

【作者】 郭继武

【导师】 郭毅生;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 中国近现代史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 清前中期,中央高度集权,督抚对清廷常存畏惧,皇上的一纸诏书即可对其或杀或贬,如雍正时期的年羹尧功震西陲,后因诸种原因,雍正就下诏将他械送京师;再如道光时期的钦差大臣林则徐,虽有禁烟之功,但道光帝却一纸诏书将其谪贬新疆。太平军兴以后,督抚权势日炽,迨至晚清,清廷一兵一卒、一粮一糗皆仰仗督抚,清朝外重内轻的局面自此出现且积重难返。东南互保的实现,正是基于此种背景而成的。19世纪末,帝国主义掀起瓜分中国的狂潮,民族危机空前严重。清朝统治集团内部也发生了较大的变动,并对义和团剿、抚政策摇摆不定,义和团得以勃兴并蓬勃发展。而此时的清廷恰处顽固守旧势力掌控之中,由于传统守旧观念的一致,他们与义和团发生了感应。慈禧、载漪等顽固派企图利用义和团,实现其废立阴谋。守旧士大夫阶层企图联合义和团,反对洋人、洋教和洋务,用封建主义来战胜资本主义。义和团运动兴起后,由于中外双方在交流上的误解:戊戌政变后,慈禧最关注的是维持垂帘听政地位,而此时的驻京公使团大多对中国都是门外汉,不愿也不屑了解中国政体和文化,却积极干涉朝政并做出一系列的错误判断和决定。造成慈禧太后不愿在义和团问题上与公使团合作。随着事态的发展,当外患大于内忧后,清廷对义和团抚而用之,向列国宣战。早在义和团运动兴起时,东南督抚就做过种种避战努力,但结果事与愿违,在清廷最终走向对外战争后,东南督抚见避战失败,便转而酝酿同列强实行“东南互保”。列强因相互牵制,出于保护自己在华尤其在长江流域利益的考虑,对东南督抚的互保建议,给予了热烈回应。经中外三次磋商,初步商定了《东南保护约款》。其后,山东、广东、广西、浙江、福建等省的督抚,也纷纷宣布加入互保行列,并分别制定了互保章程。互保最终虽然没有正式签字,显得无疾而终,实际上它的重要性并不在于签字与否,而在于它反映了中国的时局和督抚的心态:稳定东南,进而“延宗社,保两宫”。无疾而终的背后是铁的事实,而成效却有目共睹。互保是中外相互需要的产物,它的达成,既是南北政治经济分野背后,南方士绅努力的结果,也是东南督抚在驻外使节的帮助下,利用帝国主义之间的相互牵制而多次斡旋的产物。虽然在一定程度上,它维护了国家的主权,保障了江南地区的稳定,但它的出现也加剧了朝廷和地方的离心力,加速了清廷的衰落,便于帝国主义实行分而治之的侵略方针。庚子之乱后,为了缓和社会矛盾,巩固满族统治,清廷宣布实行新政。在新政改革的一系列措施中,重建中央武装力量的军事改革是重中之重。要顺利完成军事改革,就要筹措大量练兵经费,而要筹措军费,就要改变咸同以后外重内轻的政治格局,打破地方督抚尤其是东南督抚对本地区财政垄断的局面。1904年,清廷以江南制造总局迁移为契机,派铁良南下,完成了“划一营制”与筹措军饷的任务,打破了东南督抚对东南地区财权和军权的垄断,互保局面至此瓦解。然而,出乎清廷意料的是,铁良南下和中央集权化的最大受益者并非清廷,而是直隶总督袁世凯。随着袁世凯集团势力的扩展,袁世凯与满族亲贵的矛盾也日益激化。恰在此时,李鸿章、刘坤一、张之洞等人相继过世,清朝统治阶层中失去了一批可以对各种社会势力进行平衡并可以在满汉矛盾中起缓冲作用的人物。最终,满族亲贵与袁世凯的矛盾愈演愈烈,清廷采取措施削弱袁世凯的权势,导致袁世凯与清廷的决裂和清朝的覆亡。

