

【作者】 林士俊

【导师】 徐永志;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 民族政治学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 国家历来是政治学研究的主题。从政治地理学的角度来看,国家由人民、领土和主权三个要素组成,任何一个要素的缺失都难以构成一个完整意义上的国家。具体就“人民”这一要素而言,这一群体长时期形成的共同情感、国家认同对于一个国家的安定团结,乃至对于一个国家的安全都是至关重要的。边疆由于其特殊的地理位置历来都是与国家主权与领土完整密切相关的要素。整体来看,我国古代对于边疆地区的治理是消极的。到了晚清,随着西方殖民主义者的侵略扩张,陆海边疆不断受到侵蚀,民族危机空前严重,边疆问题才被提到重要议事日程。进入20世纪,与我国接壤或其占领地与我国接壤的沙俄、日本和英国开始了对我国新一轮的掠夺和侵略。虽然在蒙古和新疆地区没有爆发战争,但是沙俄对这两个地区的侵略活动却一刻也没有停息,英国则对一直新疆进行着渗透。因此可以看出,清末的边疆危机主要爆发在东北、蒙古、新疆和西藏地区。这些地区是我国的边疆区域,居民以少数民族为主,并与外国接壤,中央控制力较弱,外国侵略势力很容易渗透,也更容易将这些地区分裂出去。因此,加强边疆治理,促进边疆地区的经济社会发展,对于消减边疆地区的离心力,维护国家的领土和主权完整具有重要的意义。西方列强的入侵,加剧了清末的边疆危机,给当时的中国社会带来了巨大的灾难,但客观上也对清末陈旧的观念和落后的社会经济制度产生了冲击,传播了资本主义生产方式及其思想。一次次的侵略、个个丧权辱国的条约在一定程度上促进了中华民族的不断觉醒和救亡运动的不断高涨。官员、王公贵族和知识分子对于边疆治理问题不约而同的空前关注,清政府对于边疆治理政策也做了一些调整。这些思想、建议和实践客观上使清末的边疆治理发生转型,与此同时,一些具有现代国家性质的机构和政策相继出台。本文依据治理理论和政治地理学的相关理论,分析研究在清末边疆危机四起的情势下,朝野呼应,共同为应对危局所做的努力,力求揭示这一时期边疆治理的概貌,总结边疆治理的经验教训。本文主要依靠清末报刊刊发的文章,特别是以康有为《官制议》和清末《东方杂志》刊发的文章为中心,整理清末边疆危机所激发出的民族主义和治边及维护国家统一的思想、建议,探讨官民互动下治边政策变化的背景、内容和意义,研究统治阶级调适中央和边疆地区的关系,实力经营和巩固边防等措施对于国家整合的意义作用。通过分析,认为清末治边政策及其实践是促进边疆地区经济社会发展,保持边疆稳定、巩固边防、增强国家向心力的重要保证。清廷朝野上下对于治边政策与民族政策均进行了深入的讨论并积极将之付诸实践。清末的治边思想与实践基本呈现出如下特点:化解边疆危机与治理边疆是中国完成国家形态转型的首要任务;迭次的边疆危机及其制度调适与创设,完成了中国从传统国家观向现代国家观念的转型,也带动了边疆治理模式的彻底转变;在清末治边思想与实践中贯穿着一条鲜明的民族主义路线。在社会结构裂变型的封建社会,通过内部整合,巩固边疆,促进了少数民族对于多民族国家的认同。

【Abstract】 State issues have always been a central theme in political science. From a perspective of political geography, the state is composed of three elements, the people, territory and sovereignty. The lack of any factor is difficult to form a complete sense of the state. In addition to the three factors, the common feelings and the national identity of the people living on this territory for a long time are of great signification to a state’s stability and unity, even for the national security. Border due to its special geographical position has always been related to national sovereignty and territorial integrity. However, in ancient China, the border governance is negative until the late Qing Dynasty. With the Western colonialist aggression and expansion, land and sea border erosion and the unprecedented national crisis, border issues were referred to the agenda.At the beginning of the 20th century, based on their own borders or their occupied territory borders with China, Czarist Russia, Japan and the United Kingdom began a new round of division and aggression. Although the war didn’t break out in Mongolia and the Xingjiang region, Tsarist Russia had been engaged in separatist activities in the two regions, the United Kingdom in infiltration in Xinjiang.Obviously, the main crisis of the late Qing Dynasty broke out in the northeast frontier, Mongolia, Xinjiang and Tibet regions, which is China’s border regions with mainly minority residents, and the central government control is weak. Foreign aggressive and separated forces can easily penetrate through borders. Therefore, enhancing border control, to promoting social and economic development in the border areas is of great significance to the territorial integrity, sovereignty and the reduction of the centrifugal force.Aggression of Western powers not only exacerbated the border crisis and brought great disaster to the Chinese society in the late Qing Dynasty, but also shocked obsolete and backward social and economic system objectively and disseminated the capitalist production methods and ideas. Aggression again and again, humiliating treaty one by one, to a certain extent, facilitated the continued awakening of the Chinese nation and the national salvation movement rising. Officials, nobles and intellectuals unanimously paid unprecedented attention to border governance issues. The border control policies of the Qing government began to make some adjustments. These ideas, advice and practice with traditional values have changed significantly. Thus, feudal system gradually disintegrated, while the modern nation state was gradually built, ideas, institutions and policies concerning the new nation-state were sprouting.Based on the theories of governance and political geography, this paper analyzes the situation, the frontier crisis frequently, mutual efforts of the court and the commonalty to cope with the crisis, reveals the profile of frontier governance in this period, and summarizes the general border area governance lessons. This paper relies on the late Qing press to sort out the thinking of the nationalism and national unity thinking, suggestions inspired by the late Qing Dynasty border crisis, to discuss the backgrounds, content and significance of the government’s redefining the relationship between the central and the border areas, the significance of powerful governance and consolidation measures to the state integration.We can see that the border policy and practice proved the economic and social development of border areas guaranteed the stability in border areas and consolidating frontier defense, strengthening national solidarity. The border policies and ethnic policies are fully discussed and carried out. The thoughts and the practice of border governance in the late Qing Dynasty shows the following characteristics:it is always regarded as the first place to resolve the border crisis and manage border affairs in completing the transformation of the national form; the border crises and the commissioning and creation of the systems led to the completion of the state transition from the traditional to the modern state, also led to radical changes in border control mode; nationalism ran through the thinking and practice of the border governing in the late Qing Dynasty.


