

【作者】 闫秋源

【导师】 包智明;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 民族社会学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 在社会学中国化的历程中,社区和社区研究成为中国社会学“认识社会、改造社会”的理论与实践基础。在当前和谐社会与生态文明建设的背景下,中国社会学的时代课题是社会建设。关于社会建设的基础是社区建设这种观点已经在一定程度上达成了共识。一般来讲,和谐社会与生态文明建设包括人与自然、人与人关系的和谐。因此,社区建设的目标也是人与自然、人与人关系的和谐。随着中国城乡社区建设的全面展开,以社区为对象的社区研究获得了重要意义。本文是以生态移民社区为对象的社区研究。生态移民社区形成于作为环境问题和贫困问题对策的生态移民。本文认为,生态移民也是一种社区建设。而生态移民社区建设所追求的人与自然、人与人关系和谐的理念具体而明确。和谐可以说是中国传统文化里“中和位育”思想的体现。在社会学中国化的历程中,以潘光旦和费孝通为代表的社会学家继承并发扬了“中和位育”的思想。本文主要是尝试以潘光旦和费孝通的“中和位育”思想作为理论基础,以内蒙古鄂托克旗棋盘井移民村为例,探讨生态移民社区的形成和发展。本文共分为五章。第一章是本文的绪论部分,包括选题意义、文献回顾和研究框架。第二、第三和第四章作为本文的主体部分,应用“中和位育”思想,从不同的侧面对生态移民和生态移民社区进行了分析论述。第二章主要对生态移民的背景、规划实施及其意义进行了分析。第三章主要在宏观层次上对生态移民社区中人们生活的静态方面进行了分析。第四章主要在微观层次上对生态移民社区中人们生活的动态方面进行了分析。第五章为本文的结论部分,提出了本文的基本发现,并对社区的“中和位育”观进行了进一步的讨论。本文通过对内蒙古鄂托克旗棋盘井移民村的实地调查资料的分析,认为生态移民只是在社区形成阶段发挥了作用。并且,在目标理念上也未表现出对环境的足够重视。这导致生态移民社区形成和发展中的一系列问题。生态移民社区形成于生态移民,发展于人们的生活实践。从生活来看,生态移民也是人们的生活实践经历。生态移民的政策局限导致人们在生态移民社区的生活困境。生态移民和生态移民社区建设需要完善政策机制并提升政策理念。生态移民和生态移民社区建设的“安居乐业”目标体现了人与自然、人与人关系和谐的“中和位育”思想,但是并没有切实做到“以人为本”关怀人们的生活以及关注人与自然、人与人关系的和谐。社会学在研究人们的集体生活时根据人们生活的地域特点而提出了社区概念。在以社区为对象的社区研究中,关于社区的最基本的观念决定了研究的倾向和局限。但是,社会学传统的社区意义已经不能概括生态移民社区所具有的开放性和流动性特征及其形态。以社区为对象的研究,如果不是直接探讨社会学理论,而是从认识人们的生活开始进入到理论研究的领域,那么“中和位育”思想显然可以替代传统社会学对于社区的封闭整体和功能完备的观念。“中和位育”思想包含一种分与合之间和的观念,或者说是内外、表里、动静等辩证一体、二而为一的和的观念。这种思想不是从社区开始认识生活,而是从生活开始认识社区,进而认识人与自然、人与人的关系。社区是具体存在的,社区也是不断变化的。这种变化让我们在以社区为对象的社区研究中需要反思对于社区的基本观念。“中和位育”思想关注人及其生活,让我们可以跨越社区的固定边界限制,在一种以人及其生活为中心层层外推的边际中关注人们的生活实践,进而探讨社区形成和发展及其密切关联的人与自然、人与人的关系。“中和位育”思想本身也已经表达了对人与自然、人与人关系和谐的最基本观念。总之,“中和位育”思想可以使我们获得一种以社区为对象进行社区研究的新的理论框架。潘光旦和费孝通的“中和位育”思想是源于中国传统文化精髓的社会学思想,如果能够使它在以社区为对象的社区研究乃至于中国社会学研究中得到充分的继承和发扬,那么必定更加有利于推动社会学中国化的进程。

