

【作者】 汪亚光

【导师】 李鸣;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 民族法学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 1949年10月,中华人民共和国建立了,我们习惯上称中华人民共和国的建立为新中国。之所以称之为新中国,则是因为中华人民共和国在很多制度和观念上都对传统的中国做了翻天覆地的变化。在这些变化中,对中国这个多民族国家的民族观和民族关系的改变则是众多变化之中最为重要的一个。而民族观和民族关系的变化都是由于新中国初期的民族法制建设带来的。作为中国民族法制历史中极其重要的一环,甚至可以说是改变整个中国民族法制历史的一环,新中国初期的民族法制建设,其思考和探索的过程、其建构的法制体系、以及其走过的曲折的路程,都是民族法学领域不可回避的问题。这个思考和探索的过程大致花了17年的时间,即自建国的1949年至文化大革命开始前的1965年。这一个17年,是中国共产党在分析中国历史上各个时期的民族政策,学习西方资产阶级和马克思主义民族理论,结合中国革命和建设实践的基础之上对中国民族法制建设的开创性时期。那么,新中国民族法制建设是在什么样的历史背景下开始的?在这之前的中国民族法制的状况是什么?中国共产党创建新中国民族法制的思想和理论来源是什么?在这个创建的过程中,遇到的问题有哪些?进行了怎样的选择?民族法制建设的成果是什么?然而又为什么会走上曲折的道路?凡此种种,学界虽然有过零星涉猎,但都是轻描淡写,缺乏系统探讨和深入分析。本文的目的就是在利用建国以来党和国家的重要文献,通过宏观分析与微观叙事相结合、动态考察与静态描述相结合、历史梳理与法学思辨分析相结合的方法,来尽可能详尽地解答这些问题,以期对当下的民族法制建设进行源头上的思考,提供一种来自历史深处的认识。新中国民族法制建设是中国民族法制建设历史上的转折点。从新中国的民族法制建设开始,中国历史上持续了二千年的民族歧视、民族压迫的华夷两分的民族观转而向民族平等、民族团结、民族友爱的民族观改变。而这个改变的过程,源于清末民初以来的中华民族的民族崛起革命运动,即新民主主义运动。正是在新民主主义革命中,经过对西方传来的启蒙时代以来的资产阶级法治思想和民族理论,以及马克思列宁主义中的民族思想和民族政策的接触、学习和借鉴,促成了中国共产党的民族理论和民族政策的形成。在这个过程中,中国共产党不断结合中国革命和建设的实际,不断随着革命和建设情况的转变对民族政策进行调整,最终凝练出新中国的民族法制的核心——民族区域自治制度。民族区域自治制度是中国共产党在建立新中国后就解决民族问题所得出的最适合中国民族实际的政治制度。这一制度的产生和运用源于对民族自决权和联邦制的摒弃。这一制度在新中国的确立开始于《中国人民政治协商会议共同纲领》,成型于1954年《中华人民共和国宪法》,这一个过程就是新中国民族法制建设的过程,也是新中国民族法制框架形成的过程。在这一个过程中,党和国家领导人为了使得中国的民族关系和民族状况得到最根本的改善,派出民族访问团进行了大量的访问,在民族聚居区进行了大量的工作。并在展开这些工作的过程中,充分照顾和结合民族地区的文化特色和经济特色,对国家的政策进行适当的修正。然而,当运用法律的理性对新中国的民族法制框架进行深入的分析时,我们发现,新中国的民族法制框架存在很严重的体系缺陷。从对法律法规、行政规章和领导人指示的对比上我们发现,新中国民族法制建设中,法律制度的建设仅仅停留于框架层面,而没有形成有机的法律体系。而相反,大量的民族问题都是通过行政规章和领导人指示来进行“一事一议”式的解决,法律制度和行政规章及领导人指示的比例严重失调。这种方法在短时期内有其快速高效的好处,但是从长远的角度来看,其弊端则是会导致法律虚无主义或者个人崇拜的产生。后来的历史用铁一样的事实告诉我们,这个担心是完全必要的,而这种问题和缺陷就是新中国民族法制建设的软肋,是当下中国民族法制建设需要吸取的教训。通过历史的梳理和法学理性的讨论,通过框架的分析,通过微观的数据分析与宏观的比较,我们对新中国民族法制建设的这一问题得以呈现了出来。总之,新中国民族法制建设改变了中国几千年来的民族关系和民族状况,是中国历史上民族关系的新生。正是由于新中国民族法制建设的探索和努力,才得以使得我国这个多民族国家得以建立现在这样团结繁荣的民族关系。这都是源于新中国初期民族法制建设的思考和探索的成果。但是,我们也更要清醒得认识到新中国民族法制建设存在的问题,只有对这一问题进行深入的仔细的分析,才能够防止我们未来的民族法制建设再次出现类似的问题,并促进我国民族法制建设朝更健康的方向发展。对新中国民族法制建设这一正反两方面的分析,使我们对现行的民族制度得以正本清源的了解,也使我们对今后的民族法制建设得以更良好的展望。

