survival of minority women’s status, political status and political participation status, educational level, family status, reproductive status and health status, which should be the focus of public attention. Although since the founding of new China, the minority women’s social status and the political status have changed a lot, have enjoyed the same legal status and rights as men, but all sorts of traditional concepts and customs still imprisoned minds of people, there are still many problems of Chinese minority women’s status and rights protection. Academia should Pay more attention to these problems, then promote Chinese minority women’s progress and development, and realize their true liberation. Although the current study of Chinese minority women has made some research results, and there are also a number of research experts and scholars of this area, but it is not common, which from Chinese minority women’s status in politics to study the living conditions and rights protection of Chinese minority women.Feminism anthropology respects for differences and emphasize multielement. This research paradigm provides a referential perspective for this dissertation to study Chinese minority women’s political participation. Based on this multi-perspective, I make a distinction between the females of Han and Chinese minority women, who have particular historical factors, cultural practices, religious beliefs and the interests of the concept in their political participation. I want to study the situation of Chinese minority women in politics and social participation status as an entry point, and then explore their survival status, social status, social roles and their rights protection issues for their true liberation through trying to explore the realistic measures and methods.This dissertation is based on the Historical research and Literature research, Empirical research, Comparative analysis, Interviews method of political science and sociology research methods. This dissertation is divided into seven parts:The first part is introduction. It mainly introduces the background and significance of the topic and makes a detailed review of the abroad and domestic research on the minority women’s status in politics. It defines some basic concepts, such as "National regions", "Women’s political participation", "Feminism anthropology". It also introduces the research method, the innovation and the existing problems and difficulties of this research.The second part elaborates the horizon of feminist anthropology in the study of women’s political participation. The horizon of feminist anthropology of from the analysis of patterns of binary opposition to the pluralistic perspective, under the Gender Perspective Humanistic Perspective and the investigation of women’s status and living conditions. This research paradigm provides a referential perspective for this dissertation to study Chinese minority women’s political participation. Meanwhile, this part also has detailed description in the Marxist theory of women’s political participation, women’s liberation and the theory of Feminism of fighting for female suffrage.The third part is the historical research of Chinese women’s participation in history. It mainly includes two parts, the first part is the course of the fight for women’s suffrage in modrn China’s history, including Chinese female’s participation awareness in modern China, the process of women’s fight for suffrage in modern China and the historical progress of women’s political participation since the founding of China. The second part is historical review of Chinese minority women’s political participation since modern time, including the germination of awakening consciousness of minority women in modern China, the beginning of Chinese minority women’s movement and the historic leap of Chinese minority women’s political participation since the founding of China.The fourth part is the investigation of minority ethnic women’s participating condition in different nationalities regions in contemporary China. It mainly investigates minority ethnic women’s participation in people’s congresses, CPPCC at all levels of national and ethnic minority areas, the Chinese communist party and the democratic parties. It also counts up the number of minority women cadres and minority women elite status of all walks of life. At last, It analyzes some problems in the conditions of minority ethnic women’s participation in politics. The fifth part is to search the reasons of the conditions of minority ethnic women’s participation in politics from analyzing the objective reasons and subjective reasons. There are objective reasons for the traditional ethnic culture and traditions of gender, religious outlook on women, educational level, imperfect selecting mechanism and the family burden and other reasons. There are some subjective reasons mainly for their own inferiority complex, dependent psychology and jealousy psychology.The sixth part is to propose some suggestions and thinking of improving the women’s political participation in minority ethnic areas. It puts forward some suggestions mainly from the following several aspects, including making efforts to build favorable environment for women’s political participation in minority ethnic areas, making women’s federation fully play an important role in the training and selecting women cadres, minority women who participated in politics should let female compatriots to benefit, Vigorously developing education and learning from overseas useful experiences to enhance the level of women’s political participation. Finally, my thought is that minority women should correct understanding of "knowing themselves", "following their hearts" and being their own master to exert their advantages in all walks of life. This is the common goal of not only Chinese minority women but also the national women compatriots. The seventh part is the appendix. It is the interviews about Chinese minority women’s participation in politics, including the conversations with the President of the Women’s Federation of Inner Mongolia, Ningxia and Xinjiang autonomous region, as well as with the minority women cadres of these autonomous regions. There are also the contemporary international conventions about protecting women’s rights and interests, contemporary Chinese women’s rights and interests protection and the relevant laws and policies, China’s regional ethnic autonomy system and relevant legislation, policies.To sum up, this topic not only has the theoretical significance, but also has the real practical significance.