【Abstract】 Community research pioneered the process of sinicization of sociology and constituted a tradition of linking theory with practice, which turns out the basic to "know and transform the society" in Chinese sociology. Given the background of construction of harmonious socialist society and promotion of an ecologically civilized society, society construction is the main themes of our era, which is underpinned by the community construction to a certain extent. A harmonious socialist and ecologically civilized society means a harmonious relationship of human-to-human and human-to-nature. The aim of community construction in this sense is pursuing a harmonious relationship of human-to-human, human-to-nature, which gains a lot of practical significance during the process of all-round community construction in China in town and country.This article is a community research with a object of an ecological migrant community. As a solution of environmental problems and poverty, ecological migration is itself a process of constructing community of ecological migrants, during which the harmony is particularly important and supposed to be pursued all the way. Harmony embodies Chinese traditional core thinking-"Weiyu", which was inherited and carried forward by famous sociologists, such as Pan Guangdan and Fei Xiaotong. This article is a case study attempting to describe the course of ecological migration community shaping and developing with the leading theory "Weiyu" and a case from Qi Panjing Town (E Tuoke Banner Inner Mongolia).Five chapters constitute this article. The first chapter is the preface, which includes the significance of the selected topic, literature review and analysis structure. The author analyses different aspects of ecological resettlement and ecological migrant community with the thought of "Zhonghe Weiyu" in the following three chapters, which make up the body section. The second chapter describes the background, implementation and significance of ecological migration. The third chapter introduces the environment, constitution and characters of ecological migration community from a macro level, which represents the static state of the community. The fourth chapter represents the personalized expression of life experience from a micro level, which is dynamic analysis of the ecological migration community. In the fifth chapter, the conclusion is drew and the view of "zhonghe Weiyu" is further discussed.With the case study on a ecological migration community at Qi Panjing Town (E Tuoke Banner Inner Mongolia), the author argues that ecological resettlement just plays a limited role during the stage of ecological migration community formation and it does not pay enough attention to the ecological protection in the management by objective. It leads to many problems that the ecological migrants have to face. The ecological migration community takes its shape during the process of ecological migration and gets to develop along with the practice of everyday life. Ecological resettlement turns out to be the experience of life practice. The limitation of ecological migration policy squeezes the ecological migrants. Ecological migration needs to improve policies institution and idea. Although "Live in peace and work happily" has been put forward as the aim of the ecological resettlement and ecological migration community construction and the slogan represents the idea of "Zhonghe weiyu", it is far away from "people oriented", harmony of human-to-human and human-to-nature relationship in practical work.The basic ideas of community decide the research approach and limitations. The concept of community in sociology if classically connected with people who live in a same area and have a common collective life. However, the classic community concept is not able to describe and analyse the ecological migration community which is very open, dynamic and mobile. Instead of the process of "from theory to practice", this article attempts to begin with understanding people’s everyday life and end up with a open theoretical discussion on adopting the thought of "Zhonghe Weiyu" to improve classic community research, which is typically designed for a closed and completely fonctioned community. "Weiyu" embraces the harmony of separation and integration, which could be interpreted as dialectical unity of inside and outside, exterior and interior, dynamic and static, and provides a new theoretical framework for community study. This approach is from practical life to the community, and then the relationship of human-to-huaman, human-to-nature. This approach makes it possible that the researchers could cross the fixed border to concern about the life practice of people.In conclusion, the thought of "Zhonghe Weiyu" provides:a new theoretical framework to study community with the object of a community. Taking its source from the essence of Chinese traditional culture, Pan Guangdan and Fei Xiaotong’s brillant thought "Zhonghe Weiyu" should be properly inherited and carried forward, which will certainly promote the historical progress of sinicization of sociology.


