

【作者】 余金枝

【导师】 戴庆厦;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本书以苗语湘西方言的矮寨土语(以下简称“矮寨苗语”)为研究对象,借鉴参考语法的描写分析原则,综合运用现代语言学的基本理论,并兼顾传统语法的研究范式,对矮寨苗语的语法结构及其特点进行了较为全面、系统、深入的共时描写与分析。全书共分十二章。第一章绪论。主要介绍苗语分布和苗语系属,矮寨镇的苗族及其语言生活,本选题的研究价值、理论指导和研究方法。说明语料来源。第二章苗语语法研究之回顾。总结了苗语语法研究的现状。对苗语词类、句法、构词法等研究进行了简要的介绍。第三章语音系统描写。总结了矮寨苗语语音的基本特点,分析、描写了声母、韵母、声调和音节结构,总结了变调的规律。第四章词类研究。全面描写名词、方位词、代词、动词、形容词、数词、量词、副词、状词、叹词、介词、连词、助词等十三个词类的语法特点。重点分析名词的前缀和性;动词的前缀t(?)i44、体、重叠,泛指动词以及汉语的不及物动词在矮寨苗语里可带宾语等问题;形容词的动词化、重叠、带宾语以及形容词带宾语与动词带宾语的相同点和不同点等。第五章句法结构研究。描写、分析了并列短语、修饰短语、数量短语、述宾短语、述补短语、主谓短语、同位短语、方位短语、连动短语、兼语短语和名物化短语等十类短语。重点分析了短语结构项的语法、语义关系;并列短语的并列项排序所受的韵律制约;比较了修饰语在中心之前和之后两种语序的语义和语法差别。第六章句法成分分析。全面描写、分析了充当主、谓、宾、定、状、补等句法成分的语言单位,并对比分析了充当前状语和后状语、前定语和后定语的语法单位。第七章单句研究。全面描写、分析了动词性谓语句、形容词性谓语句、名词性谓语句。专门分析了动词性谓语句中的连动句和兼语句。第八章复句研究。将复句分为联合复句和偏正复句两类。以分句间的语义关系为视角,把联合复句分为五类:并列复句、选择复句、解说、递进复句和连贯复句。把偏正复句分为六类:转折复句、假设复句、条件复句、因果复句、目的复句和连锁复句。对每一类复句进行了描写、分析。第九章句类研究。对陈述句、疑问句、祈使句和感叹句4种句子进行了全面的分析、描写。第十章特殊句式研究。描写、分析了被动句、差比句、话题句和处置句等句式。特别是对被动句、差比句、话题句做了深入的分析。第十一章构词法研究。本章主要研究构词规则和借词。重点分析四音格词的语义、语法特征以及借词对本语系统的影响。第十二章全书结语。概述了全书的研究内容,总结了矮寨苗语语法的基本特点和本书的创新之处;指出研究的不足及后续研究中需要深化的问题。矮寨苗语语法的基本特点是:以分析性为主但又兼有黏着性特点。创新之处主要有:首次对矮寨苗语语法进行比较全面和深入的研究。以下几个方面的研究是前人没有做过的。如:“动词+名词宾语”和“形容词+名词宾语”的对比分析;被动句、差比句研究等。以下几个方面是前人做过但不深入的,本书做了比较深入的研究。如:动词前缀t(?)i44的多功能性和来源;四音格构词特点及其形成机制;动词重叠的语法意义等。不足之处是理论深度不够。对某些语法现象描写的多,解释的少。全书共有五个附录:1.长篇语料;2.自然话语3篇;3.谜语92个;4.四音格词1000个;5.分类词汇3000个。

【Abstract】 This dissertation presents a study of the Aizhai speech of the Xiangxi dialect of the Miao language (hereafter referred to as Aizhai Miao). This study uses both the principles of reference grammar and the basic theoretical concepts of general linguistics and traditional Chinese grammar to give,a synchronic comprehensive and systematic account of the grammatical structure of Aizhai Miao. The dissertation is divided into 12 chapters.Chapter 1:Introduction. This chapter presents the geographic distribution of the Miao language, its genetic lineage and the situation of language use in the Aizhai district. It discusses the value of the present work, and presents its theoretical orientations and methodology. It also explains the origin of language material.Chapter 2. Review of previous research on Miao grammar. This chapter offers a summary of the main contributions to Miao grammar studies followed by a short introduction to the word classes, syntax and morphology of the Miao language.Chapter 3. Phonological system. This chapter presents the main phonological characteristics of Aizhai Miao, provides a description and an analysis of consonants, vowels and tones as well as the syllable structure and the rules governing tone alteration.Chapter 4. Parts of speech. This chapter studies the characteristics of 13 word classes:nouns, locatives, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, numerals, classifiers, adverbs, adverbials, interjections, prepositions, conjonctions and auxiliaries. A particular emphasis is put on the following:noun prefixes and gender; verb prefixes, verbal aspect, verb reduplication, particularities of object-taking verbs in Aizhai Miao; verbalization of adjectives, adjective reduplication, object-taking adjectives, differences and similarities between object-taking adjectives and object-taking verbs.Chapter 5. Phrasal structure. This chapter presents a description of 10 types of phrases. A special emphasis is put on phrasal structure and semantic relations between the internal components, rules governing the order between internal components in parallel phrase structures, differences between modifier-modified and modified-modifier phrasal structures. Chapter 6. Syntactic constituents. This chapter offers a description and analysis of the linguistic units that can serve as subject, predicate, adjectival modifier, adverbial modifier, verbal complement, etc. A comparison is drawn between the structures modifier-modified and modified-modifier.Chapter 7. Simplex sentences. This chapter offers a description and analysis of verbal-predicate, adjectival-predicate and nominal-predicate sentences. A particular emphasis is put on serial verb constructions.Chapter 8. Complex sentences. In this chapter, a distinction is made between coordinate and subordinate sentences, which are further divided into five and six categories respectively, according to the semantic relation between the two clauses. Each category is described and analysed.Chapter 9. Syntactic mood. This chapter proposes a description and a complete analysis of declarative, interrogative, imperative and exclamative sentences.Chapter 10. Special syntactic patterns. This chapter offers a description and an analysis of passive sentences, comparative sentences, topic sentences and disposal sentences.Chapter 11. Morphology. This chapter studies the basic morphological principles of Aizhai Miao as well as loan words. A particular emphasis is put on the semantic and syntactic characteristics of quadrisyllable words and on the influence of loan words on Aizhai Miao.Chapter 12. General conclusion. This chapter includes an overview of the main points of the dissertation and summarizes the main characteristics of Aizhai Miao’s grammar. It also discusses the innovation of the dissertation as well as its incomplete aspects and gives directions for further research.The main characteristics of Azhai Miao are the following:the language shows a predominance of analytic features although agglutinative devices are also observed.This work is the first comprehensive study of the Aizhai Miao language. It tackles numerous points that had never been studied before, such as the comparison between object-taking verbs and adjectives, the passive construction, the comparative construction, and offers an in-depth analysis of questions that had been studied before, but not thoroughly, such as the formation principles of quadrisyllable words and the semantic characteristics of verb reduplication.Although linguistic phenomena are extensively described, the presents study does not always provide rigorous analyses and lacks theoretical content. The dissertation is followed by five eappndices:1) A long corpus; 2) 3 folk stories; 3) 92 riddles; 4) 1000 quadrisyllable words; 5) 3000 Miao classified words.


