

【作者】 李巍

【导师】 祁庆富;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 民族学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 社火是中国传统节日文化中的重大娱乐活动之一,它是春节期间汉民族传统的娱神娱人的民间文艺活动,源自于对古老的土地与火的崇拜。作为一个古老的文化现象,社火以一种动态的方式记载、传承农耕文化,成为农耕文化中最隆重的规模盛大、内容繁复的仪式活动和民间娱乐活动,具有悠久的展演传统,目前,民间社火已经被列入国家级非物质文化遗产保护名录。本研究以辽宁的朝阳社火、义县社火、本溪社火为例,把民间社火置放在东北移民文化生态语境中,将其作为一个表征文化意义的象征符号来考察,从文化变迁、社会记忆与文化认同的角度阐述了作为国家级非物质文化遗产的辽宁民间社火的价值与意义。辽宁的朝阳社火、义县社火、本溪社火的生成、流变、发展,保留和体现了移民文化历史发展的痕迹,是研究东北移民社会文化记忆的重要个案。另外,本研究也可为文化生态薄弱地区的非物质文化遗产保护提供一个有意义的参照。对于长期以来一直居于边缘的辽宁文化来说,文化生态相对薄弱,非物质文化遗产项目不多,作为移民社会和文化变迁的一个鲜活文本,社火这种承载移民文化生态变迁的典型个案,在被表述为非物质文化遗产的过程中,其组织形式、仪式过程、意义功能和传承方式等发生了哪些流变,背后涉及哪些社会文化动力因素,对于了解移民文化生态中非物质文化传承和保护,积累保护经验、丰富保护手段、提高保护水准,促进非物质文化遗产保护的实践和思考,有着重要的参照作用。全文包括绪论、正文与结论三大部分,其中正文由四章内容构成。绪论部分主要介绍文章选题缘由及研究价值,相关研究综述梳理,介绍论文的研究方法与理论以及资料来源。第一章主要从时间和空间地域角度,努力提供特定文化时空中较完整的社火形态。运用地方志民俗资料,梳理社火发展的历史脉络、历史渊源,探讨社火共时性中的多样性和变异性,对目前全国各地的活态社火活动内容和表现形态进行基本分类和介绍,以及在现代化和全球化的过程中,作为传统节日文化重要组成部分的社火仪式,承载着深厚的民族情感和文化心理,成为中华民族文化身份的标识,从民间底层草根文化演变为国家文化符号的过程。第二章重点介绍辽宁民间社火的仪式展演形态。本章主要依据田野调查资料,从自然生态和人文生态方面阐述辽宁朝阳社火、义县社火和本溪社火的文化生境,呈现朝阳、义县、本溪社火的区域、活动类型,本体结构和展演形态,探寻辽宁社火鲜活存续的实际面貌。第三章为文化变迁:移民社会的文化记忆。运用史料详细梳理东北移民历史脚步,从移民社会的文化记忆角度,解读移民在基于地缘关系的文化认同心理下保存的多重叙事交错的民间文化记忆,审视辽宁民间社火的价值与功能,探寻社火仪式展演体现的多种象征意义。第四章的研究目标定位在社火作为非物质文化遗产的现代适应,将社火置于动态的文化建构过程中,分析辽宁社火在现当代中国社会中的文化表述情况、传承状况、存在的主要问题及未来的发展方向。结论与讨论部分主要对文章中所提及的主要问题进行简要梳理回答,强调社火是中原移民在东北地区留存的文化记忆,通过社火在东北移民文化生态区的保护个案,引发关于非物质文化遗产保护问题的思考。

【Abstract】 Teeming activity is one of the entertaining activities of Chinese traditional festival cultures. As a traditional folk art performance of Han Nationality to entertain God and Man itself, teeming activity originates from the worship of ancient earth and fire. As an ancient cultural phenomenon, teeming activity records, inherits and breeds agricultural culture in a mobile way. Therefore, it becomes the most ceremonious and complicated ceremony and folk entertaining activity with its centuries-old performances. At present, teeming activity has been listed under the protection of national intangible cultural heritage.Taking the teeming activity in Chaoyang, Yi County, and Benxi as an example and setting it in the context of Northeastern migration and furthermore, studying it as a symbol of culture, this dissertation illustrates the value and significance of Liaoning folk teeming activity as national intangible cultural heritage from the perspective of cultural transformation, social memory and cultural recognition. The teeming activities in these areas retain and present the emergence, transformation, development and reservation of the traces of migration history, thus making them an important case for studying the culture memory of Northeast Migration Culture.Besides, this dissertation may offer a significant reference to areas with weak sense of protection of their intangible cultural heritage. For Liaoning Province with a marginalized culture over a long period of time, its cultural ecology is relatively weak, and it has been endowed with rather few intangible cultural heritage projects. As a vivid case of migration society and culture transition, teeming activity, the one with the biological transformation of migration culture, when defined as intangible cultural heritage, what changes have occurred to it, and what is the social encouraging force behind it? To better understand the inheritance and to further protect intangible cultural heritage, accumulate protective experiences, and enrich protective ways, the dissertation has offered a helpful reference.This dissertation can be put into three parts:the introduction, the main body and conclusion. The main body can be further divided into four chapters.In introduction, the picking of this subject and its value has been introduced. Also, the methodology of research and references have been mentioned.Chapter One gives a relatively complete presentation of teeming activity in a limited space and time from these views. Local chronicles about folklore have been referred to present the historical development of, to trace its origin and to discuss on the variety and its differences of its synchronicity. The living teeming activities over our country and their types of performances have been classified and introduced in this chapter. Furthermore, as an important part of traditional festivals, teeming-activity ceremonies carry with them the profound national emotions and cultural psyche, which is especially true and significant in this modernized and globelized world. It has become the identification of Chinese culture. Its process of transformation from grass root culture of the bottom of folklore to symbols of national culture.Chapter Two puts emphasis on the patterns of performances of teeming activities in Liaoning Province. It illustrates the cultural conditions of teeming activities in Chao Yang, Yi County, and Ben Xi from the point of view of natural ecology and human ecology. The regions popularized with teeming activities and their types, structures and forms of performances have also been presented in order to restore a truer and more vivid picture of them.Chapter Three is cultural transition:migration society and culture memory. Historical documents have been referred to clarify the development of migration in the northeast region. It also interprets the significance of the reservation of its own culture when migrants are greatly influenced by the tendency to recognize and comply with the culture of their new settlements. In this chapter, the value and function of Liaoning Province has also been investigated and its symbolic meanings of these performances and ceremonies are examined.Chapter Four sets the aim of this research on the application of teeming activity to the modern world as intangible cultural heritage. It puts teeming activity in a mobile cultural construction and gives an analysis of the cultural presentation, inheritance situation and the existing problems and the future development of Liaoning teeming activity in contemporary China.Conclusion and discussion mainly gives a brief answer to the issues mentioned above. Through the emphasis of teeming activity as a retained cultural memory of migrants from Central Plains to the Northeast, it attempts to trigger off the thinking on the protection of intangible cultural heritage with this case study of protection of teeming activity in the northeastern region.