【Abstract】 In October of 1949,the People’s Repulic of China is founded. We call it the New China. As Chinese nationality legal system history faced a great change from now on. In these changes, this multi-ethnic country of China’s ethnic and national relations of the changes is the most important. The ethnic and national relations of the changes are due to the early New China brought the national legal system. As the history of national legal system,an extremely important part, or even change the whole history of China’s national legal system part,the beginning of New China’s national legal system, its reflection and exploration of the process, the construction of legal system and its gone through the tortuous journey, are areas of national law can not avoid the question. This process of reflection and exploration took roughly 17 years or so,since the founding of the Cultural Revolution from 1949 to 1965.This 7 years is the communist party of China in the analysis of Chinese history, ethnic policies to study western bourgeois and marxian national theory, combined with the practice of Chinese revolution and construction in China based on the national legal system construction of pioneering period.So, what kind of history background the national legal system construction in China began? what situation is it before? What is the ideological and theoretical origin? What did they face? What did they choose? What is the result? And why they made some lose? All of this haven’t been studied enough.The purpose of this paper is to use the documents of the party and the country since the founding, combine the micro and macro-analysis,dynamic and static description of historical speculation and legal methods,to anwser those questiones.New China national legal system is the turning poin of the national legal system’s history. From this, lasted two thousand years of ethnic discrimination and oppression between the Han and other minorities began to change. And this process of change from the Late Qing Dynasty Chinese nation since the rise of revolutionary movements, that the new democratic movement. It is in the new democratic revolution, from learning from the age of enlightenment and Marxism-leninism and the national ideology and national policy, the communist party of China to ethnic theories and policies.began to frame. It its called the system of regional ethnic autonomy.The system of regional ethnic autonomy is most suitable for China’s national political system,it is the Chinese commusnist party’s policy for\ the establishment of a national problem. The production and use of this system stems from a rejection of national self-determination and federalism. This system began in the establishment of new China in the "Common Program of the CPPCC",forming in 1954, "The People’s Republic of China Constitution". This is a process of national legal construction of new China. It ss also the national legal framework for the formation of the new China process. In this process, leaders of the Party and state made China’s ethnic relations and national status of the most fundamental improvement.But, when we use the rational use of the law,we will find that the new China’s national legal framework had great weakness. When we contrast the laws, administrative regulations and the leaders of direct orders, we found that in the building national legal system of New China stay in the framework of the level only, without the formation of organic legal system. Contrastly, a large number of national issues are directed by administrative regulations and leaders to carry out "thing"-type solution. This approach has its fast and efficient in the short term benefits,but from a long-term point of view, its drawback is the result of legal nihilism or the production of the cult of personality. Later, the same as the history of iron facts tell us that this is completely true.The problems and deficiencies of this new China is the soft underbelly of national legal system, the current national legal system in needs those lessons.In short,the New China’s national legal system changed thousands of years of China’sethnic relations and national conditions, it started the China’s new history of ethnic relations. It is because of the new China’s National Legal and it’s effort, we able to make our way in this multi-ethnic unity and established prosperity between ethnic groups. This is the rusults of the beginning of new China, the exploration and reflection fo legal construction of ethnic. But,we also need to have a clear understanding of the new China, the problems of national legal system,only this can stop us make a same mistake and promote our national legal system toward a more healthy direction. The analysis of the positive and negative of the legal construction of the new China,will give us a clear thought,and will give us a rational and better prospects