【Abstract】 During the prometaphase of Qing Dynasty,The centralization of power is very overwhelming. The Directory Governments are very fear to the Qing government. The Qing government can kill or downplay the people in the Directory Governments just through a piece of rescript. For example,Nian Geng yao does succeed in the west of China, however, the Qing government use a piece of rescript and sent him to Bei Jing due to all kinds of reasons. Another example is Imperial Commissioner Lin Ze Xu in Dao Guang period. Although he did very good in the smoking-prohibited movement, the king depreciated and sent him to Xin Jiang. After the taiping rebellion, The power of the Directory Governments become more and more throng. Until to the late of Qing, all the solders and grain of Qing government are depended on the Directory Governments. The situation of Qing government emphasize much of the inner rather than the external, become irrecoverable. The appear of Joint Defence of Southeast is based on this background.The late 19th century, the imperialist carve up China deeply, the Chinese national crisis reached unprecedented level.There is a large change within the Qing government, The government has different point of view on the boxers. So the Boxers can grow vigorously and flourish. At this time,the Qing government is in the charge of conservative forces. As the traditional old-fashioned concept of coherence, they react to each other.Cixi, Zai Yi and other diehards tried to use the Boxers to achieve its waste legislation purpose. Old-fashioned literati class attempt to unite Boxers to against the foreigners, foreign religion and foreign affairs. They use feudalism to defeat capitalism with the purpose of saving China.After the rise of Boxer Rebellion, due to a misunderstanding on foreign exchange:After the 1898 coup, the Ci Xi most concerned about the status of the reign behind a curtain, but at this time most of the members of the envoy mission in Peking, do not want to understand China’s political system and culture. However, they actively interfere in affairs of state and make a series of wrong judgments and decisions. So Cixi unwilling to co-operate with the ministers on Boxers problems.With the development of the situation, when foreign aggression is more serious than internal problems, the Qing government finally stop the termination of boxing action and prepared to use the Boxer on a declaration of war.As early as the rise of the Boxer movement, Southeast governors do their best to avoid the war, but it did not work. After the Qing government finally moved toward the war. Seeing the failure of avoiding war, the southeast governors turned to brew mutual insurance with the foreign powers. Powers by restraining each other, out to protect themselves, especially in the Yangtze River in China, interest considerations, the Governor of the southeast, ask a mutual insurance proposals to give the enthusiastic response. After three consultations, they initially agreed on the "south-east to protect some sections." Subsequently, Shandong, Guangdong, Guangxi, Zhejiang, Fujian and other provinces of the governor have also announced it has joined the ranks of mutual insurance and mutual insurance statutes were enacted.Although there was not final signature and it appeared to die a natural death. In fact, its importance was not so much a simple signature or not,but because it reflected China’s current situation and the governor. Making the southeast stable and then "Nobumune Society, Paul Liang Gong. " Die a natural death is behind the real fact, while the results are obvious to all.The success of Mutual insurance was due to political and economic differences between north and south, behind the result of the efforts the southern gentry, but also the southeast governor, ask the diplomatic envoys with the help of the interaction between the use of imperialism, but many times to contain the product of mediation. Although a certain extent, it will uphold the national sovereignty, ensuring the stable development of the Jiangnan region. But it has also exacerbated the emergence of the central and local centrifugal force, accelerated the decline of the Qing government to facilitate the implementation of the imperialist divide and rule policy of aggression.After the Boxer Rebellion, the Qing government tried to reinforce the centralization of power by military reforms. So the government send Tieliang to the south of china, to seize manufacture Bureau, to break the southeast governor, check the south-eastern financial authority and military power of the monopoly.Until now the mutual insurance companies collapse.However, contrary to the Qing government expected that the Tieliang to the south and centralization is not the biggest beneficiaries of the Qing, but Zhili Governor Yuan Shih-kai. With the expansion of the Yuan forces, the Qing court was forced to take measures to weaken its power, and eventually lead to a break with Yuan Shikai and the Qing government and the perish by military reforms the Qing Dynasty.


