

【作者】 赵国宏

【导师】 王军;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 中国少数民族教育, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 20世纪90年代,互联网Internet迅速普及成为全球最大的计算机网络。至新旧世纪交替之际,互联网已将世界各国一“网”打尽,它打破了传统的地缘政治、地缘经济、地缘文化的概念,形成了虚拟的以数字信息为主的跨国界、跨文化、跨语言的全新空间。我国至1995年邮电部开始向社会提供Internet服务以来,现网民规模已达3.38亿人,上网普及率达到25.5%。目前,我国各少数民族地区互联网的推广运用也已具有一定规模,国内三大网络运营商——中国移动、中国联通、中国电信的网络宽带业务均已拓展至少数民族地区,从少数民族自治州到自治县均建有各级政府门户网站。网络给人类传播方式带来了革命性的飞跃,成为当今社会信息传递、知识传播的重要载体,对于少数民族的文化传承与教育也产生了深刻的影响。本文在教育人类学视野下,运用教育人类学、网络传播学、教育技术学等多学科理论,综合运用文献研究法、调查研究法和参与观察法,对少数民族文化的网络传承进行跨学科的理论探讨和实证研究。在研究过程中,首先借用传播学中的传播模式理论对少数民族文化传承进行解读,为少数民族文化网络传承的整体研究建构一个直观形象、简单明了的模式框架,然后紧紧围绕着少数民族文化传承模式框架中的要素:传承者、传承内容、传承对象和传承媒介,对少数民族文化网络传承进行分析和研究,并以延边地区朝鲜族为个案进行田野考察,对延边地区朝鲜族文化网络传承现状及出现的问题进行总结分析。最后在此基础上,从教育人类学的视角,对少数民族文化网络传承中产生的诸如数字鸿沟、信息爆炸、文化霸权等一系列问题进行反思。本文主要从以下四个方面具体展开论述:第一章,绪论。主要阐明了研究的缘起、意义、思路、理论依据和主要方法,重点对与本研究密切相关的“少数民族文化传承、网络传播、网络对民族文化传承影响”三个方面的国内外研究现状进行了综合分析、归纳整理和评论,并对少数民族文化、少数民族文化传承、少数民族文化的传承方式等核心概念进行了界定,对传统社会少数民族文化传承的历史演进进行了全面的梳理和评述。第二章,信息社会的少数民族文化网络传承。首先,借用传播学中的传播模式理论对本研究的主体——少数民族文化传承进行解读,建构了少数民族文化传承的模式,归纳出少数民族文化传承的要素及其相关分析的主要内容;然后,以此为基础,对少数民族文化的网络传承从其产生及发展、概念界定、传承模式三个方面进行了阐释,为本研究中对少数民族文化网络传承的分析和思考提供一个直观形象、简单明了的模式框架;最后,从少数民族文化网站的类别分析、少数民族文化网站内容的文化选择分析、少数民族网民的特征分析、少数民族文化网络传承媒介的特性分析四个方面,对少数民族文化的网络传承诸要素进行了系统而全面的理论分析。第三章,延边地区朝鲜族文化网络传承的田野考察。带着上述的理论分析进入少数民族地区进行少数民族文化网络传承的田野考察,以延边地区朝鲜族文化网络传承为个案,通过对延边地区的网络环境情况、被调查者的朝鲜族文化认知和传承情况、延边地区朝鲜族文化网站、网站内容、朝鲜族网民网络应用情况的现状进行问卷调查、网络调查、深度访谈和参与观察,全面、细致地了解朝鲜族文化网络传承现实存在的主要问题并进行客观的评述。第四章,少数民族文化网络传承的教育人类学思考。从田野考察返回理论思考,从教育人类学的视角出发,对网络传承中文化的数字化、开放性、多元化进行了论述,并对其所产生的数字鸿沟、信息爆炸、文化霸权等现象进行了阐释,进而对少数民族文化网络传承中的文化适应、文化安全、文化冲突等问题进行了重点剖析,并提出了相应的建设性解决方案。

