

【作者】 乔馨

【导师】 王军;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 中国少数民族教育, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 “嘎老”汉译称为“侗族大歌”,是南部侗族地区特有的民间多声部合唱形式。作为侗家的文化符号之一,其内涵博大精深,伴随着侗民族的形成与发展一路走来,是一种独特且蕴涵民族精髓的具有教化性质的“百科全书”。“嘎老”的核心功能就是文化传承,独特的传承方式和文化内涵塑造了一代代侗家人及其特有的民族性格,这也正是侗族传统文化教育的魅力所在。如今,这一传统文化的传承之根在岩洞侗乡土壤中仍倔强延伸,虽经时代洗礼而活力犹存,依然保持着旺盛的生命力,成为典型的侗家人“活”的文化样态,其传承是成功的。这些强烈吸引着笔者想要对其进行深入研究,考察其传承的动因及具体运行机制,分析其传承的存在价值(教育功能),既而进一步思考中国各民族如何成功传承本民族优秀文化传统,力求从其“活”的文化传承模式中总结出民族文化得以成功传承的普适性规律,将有利于民族文化的永续发展。本文共分五章,内容设计拟突出“求事”与“求是”两个方面。“求事”主要是笔者通过多次进入侗族聚居地,以岩洞村为调查地点,对这种民间多声部合唱形式—“嘎老”,进行了深入详细的田野考察工作,获得大量的第一手材料,并进行归纳、梳理,尽可能完整地概括出嘎老文化传承的具体内容与文化变迁。“求是”,则重点分析、把握了嘎老传承的本体构成、嘎老传承模式、嘎老传承的教育功能,基于教育人类学的思考,勾勒出传统民族文化传承的一般性规律及其应对之策。具体内容如下:第一章:嘎老文化传承第一村—岩洞村的概况。通过文化生态系统视角从宏观和微观两个层面考察和描述嘎老传承第一村—岩洞村。宏观层面包括岩洞村的自然地理、历史渊源等方面的情况;而微观层面涵盖岩洞人的物质生活和精神生活等方面的内容。两个层面相互支撑,共同构成嘎老文化传承赖以依存的文化生态系统。第二章:岩洞嘎老传承的本体构成。通过笔者在该地区的多次田野考察为依据,对“嘎老”这一概念进行界定,对岩洞嘎老的种类构成、音乐形态、唱词特征进行了收集、记录和整理,以期更真实、更客观、更准确地向外界展现岩洞村嘎老传承的本体构成及特征。同时,从音乐人类学的视阈对岩洞嘎老的音乐形态进行了文化方面的理论透视,使之不再是单纯意义上的音乐形态分析,而是具有较强文化印刻表征的客观音响秩序存在形式。第三章:岩洞嘎老传承模式的田野考察。在岩洞村进行深入的田.野考察中发现,嘎老的传承虽在乡间仍系统严密,但就传承渠道而言,早已超越了乡土社会和族群地方文化而与当代社会大背景密切结合,在原生传承主干之上又发展演变成其他传承模式,即师徒传承、鼓楼对歌传承、文艺表演传承和学校教育传承。本研究将前两者称为“传统传承”,而后两者则称为“现代传承”,并将这四种嘎老传承模式分别从传承目的、传承内容、传承过程、传承特点等几个方面作深入具体地描述和解析,以期全面解读岩洞嘎老在当代语境中的文化传承选择机制。第四章:岩洞嘎老传承的教育功能。以岩洞嘎老传承的详细而深入的田野考察为研究背景,通过教育人类学的研究视角,从师徒传承、鼓楼对歌、文艺表演和学校教育四种不同传承形式的维度着手,深入探讨现今嘎老“四维一体”文化传承模式所发挥的各自独有的传承价值,即教育功能,从而实现着人的社会化与文化化。第五章:嘎老文化传承的现代思考。通过教育人类学的相关理论阐释,分析岩洞嘎老文化传承生生不息的本质动因,提出民族文化传承的一般性规律,即民族文化传承必须满足人的需要、必须通过文化选择与教育适应来实现。进而提出对中国各民族文化的传承与保护的应对之策。即,要实现传统与现代文化传承的“有机结合”;确保传承民族文化传承的“基本要素”;推动民族文化传承中的“要素整合”。综上所述,民族传统文化的传承是以实践性把握为载体的社会活动,是以传统文化的现实性适应为基础的。只凭借“纸上谈兵”的空想而提出一些对策办法,并不能解决民族传统文化所面临的实际问题,更不能对其传承提出实用价值较高的策略。因此,我们必须从民族地区的实际情况出发,了解民族传统文化的传承机制和特点、传承价值、民族成员的主体需求,寻找出传统民族文化与现代化如何协调平衡,以及传统民族文化的当代传承存在普适性的内在规律和必要条件。这些问题的分析将对我国民族文化的传承与保护具有重要的现实意义和研究价值,而对于这些问题的回答,只有深入民族地区,运用人类学方法进行调查,才可能得到答案。

