

【作者】 曹春茹

【导师】 李岩;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 中国少数民族语言文学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 柳梦寅(1559-1623)是朝鲜朝中期著名的汉文学家,他有248篇散文保存至今,收入《於于集》,还有稗说体散文集《於于野谈》传世。从总体上看,柳梦寅的散文成就很高,又体现出“多元文化特征”,适合置于“比较文学”领域进行研究。柳梦寅生活的时代,朝鲜的性理学由鼎盛转向式微,新兴的实学思想逐渐萌生;国内党争激烈,女真、日本等外族屡次进犯;而朝鲜与中国的政治友善达到了高峰,在文化、文学方面,与中国的友好交流也空前频繁,唐宋古文及明代的复古文学思潮在朝鲜广泛传播并产生了很大影响。而此时朝鲜的作家们对诗歌的重视要超过散文,散文创作正处于骈体与散体并行的阶段。这种“多元文化语境”对柳梦寅‘的散文创作有着深远的影响,使其散文呈现出“多元文化特征”。作为一个成熟的作家,柳梦寅有着自觉的创作意识,力图以创作实现“华国”和“不朽”。柳梦寅的文学思想也十分丰富并表现出“多元文化特征”。他借鉴和运用了中国传统的“诗言志”、“诗缘情”“知人论世”等文学理论,但以此来评价本国创作时又表现出民族性。他还吸收了韩愈、柳宗元的“文以明道”、“不平则鸣”、“旁推交通”等古文理论但又适当变通,形成了自己的散文理论体系。多元的文化语境、自觉的创作意识和丰富的文学思想使得柳梦寅的散文既表现出强烈的思想性,又有很高的艺术性。他的散文不仅蕴含着传统儒家的忠孝节义思想、民本思想,还结合了朝鲜的时代特征,将传统儒家思想时代化、民族化,具体表现为新兴的实学思想和强烈的民族意识。柳梦寅散文深邃的思想蕴涵可以概括为“儒以忠孝节义·为尚”、“结民心以固邦本”、“援古酌今苏民活国之策”、“彼亦国也,此亦国也”、“友朋相聚,如篪如埙”、“所思在橘柚梅竹之乡’他的部分散文也表达了佛道思想。柳梦寅散文的艺术性主要体现在:结构精巧缜密,或以一句为统帅结构全篇,或巧妙迂回、渐入主题,或前后照应;语言灵活多样,具体表现为用词准确、词汇丰富,句式灵活多变;比喻、对偶、排比、夸张、对比等修辞手法的运用使文章异彩纷呈,更具表现力;由于“文化氛围”和生存状态的改变,其散文艺术风格前后迥异,前期激昂、凌厉,体现出阳刚之美;后期平和、冲淡,体现出阴柔之美。在柳梦寅散文创作的“多元文化语境”中,“中国文化”是尤其重要的一个文化语境层面。柳梦寅对中国传统文化有极深的造诣,他的文学创作也在中国文化的丰饶沃土中生长繁茂起来。所以,将柳梦寅的散文“解构”开来,我们既能看到先秦诸子散文长于类比说理、因事说理、寓言说理的特色,又能看到两汉散文《史记》、《汉书》在形式、思想、艺术上影响的痕迹。同时柳梦寅的散文还在文体、语言、思想等方面“用韩、柳文立模范”。而他最擅长引经据典、以古论今,所用典故也主要来源于中国的各类文化典籍。这些正是柳梦寅散文“多元文化特征”的具体表现。柳梦寅是朝鲜朝中期散文创作的主要代表之一,其散文创作的贡献在于:超越了模仿阶段,“取诸心得”;努力改变朝鲜朝形式主义的文风,积极倡导散体古文;总结了散文创作的原则和具体方法;反映和促进了中朝的政治、文化交流。但柳梦寅的散文也存在一些瑕疵,如排斥骈文、追求古文的态度过于偏激;排斥唐以后散文,否定欧阳修、苏轼的创作;过分宣扬伦理教化;一些散文还存在冗长、拖沓的不足等等。但这些瑕疵并不能掩盖其散文的卓越成就。

