

【作者】 黄江华

【导师】 郭毅生;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 专门史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本文以马克思主义理论为指导,在哲学思辨和前人研究成果的基础上,采取理论分析和实证分析相结合,综合运用历史学、经济学、统计学等多个学科的方法和知识,尝试对陈光甫一生的主要活动进行系统和深入的研究,力图探究民国时期中国最大的民营银行——上海商业储蓄银行的发展轨迹,总结其成功之道,为当今民营企业、旅游事业的发展提供借鉴。对于陈光甫在抗日战争时期赴美谈判借款中所作出的贡献,进行客观、公正的评价。陈光甫是我国现代著名的银行家、外交家和社会活动家。他一生的主要成就是创办了民国时期最大的商业银行(上海商业储蓄银行)、中国第一家旅行社(中国旅行社),以及在抗日战争期间代表国民政府赴美借款。上海商业储蓄银行成立后,陈光甫以其独特的经营方式服务社会、诚信为本、不断创新。通过开办小额储蓄存款、推行对物信用借款、积极参与工业和农业放款等业务,使这家不入流的“小小银行”在极其复杂的形势下不断发展壮大,成为民国时期最大的民营银行。不仅在国内银行界占有举足轻重的地位,而且在国际金融界也享有盛名,陈光甫因此被称为中国最优秀的银行家。中国旅行社是上海商业储蓄银行的附属机构,也是陈光甫生平中的一项重要的创新举措,它的创立标志着我国近代旅游业的开端。中国旅行社本着服务社会的精神,专谋旅客便利,不仅为国家挽回了一部分利权,还进一步推广了上海商业储蓄银行的业务。中国旅行社的创立,不仅在中国金融发展史上独树一帜,而且在中国近代经济史和文化史上都产生了深远的影响。陈光甫也由此而成为中国民族工商业界最杰出的代表之一。抗日战争时期,为了中华民族的利益,陈光甫以特使身份赴美谈判。在复杂的国际关系中,他忍辱负重,凭借其良好的个人信用及人格魅力,争取国际援助,打开美国援华的大门。完成了非他不能胜任,他人无法替代的谈判任务,为争取国际援助及抗战的胜利做出了不可磨灭的贡献。他以一个商人的身份出使美国,虽非职业外交家,却完成了许多职业外交家所未能完成的使命。陈光甫以其良好的个人信用被国际视为中国国家信用的一个标志,他在谈判过程中所表现出来的政治和外交才能,以及取得的丰硕成果足以使其跻身于外交家的行列,陈光甫不愧为不辱使命的外交家。在新旧社会交替的关键时刻,由于阶级的局限性和出于对共产党的疑虑,以及无法割舍的国民党情结,陈光甫未能顺应历史发展的潮流和时代的召唤,最后选择了国民党,在政治上“押宝”失误,以致被历史所遗忘。陈光甫作为旧中国最成功的银行家,他的成功之道有许多值得我们学习借鉴的地方。他提出“服务社会”的理念,讲究“稳健、诚信和创新”的经营方针,实行严格、高效的管理方法,为我们当今改革开放下的企业,尤其是民营企业的经营和发展提供借鉴;为当前金融危机下,企业如何生存、发展总结出经验教训。服务、信用、创新不仅是经营企业的成功之道,也是从事一切事业的成功之道。

【Abstract】 This paper is guided by Marxist theory.It is based on philosophical thought,analysis of historical and previous research results,which combines theoretical and empirical analysis,synthesize history,economics,statistics and other multi-disciplinary methods and knowleges.The writer attempts to carry out the main activities of Chen Guangfu’s life in systematic and depth study, tries to explore the largest private in the period of the Republic of China,Shanghai Commerical and Savings Bank’s development trajectory and summes up his successes,which provide references to today’s private enterprises and the development of tourism.In regard to Chen Guangfu’s devotions,when he negotiated with the United States for loans during the Anti-Japanese War,which was conducted an objective and fair evaluation.Chen Guangfu was a contemporary well-known banker,diplomat and social activist in our country.The main achievements of his life,he founded the Republican’s largest commercial bank(Shanghai Commercial and Savings Bank),the first travel agency of China(China Travel Service).As well as he represented the Nanjing National Government at the negotiations with the United States in the Anti-Japanese War.When Shanghai Commercial and Savings Bank was established, Chen Guangfu used the unique modes of management to serve the community, honesty first and constant innovation. He created the small saving deposits,carried out the credit loans through merchandises,took actively part in industrial and agricultural loans and other businesses.He promoted the unknown "a very small sized-bank" to grow continuously in an extremely complex situations to become the largest private bank in the period of the Republic of China.Not only in the domestic banking sectors,it occupied a very important position,but also it occupied repution in the international financial community.Therefore,Chen Guangfu was well known as the most eminent banker.China Travel Service was a merchanism which was attached to Shanghai Commercial and Savings Bank. It was also an important innovation of Chen Guangfu’s life.The creation of China Travel Service marked the beginning of modern tourism in our country. China Travel Service based on the spirit of serving the community,designed to specifically facilitate travelers.Did it not only restore a portion of the state economic rights,but also to further promote Shanghai Commercial and Savings Bank’s businesses.The creation of China Travel Service was unique in the history of financial development,and had a profound impact in modern economic and cultural history in our country.Chen Guangfu thus became the man who was one of the most prominent representatives in the national industrial and commercial circles.During the Anti-Japanese War,Chen Guangfu had been to America for Chinese benefits,as a special envoy,who negotiated with America to loan.In the complex international relations,he lived with humiliation,with his good personal credit and personal charm,strived for the international assistances.He opened the door that the United States aided China.He completed the missions which others could not be competent,and could not replace his job on negotiation.He made an indelible contribution in striving for international assistances and victory of the Anti-Japanese War. Chen Guangfu was a businessman in his capacity as a special envoy to the United States.Though he was not a career diplomat,he completed a number of professional diplomats who failed to complete the missions.He depended on his good personal credit,which was recognized by the international as a sign of our country. In the process of the negotiation, he demonstrated the political and diplomatic skills, as well as he gained the great achievements enough to make him become a diplomat among of the professional diplomats.He was a diplomat who did not fail in his mission.In the course of the critical moment that the new society replaced the old.Chen Guangfu failed to conform to the trend of historical development and the times call. Dued to the limitations of the class, he had a misgiving about the Communist Party. Furthermore, he could not give up breaking away from the KMT’s complex. Finally he decided to choose the Kuomintang.He made a mistake to "bet" on politics, with the result that he was forgotten by the history.Chen Guangfu who was the most successful banker in the old society.We can learn a lot of experiences from his successes.He raised the concept of "serve society", stressed the business policy of "stability, integrity and innovation", and carried out the strict and efficient management methods. The experiences can provide references for enterprises’management and development, especially for private enterprises, under the reform and opening. It can also sum up the lessons which provide for the enterprises how to survive and develop in the current financial crisis.Service, credit and innovation is not only to run a business success, but also in all careers.


