

【作者】 南加才让

【导师】 丹珠昂奔;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 藏族文化, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 藏传佛教噶举派“不祧之祖”玛尔巴译师,是藏传佛教发展史和藏族文化发展史上的一代宗师,他三赴印度,求取真经,弘扬佛法,开宗立派,是中国佛教史上追求真理,意志坚定,鞠躬尽瘁的又一典范。作为一种文化现象,玛尔巴译师的出现,无论是在藏传佛教史上还是在藏族文化史上都具有特别引人注目的典型意义。他身上所表现出的劝善戒恶、普度众生的道德信条;言行必果、讲求信用、恪守誓约、吃苦耐劳的道德品质及蔑视困难、百折不挠的精神与信念,是构筑藏族文化本质精神与核心内容的基础,它不仅是藏族传统文化人格的典范,而且也为重塑现代藏族文化人格提供了经验。本文依托《玛尔巴译师传》,从前人和当代学者的研究成果出发,一是对玛尔巴译师的佛学思想、佛教志业做客观地分析和梳理;二是将玛尔巴译师作为一个平常人,从道德品质、气质性格二个方面考察其独特的文化人格,再从跨文化传播的角度验证其文化人格,以突出其思想理念、情感和意志的特点,探寻从玛尔巴译师身上折射出的体现藏族一个历史时代人们的探索和追求,提升藏族文化的精神内涵;三是复现佛教在西藏复兴时代的文化辐射,发掘和弘扬民族精神,寻求它的现代价值。首先,在第一章绪论中介绍选择本论题的缘由和意义、本论题所涉及的有关“印度”、“藏传佛教噶举派”等概念的界定,以及研究本论题所采用的研究方法和参考资料。第二章,在历代学者和当代学人对玛尔巴佛教志业研究成果的基础上,对玛尔巴的佛学思想、师承及佛学教授做一个客观的分析和梳理。第三章,采用文本叙事与人格分析相观照的方法,通过《玛尔巴译师传》,以人格心理学的最新研究成果为理论支撑,从道德品格、气质性格两个方面展开对玛尔巴文化人格的探究。在描述玛尔巴道德人格时,突出他道德人格中“弘扬佛教、利乐众生”的基本内涵;对玛尔巴个性品质的讨论中,立足20世纪80年代以来,人格研究者们公认的人格五因素模式,即“大五人格”,来观照其人格特质,挖掘其独特的个性气质、生命情态。在分析玛尔巴文化人格成因时,着重考察其人生际遇与人格特质的内在关联,特别是藏族传统文化对其的影响,以期在纵向研究中探寻其命运与人格发展的历史逻辑。这是本文论著的重点。第四章,在跨文化传播研究的成果及当代学人对佛教和苯教比较研究的基础上,深入探讨佛教在西藏传播过程中玛尔巴所起的重要作用,以验证其文化人格。此内容是本文的创新之处。在第五章结语中,通过玛尔巴的个案分析,挖掘藏族文化的精神财富,提升藏族文化的精神内涵,在现实问题意识引导下,寻求历史资源的价值,为重塑现代藏族文化人格,造就一个良好的社会文化氛围。

【Abstract】 Marpa, the master of bKav-rgyud Sect of Tibetan Buddhism, is also the master of developing history on Tibetan Buddhism and Tibetan cultures. He has been to India three times for learning Buddhist scriptures, promoting Buddhist doctrines and setting up Buddhist sects, all of this showing that in the Chinese Buddhist history, he is an another example of having an iron will to pursue truth and devoting his whole life to Buddhist study. As a kind of cultural phenomenon, the appearance of Marpa has a typical meaning on whatever the history of Tibetan Buddhism or Tibetan culture. His moral creed of persuading people to do good things and dissuading people from doing bad things and the moral character of abiding by his word as well as the indomitable spirit and faith on confronting with difficult situation are the foundation of constructing the essential spirit and core content of Tibetan culture. Not only does it set an example for moulding personality of Tibetan traditional culture, but also provide experience for designing personality models of modern Tibetan culture.This article, based on The Biography of Marpa Lotsawa, started from the research achievement of forefathers and contemporary scholars, firstly analyzes the Buddhism thoughts and studies of master Marpa objectively; secondly, regarding master Marpa as a normal person, examines his unique cultural personality from two aspects which are moral character and temperament character, and then proves his cultural personality again from the angle of propagating cross-cultures, so as to highlight his features of idea, emotion and will, to seek the exploration and pursuit which reflecting Tibetans at a historical period, to grub the spiritual wealth of regional culture, and to advance the, spiritual connotation of Tibetan cultures. Lastly, reproduces the cultural expansion of Buddhism at its revival age in Tibet from the meaning of normal forms, explores and promotes ethnic spirits as well as seeks its modern value.The first chapter introduces the reason and meaning of this topic, and demarcation of the concept which is related to "India" and "bKav rgyud Sect of Tibetan Buddhism" as well as the research methods and referential materials that are using for researching this article.Based on the research achievements of past and contemporary scholars on Buddhism studies of master Marpa, the second chapter objectively analyses the Buddhism thoughts and the succession of teachings from master Marpa to his disciples.Using the methods of textual narration and analysis of personality and basing on The Biography of Marpa Lotsawa, the third chapter researches Marpa’s cultural personality from two aspects which are moral character and temperament character according to the theory of the latest research achievements on personality psychology.When depicting Marpa’s moral personality, this chapter highlights his fundamental connotation of "promote Buddhism and benefit all livings"; while discussing Marpa’s individual character, from personality researchers’general acceptation on the five factors of personality modes since 1980s, that is "five personalities", to compare Marpa’s personality trait and grub his unique character temperament and life mood. When analyzing the formation cause of Marpa’s cultural personality, this chapter focuses on examining the inner relationships between his life experience and personality trait; particularly, the effect of Tibetan traditional cultures so as to seek the historical logic of Marpa’s life and personality development. This is the key point of the article.Based on the achievements of cross-cultural propagation study and the comparison between Buddhism and Bon Religion made by contemporary scholars, the fourth chapter discusses Marpa’s important role of Buddhism propagation in Tibet so as to prove his cultural personality. This content is the innovation part of the article.Through analyzing Marpa’s cases, grubbing and advancing the spiritual wealth and connotation of Tibetan cultures, the concluding part of the fifth chapter seeks the value of historical resources under the guidance of the practical problems and makes a harmonious atmosphere of social culture for remoulding modern Tibetan cultural personalities.