【Abstract】 Liu Mengyin (1559-1623) is North Faction of new fumiomi and the famous sinologist in mid-Joseon Dynasty. He has been handed down 248 proses and these proses have been collected in "Yuyu Collection", as well as "Yuyu Chat" handed down. Overall, his prose is excellent, worth studying in compareative literature.In the era of Liu Mengyin, Korea’s Zhu Xi Neo-Confucianism was declining from the peak; new Practical Science produced gradually; party struggles was fierce domestic and Japan, Jurchen invaded repeatedly; then political relations between Korea and China was unprecedented close, and the exchange of culture and literature was very frequent. At this point, the classical proses of Tang Song and the retro literary trends of Ming Dynasty impacted Korea deeply. At that time, Korea’s writers emphasized on poetry more than prose. Some writers still wrote dual text. Multicultural context impacted Liu Mengyin’s creation deeply.As a mature writer, Liu Mengyin had a conscious sense of creation, that is "win glory for the country "and "immortal". Liu Mengyin’s literature thought is also very rich. First, he learned from the traditional Chinese theories,such as "Poems express ideas"" Poems from the feelings" "Understand what the author’s age and experience" and other poetic theory. But when Liu Mengyin evaluated their own writing with these theories, his comments was filled with nationality. Secondly, he absorbed Han Yu and Liu ZongYuan’s " articles ignited thought" "feelings of unfairness trigger creation" "reference to other works" and other classical theories, but he made appropriate modifications and formed his own prose theoretical system.Liu Mengyin’s proses not only have profound ideological,but also have strong artistic quality because of multicultural context, his conscious sense of creation and the rich literary thought. His prose is not only contains the traditional Confucian ideology of faithful, takashi, chastity, moral, but also combines the characteristics of the times of Joseon, reflecting the Practical Science ideas and a strong national consciousness.The profound ideas implication of Liu Mengyin’s proses can be summarized as"faithful, takashi, chastity, and moral is the roots of Confucianism""win over the people in order to strengthen the rule""learn from ancient times and today’s policy to save the country and the people""China is a country, Korea is a country too""loving the nature""cherishing friendship".Liu MengYin prose’s artistic quality embodied in the structure, language, figures of speech and artistic styles and so on. The structure is ingenious and close,some artistics are organized with a sentence, some artistics gradually into the theme,and some artistics’context is echo each other; The language is flexible,for Example, glossary is accurate and rich, sentence is flexible; Analogy, in parallel, exaggeration and contrast made the proses colorful and expressive; From early to late,the artistic style is different,early prose is passionate and fierce,expressing masculine beauty,late prose is mild and diluted, expressing feminine beauty.Chinese cultural context was importangt to Liu MengYin,he studied China’s traditional culture all along,his literature also based on Chinese culture. In Liu Mengyin’s proses,we can see pre-Qin proses’reasoning features,such as explain the reason with analog, something and fables.And we also can see the impact of Han Dynasty prose in form, idea and art. At the same time, Liu Mengyin still learned from HanYu and Liu Zongyuan in the style of writing, language and thoughts. Liu Mengyin’s prose is very good at citing the classical theory, and the majority allusions that he quoted were from the story of China’s various cultural texts. These factors embody multicultural characteristics.Liu Mengyin was a representation writer in mid-Joseon Dynasty, his contribution is beyond the imitation stage, creation from heart; efforted to change Joseon Dynasty’s creative atmosphere of formalism, promoted to write classical prose actively; summarized the principles and specific methods of prose writing; reflected and promoted the China-Korea’s political and cultural exchanges. However, there are some flaws in Liu Mengyin’s proses.for example, his attitude that excluding parallel prose and pursuing classical prose was too radical; excluded the prose after Tang, denied Ouyang Xiu and Su Shi’s proses; promoted ethical enlightenment excessively; some proses are not refined and rendering excessively and so on. However, these flaws can not conceal Mengyin’s prose’s outstanding achievements.