【Abstract】 Since 1990s, internet rapidly has turned out to be the biggest computer network in the world. At this turn of the two centuries, internet has broken the traditional concept of geopolitics, geo-economics and geo-culture. Hence a virtual space based on digital information has brought the whole world together, where there is no boundary of countries, cultures and languages. The Ministry of Post and Tele Communication of China started to provide the service of internet to Chinese public in 1995, and up till now total internet users in China comes to 3.38 hundred million with a 25.5% rate of popularization presently. Nowadays the popularization and application of internet in minority areas has formed a certain scale. The broad bandwidth network services of the top three network operators in China——China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom have covered most parts of ethnic minority areas. Both autonomous prefectures and counties have built their own internet portals for governments. Being a very important media of spreading social information and transmitting knowledge, internet has brought a revolutionary leap to human information propagation modes; internet plays a deep role and has a great influence on the inheritage and education of national minorities.Guided mainly by the theories of educational anthropology, the application of educational anthropology, the science of internet communication and the science of educational technology, this dissertation makes both cross discipline nary study in theories and thorough empirical research with the synthetic adoption of literature method, survey research and participant observation. This dissertation will first interpret the cultural inheritance of Chinese ethnic minorities from the perspective of a mass communication propagation mode, in order to establish a vivid, simple and clear frame for the study of internet inheritance of ethnic minorities’cultures. Secondly it will further analyze and interpret the culture inheritance from the following aspects:who is speaking, what is being said, to whom is he speaking, in which channel. Taking Chinese Korean people of Korean Autonomous Prefecture of Yanbian as our study case, we focus our field study on the Yanbian district. Then we further interpret the present situation and problems facing the Yanbian Korean internet cultural propagation mode. In the end, studying from the perspective of educational anthropology, we reflect on some problems arising with the internet cultural inheritance of ethnic minorities such as the digital divide, information explosion and cultural hegemony.This dissertation is constructed by the following four parts.Chapter one:The exordium. This part expounds the origin, the significance, research thought, theoretical basis and main methods of this research. This part mainly does literature review on three aspects which have close relation with this study. They are "the cultural inheritage amongst ethnic minorities, the internet mode of propagation and the influences of internet on the ethnic minorities’cultural inheritage". This part also defines such core concepts as what are ethnic minorities’ cultures, the inheritage of ethnic minorities’cultures and the modes of cultural inheritage amongst ethnic minorities. It presents and reviews both the history and the development of cultural inheritage amongst ethnic minorities.Chapter two:The cultural inheritance of ethnic minorities on the internet in information societies. First of all, by using the theory of mass communication propagation modes, not only will the main subject be deciphered but the mode of cultural inheritance of ethnic minorities will be expounded. Based on this mode, a summary of the key factors and main contents of the cultural inheritance of ethnic minorities will be made; secondly, it analyzes the cultural inheritance of ethnic minorities on the internet from three aspects:its emergence and development, the definition and mass communication propagation modes. This analysis provides a vivid, simple and clear frame for the study of cultural inheritance of ethnic minorities’cultures on the internet; finally, this part systematically expounds the following factors of the study subject——the categories of ethnic minorities’cultural websites, the cultural choices of those websites, the characteristics of cybercitizens amongst ethnic minorities and then traits of this internet media.Chapter three:A field investigation of Chinese Korean’s cultural inheritance via internet in Yanbian. Taking the cultural inheritance via internet in Yanbian as our study case, by questionnaire surveys in paper and through the internet, indepth interview and participant observation, we questioned the following topics:the circumstances of Yanbian’s internet environment, the cultural cognition and heritage of Yanbian Korean nationalities, cultural websites and contents of Yanbian district, and the current situation of how the Korean net users’application of the websites. Thus in this chapter we make rounded, meticulous and objective comment on the presently existing problems about Chinese Korean’s cultural inheritance via internet in Yanbian.Chapter four:An educational anthropology analyses of internet cultural inheritance of ethnic minorities. In this chapter the perspective returns from the field back into theorizing. Based on the perspective of educational anthropology, this dissertation elaborates on culture’s openness, diversification and digitization during the process of cultural inheritance via the internet. It also analyzes some phenomena introduced by them, namely digital divide, information explosion and cultural hegemony, and then lays stress on the analysis and interpretation of such topics as culture acculturation, culture safety and conflicts. As conclusion, this dissertation proposes constructive solution to the aforementioned issues.


