

【作者】 郑喜淑

【导师】 黄有福;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 民族学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 本文研究的图们江区域朝鲜族聚居村位于延边朝鲜族自治州。延边朝鲜族自治州东与俄罗斯滨海边疆区毗邻,南隔图们江与朝鲜咸镜北道、两江道相望,边境线长达755.2公里,其中中朝边境线522.5公里,中俄边境线232.7公里。2006年,因朝鲜族人口减少和行政区域合并等原因,图们江区域朝鲜族村由1980年的1000多个减少到395个,其中边境村187个。朝鲜族人口占70%以上的村有99个,占边境村总数的52.9%。本研究共分绪论、正文和结论三个部分。绪论主要介绍了研究背景、目的和意义,国内外相关研究动态以及研究方法。第一章论述了生态文化资源保护与建构文化产业的理论基础。探讨了生态文化与文化产业的概念;文化产业可持续发展的理论依据;文化产业可持续发展的方向及前景;文化产业对图们江区域发展的意义。第二章以田野调查资料为依据介绍了图们江区域朝鲜族聚居村概况;图们江区域朝鲜族聚居村文化资源;图们江区域朝鲜族聚居村现存问题与评价。第三章论证了图们江区域朝鲜族聚居村生态文化资源及保护价值。主要讲述了对图们江区域文化资源中的生态文化的考察。第四章主要通过中韩两国文化资源数据库的比较和文化产业开发模式的借鉴,利用战略管理的重要分析工具,对图们江区域建构文化产业的优势、劣势、机遇、挑战进行了SWOT分析,做了图们江区域朝鲜族聚居村建构文化产业的实证研究。第五章建构了图们江区域可持续发展的文化产业的三种模式,即文化内容主题村建设模式、文化内容数字化模式和文化内容创意产业链模式。本文研究的特点:一是以丰富的案例为借鉴,始终以“文化内容”(文化资源)为依托研究文化产业;二是在民族学视野下以生态人类学的理论为依据,研究文化产业的最高端生态文化产业;三是以多种学科交叉理论为基础建构文化产业可持续发展的实践模式。本研究的创新点:(一)首次提出了保护、传承和发展图们江区域朝鲜族聚居村生态文化资源,并建构可持续发展的图们江区域朝鲜族聚居村文化产业的三种模式。即:“聚居村”文化内容“主题村”建设模式;图们江区域数字化“文化内容库”模式;主题村建设模式和数字化文化内容融合发展的文化内容数字化“创意产业链”模式。(二)论证了从文化产业到文化创意产业的实践模式理论。本研究的意义:(一)民族学视野下以生态人类学理论为支撑,阐述文化产业可持续发展的理论大有可为。(二)三种模式,不仅能够保护和开发利用,而且可以防止朝鲜族文化流失和被争夺。也为当地政府和当地居民带来产业扩大化和极大化的经济效益和社会效益。

【Abstract】 From the aspect of administrative area, Korean inhabited villages which are located along Tumen River are part of Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture. They are on the east of Russia Primorsky, south to Korean Hamyong and Ryanggang across Tumen river, whose border line is up to 755.2 km, with China-Korea border 522.5 km, and Sino-Russia border 232.7 km.In 2006, due to the decline of Korean population and the merger of administrative area, Korean villiages reduced from 1000 in 1980 to 395, in which 187 are border villages. There are 99 villages whose Korean population are more than 70%, accounting for 52.9% of the total number of border villages.This thesis includes three parts:introduction, body and conlusion.The introduction tells the study background, purpose and significance, the research trend home and abroad, and the study methods.Chapter I discusses the theoretical basis of biological culture resources protection and culture industry constructure. It describes the concetpion of biological culture and culture industry, the theoretical basis, the developing direction and prospect of culutre industy’s sustainable development, and the significance of culture industry for the development in Tumen River area. On the basis of my field work, Chapter II discusses the survey in the Korean inhabited villages in Tumen River area:the culture resouces, the current problems and evaluation in the Korean inhabited villages of Tumen River area. Chapter III describes the biological culture resources and their protection value in Korean inhabited villages in Tumen River area, mainly discussing the investigation in the biological culture of the cultural resources in Tumen River area. By comparing the culture resouces database between China and Korea, learning from the culture industry’s developing models and using the important analysis tools in strategy management, Chapter III makes a SWOT-Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat-analysis and an empirical study on culture industry constructure in Tumen River area. Chater V builds up the three models of the culture industry’s sustainable development in Tumen River area:the constructure of special theme villages, the digitalization of cultural contents and the cultural creativity industry chain.The characteristics of the study:The first is learning from abundant cases and focusing on culture resources all along; the second is using biological anthropology and studying the top biological culture industry in the view of ethnology; the third is studyting the practical models on the basis of cross-descipline theory.The creating points of the study:i) It first raises the idea to protect, inherit and develop the Korean biological culture resources in Tumen River area and construct three models of cluture indutry’s sustainable development. That is the constructure model of special theme villages, the digitalization model of cultural contents database and the creativity industry chain model with the above combining development.ii) It demonstrates the practical model theory from culture industry to cultural creativity industry.The significance of the study:i) There are bright prospects in describing the theory of culture industry’s sustainable development on the basis of biological anthropology theory in the view of ethnology.ii) The three models can not only protect and develop the Korean culture but prevent it from losing and contending. From industy enlargement and maximization, they can also bring about economic and social benefits to the local government and residents.


