

【作者】 王雪梅

【导师】 王远新;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 语言学与应用语言学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 内蒙古晋语的研究在部分方言点语音描写、古语词、借词、本字考证、语法现象描写等方面取得了较多成果,但尚有不足甚至存在一些空白调查点。这主要表现在:第一,未开展大规模调查,缺乏第一手材料。一些城镇和农村的方言概貌及不同方言点的差异至今尚不清楚;第二,缺乏代表性方言点的深入考察;第三,尚未有社会语言学角度的研究成果。方言的共时变异研究,有助于揭示历时变化特点、过程、规律和发展趋势。本文选择内蒙古晋语凉城话作为研究对象,其目的在于:第一,进一步补充和加强内蒙古地区的晋语研究。内蒙古晋语单点方言研究成果较少,我们期待从单点的较为全面的描写研究开始对该区方言进行持续的关注。第二,本文在全面描写实地调查材料的基础上考察凉城方言代际传承的情况。本文通过对凉城老中青三代语言使用状况的调查和定量分析,展现处在晋语边缘地带的凉城话的演变轨迹,这对动态探索晋语演变的规律无疑有着重要的意义。第三,在本文的写作过程中,着力突出凉城话方言特点的描写及理据阐释。本文除绪论部分介绍凉城县、凉城话概况、内蒙古晋语研究状况以及对凉城话的内部进行分区外,正文部分主要涉及三方面的内容:首先,描写凉城四个片区代表点的语音状况,对比其语音差异,比较“舒促”两读字在凉城地区的时空分布差异,描写凉城话文白异读使用情况;其次,分析凉城话词汇的基本特征,阐释逆序词、四字格词语,揭示凉城话“以声像意”现象及其对词汇、语法的影响,并按意义和词类分列方言词汇。最后一部分重点描写凉城话词缀及一些语法现象的时空分布。本研究主要有以下发现:第一,凉城话内部存在较大差异。语音方面大部区域具有晋语张呼片特征,小部分与大包片一致,即平声分阴阳;第二,凉城话形成了新的文白异读层;第三,凉城话存在“以声像意”现象;第四,凉城话形态构词较明显,其中动词词缀较丰富;第五,通过对一些语言变项的定量调查和定性分析,发现凉城话的代际差异较为明显。

【Abstract】 The study of Jin dialect of Inner Mongolia has made many progresses on vocal description, the ancient words, borrowings, textual research and grammatical descriptions, yet, there are still some deficiencies and even some blank spots existing in the investigation. This is mainly manifested as follows:first, no large-scale survey has ever been conducted on the one hand, and on the other hand, the lack of first-hand material. It remains unclear about the overall concept on some towns and rural dialects and the dialect variations among different places. Second, the in-depth study of some typical dialect-places is absent. And third, there are few research results by sociolinguistic analysis. The study of synchronic variation of dialects contributes to revealing the diachronic changes of characteristics, processes, laws, and development trend.The main purposes of this paper are as follows:firstly, to further complement and strengthen the study of the Inner Mongolia Jin Dialects. A single-sited research in Inner Mongolia is inadequate. Thus we expect sustained attention will be paid to dialects in the area from the beginning of the more comprehensive description to single site dialect. Secondly, explore the intergenerational transmission of Liangcheng dialect on the basis of a thorough interpretation of the on-the-spot survey data/materials. The paper reveals an evolutionary trace of Liangcheng dialect at the fringe of Jin language through the investigation and quantitative analysis of the dialect used among the three generations (the aged, the mid-aged and the young). It is no doubt of great significance to explore dynamically of the development rules of Jin language. Thirdly, the paper focuses on description of the peculiar feature of Liangcheng dialect and motivated illustration.In addition to early description of Liangcheng County, Liangcheng dialect profiles, the study in history and current situation of the Inner Mongolia Jin Dialect and internal division of Liangcheng dialect on the introduction parts, the body mainly covers three aspects:First, describes vocal conditions, contrasting vocal differences among Liangcheng representative places, and compares to the differences in spatial and temporal distribution area between "Shu/cu"(舒促)two-reading words, describes colloquial-literary strata. Second, analyzes the basic characteristics of Liangcheng dialect vocabulary, reverse words, Four-character words, reveals the phenomenon of "Yi sheng xiang yi" (sound indicates meaning) and its impact on vocabulary and grammar, lists dialect lexis according to the meaning and speech. The last part describes the affixes of Liangcheng dialect, and spatial and temporal distribution of a number of grammatical phenomena.The paper has the following findings:First, there are greater differences within Liangcheng dialect. Voice in most of the region shares same Jin-chip feature with the phrase Zhang Hu(张呼片),voice of places is, in a fraction, consistent with the phrase features of Da Bao chip(大包片).Second, the new phonetic strata of colloquial-literary pronunciations appear. And third, there is the feature that the meaning is impacted by the sound. Fourth, Morphological word-formation is more obvious, especially the affixes forming verbs are very rich. Fifth, there are obvious intergenerational differences in Liangcheng regain.

【关键词】 凉城话文白异读变异研究词缀
【Key words】 Liangcheng DialectAffixColloquial-literary strataVariation