【Abstract】 "Galao", which is translated into mandarin Chinese as "Grand Song of Ethnic Dong Minority", is a unique folk multi-voice chorus singing form in the southern Dong minority area. As one of the cultural symbols of the ethnic Dong people, with its profound connotations, it has evolved all the way with the formation and development of the Dong people. It is a unique "encyclopedia" with profound essence of the correctional nature. The core function of "Galao" lies in its cultural heritage. The unique succession and cultural context have shaped generations of the Dong people and their unique national traits, which is just the charm in the Dong people’s traditional cultural education. Today, the roots of the traditional cultural heritage are persistently extending in the soil of Yandong of the Dong region. This traditional culture, through the baptism of the times, still maintains its vitality and strong vigor. It has become a typical "living" culture state of the Dong people. The heritage inheritance has been successful. All this has strongly enticed the author into an in-depth study to examine the motives of its heritage succession and its specific operational mechanisms, to analyze its heritage value (educational function), and to further ponder upon how China’s ethnic people have successfully carried forward their excellent cultural traditions, for the purpose of summing up the universal regularity for successful national cultural heritage successions through the "living" cultural heritage mold, which will be conducive to sustainable development of national cultures.This paper is comprised of five chapters. The content design intends to highlight the two aspects of "seeking things" and "seeking truths". "Seeking things" mainly means that the author has visited the Dong people’s habitat many times, taken Yandong Village as the survey venue, conducted in-depth field studies of the folk form of multi-voice chorus-"Galao", collected a large number of first-hand materials, summed up and sorted out the materials, and generalized, as complete as possible, the detailed contents and cultural evolutions of the heritage of the Galao culture. "Seeking Truth" focuses on emphatic analyses to grasp the ontology composition of the Galao heritage, the Galao heritage inheritance mode, and the Galao heritage’s educational function. Based on reflections on educational anthropology, the paper outlines the general laws of the inheritance of traditional culture and our response tactics. Details are as follows:ChapterⅠ:No.1 village of the Galao cultural heritage-an overview of Yandong Village. Through the cultural ecosystem perspective, at the macro and micro levels, it observes and describes Yandong Village, the No.1 village of the Galao cultural heritage. The macro level includes Yandong Village’s physical geography, historical origin, and other aspects, while the micro level covers Yandong villagers’material life, spiritual life, etc. The two levels back up each other, and together, they constitute the ecosystem on which the Galao cultural heritage is based in its existence.ChapterⅡ:Composition of the Yandong Village Galao heritage. Through the author’s many field surveys in the region, the paper defines the concept of "Galao", collects, records and sorts out categorical compositions, music patterns and song lyrics characteristics of the Yandong Galao heritage, with a view to present to the outside world the Yandong Galao heritage compositions and features in a more real, more objective and more accurate manner. At the same time, from music, anthropological point of view, it offers theoretical and cultural perspectives of the music morphology of the Yandong Galao heritage, so it is no longer analysis in a pure sense of music form, but a presentation of objective existence of the sound form with a strong imprint of a characteristic culture.ChapterⅢ:Field surveys of the Yandong Galao heritage inheritance mode. It is discovered through the in-depth field studies in Yandong Village that, although the inheritance of the Galao heritage has a close system in the countryside, as far as the inheritance channel is concerned, it has already transcended the local community and the local ethnic culture and merged with the background of the contemporary society. Also, from the trunk evolution mode come other modes of inheritance, namely, mentoring heritage, drum-tower antiphonal style singing heritage, artistic performance heritage, and school education heritage. This study terms the first two "traditional heritage" and the other two "modern heritage", and offers detailed and in-depth descriptions and analyses of the four types of the Galao heritage inheritance modes in terms of inheritance purposes, inheritance contents, inheritance processes, inheritance characteristics, etc. respectively, with a view to comprehensively interpret the selection mechanisms of the Yandong Galao culture in the contemporary contexts.ChapterⅣ:Educational function of the Yandong Galao heritage. Based on the detailed and in-depth field surveys of the Yandong Galao heritage as the background, from the perspective of educational anthropology, reviewing the four types of cultural inheritance modes, namely, mentoring heritage, drum-tower antiphonal style singing heritage, artistic performance heritage, and school education heritage, the paper makes an in-depth study of the current Galao heritage through the "integrated-four-dimension" model of cultural heritage to discuss their unique heritage values, namely, educational function, for the realization of socialization and enculturation of human beings.ChapterⅤ:Modern reflections on the Galao cultural heritage. Through interpretations of relevant theories of educational anthropology, the paper analyzes the nature of the perennial Yandong Galao cultural inheritance dynamics and put forward general regularities of national culture heritages. Namely, culture heritages must meet people’s needs, and they must be realized through cultural selections and education. It further proposes protective measures for the national culture heritages of China. That is, we must achieve "organic integration" of traditional and contemporary cultural heritages", ensure the "basic elements" to carry forward culture heritages, and promote the "integration of elements" in national culture heritages.To sum up, the heritage of national traditional culture is a social activity with practice as the carrier, and it is based on practical and realistic adaption of traditional culture. Some of the measures and methods based only on "paper work utopia" cannot solve practical problems faced by national traditional cultures, and nor can they propose inheritance strategies with high practical values. So we must start from the actual conditions in ethnic minority areas to understand traditional culture inheritance mechanisms, characteristics and values, and major needs of the ethnic people. We should identify coordinating balances to reconcile traditional cultures and modernizations, and find out universal inner regularities and necessary conditions for modern inheritance of traditional cultural heritages. Analyses of these issues will be of great significance and research value to our national cultural heritages and protection. Only when we are deeply involved in ethnic areas to conduct surveys with anthropological methods can we find the answers to these questions.


