

【作者】 黄云

【导师】 刘永佶;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 中国少数民族经济, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 中国少数民族地区的跨国运输通道是解决我国能源问题的关键因素。因为中国石油海上运输存在的“马六甲困局”,使得从中国的陆地边境地区进口能源成为一种必要选择。在中国石油对外依存度高达50%的今天,我国东北、西北及西南民族地区的跨国运输通道日益彰显其重要性。民族经济学更注重从民族劳动者这一主体出发来研究跨国运输通道,而不单纯着眼于区域经济。有时区域经济繁荣和当地民族经济落后可以同时存在,因此,从民族经济的视角来探究跨国运输通道的地位和作用,找出民族经济落后的原因,是十分必要的。中国的现代化不应是消除民族地区差异的简单拉平。中国经济的现代化要摸清后进民族的现实困难,要弥补落后民族地区与发达地区的差距,要实现中国东、中、西部区域的协调、均衡发展,就必须认真研究经济的民族性,关注民族地区劳动者的素质技能和社会地位,大力发展包括交通运输业在内的民族地区的经济。因此,本文从研究民族地区的运输通道入手,目的是为民族地区的经济繁荣探索发展之道。跨国运输通道的本质是交通运输业,马克思认为,交通运输业是物质生产部门。交通运输业也创造价值,这个价值追加到运输对象(货物)的价值当中去。跨国运输通道的物质生产性质,要求我们在发展民族经济时优先发展交通运输,并协调好各产业比例、强化管理以确保运输时空的准确性。跨国运输通道具有运输的国际性与复杂性、运输线路的不可分割性、规模效益和投资乘数效应和社会公益性等四个特征。从民族地区的角度和历史的角度,探究丝绸之路、茶马古道和云南与东南亚的通道这三条著名的跨国运输通道及其历史作用,有助于我们更好地研究当代的跨国运输通道及其作用。边境地区商品经济发展水平、边境口岸与腹地联系的紧密度、地缘经济趋势增强和通道的安全性是跨国运输通道形成的一般条件。上世纪八十年代以后国家的对外开放政策、二十一世纪初西部大开发战略的实施、同时期国家民委的兴边富民行动以及边境地区众多跨界民族的存在是我国民族地区跨国运输通道形成的特殊条件。通过对我国东北、西北和西南跨国运输通道的现状分析,我们对民族地区利用跨国运输通道发展经济有了总体的认识。并按运输对象、交通方式和物流形态给跨国运输通道作了类型的分别。封闭半封闭发展模式是导致民族经济发展落后的重要原因,要改变民族经济的落后局面必须主动向外拓展。而大多地处我国边境的民族地区有着外向拓展的区位优势。因此,发展跨国运输通道是民族经济外向拓展的必然要求。跨国运输通道对民族经济的外向拓展具有桥梁的作用。因为它不仅是民族经济的产业导向,利于民族经济利用外资开拓国际市场、开发利用邻国资源,而且利于引进外国人才与先进技术。从经济发展和自然条件的角度分析发展跨国运输通道的有利条件和不利因素,阐述十四个邻国的交通运输现状及其与我国发展跨国运输通道的关联度,使我们能够发现影响跨国运输通道发展的四个问题:过境运输的局限性,跨国运输通道对区域经济的促进大于对民族经济的促进,部分跨国运输通道存在安全隐患,口岸功能的弱化影响跨国运输通道的发展等。只有理解内生与外拓的辩证关系,才能明确少数民族劳动者是民族经济的主体,从而得出要发展民族经济必须提高少数民族劳动者的素质技能和社会地位的结论。本文提出以强化民族经济内生力量,加大外向拓展力度为指导思想;制定了以提升口岸功能和以发展成经济带为目标的全面发展跨国经济通道的策略。强调了少数民族劳动者参与跨国运输通道建设的重要性以及跨国经济通道对发展民族经济的意义。本文还以南宁-新加坡经济走廊为例阐述了民族地区跨国运输通道向跨国经济通道发展的方向,并指出跨国经济通道在区域经济一体化中的地位和作用。

【Abstract】 The international transportation of Chinese minorities region is the key point to solve Chinese energy sources problem. There is a MaLiuJia dilemma on the marine transportation of Chinese oil. So import oil from the borderland became essential choice. Those international transportations of Chinese Northeast, Northwest and Southwest minorities region became more and more important as half demand of Chinese oil depend on import.To pay attention to minorities labors is the research topic of Chinese ethnic minority economy. It is necessity to emphasize improving minority labors from increasing international transportation. There is no denying the fact that realizing Chinese modernization not only depend on eliminating the gap of east and west region, but also depend on solving underdeveloped minority problem.The origin of international transportation is produce. Karl Marx argued that transportation was produce department. He pointed out that the value of transportation would transfer on cargos. So we need to increase the transportation if we want to increase the minority economy.There are four characters of international transportation: international and complex; hang together and consistent; scope result; public’s welfare. From the perspective of minority areas and historical perspective, explore the Silk Road, Tea Horse Road and the transport channel of Yunnan and Southeast Asia, these three well-known international transportation channels and their historical role, will help us better study of contemporary international transportation and its role.There are four general conditions of the forms for international transportation:the development level of commodity economic in border areas, the close degree of contact between the border crossings and the hinterland, Geopolitical economic trends and the Channel’s security. There are four special conditions of the forms for international transportation:the country’s open policy after eighties of last century, the implementation of the western development strategy at the twenty-first century, the action of vitalize border areas and enrich the people living there by the State Ethnic Affairs Commission at same period, the existence of Cross-ethnics. To analysis the current situation of the northeast, northwest and southwest regions, we can get a whole understanding of Chinese international transportation. We can classify the international transportation by transport object, transport mode and logistics form.The underdevelopment of minority economic due to the closed and semi closed development model. To change the backward situation of the minority economy must take the initiative expanded outwards’way. Locating in the border area, minority regions have outgoing expansion of the geographical superiority. Therefore, development of international transportion is the inevitable requirement of minority economy expansion. International transportation is the bridge for minority economic expanding. It is not only the industry-oriented of minority economy, conducive to minority economic utilization of foreign capital to develop the international market, resources development and utilization of its neighbors, but also conducive to the introduction of foreign talents and advanced technology.Analysis those advantage and disadvantage factors of international transportation from economic and natural condition angle, elaborate the interrelatedness of fourteen neighbors transportation situation and Chinese international transportation. We can find four issues bearing on the development of international transportation. They are limitations of cross-border transport, the function to promote regional economies greater than the minority economy. there are security risks in some international transportation channels. the port function was shortened. Thereby, I argued that Strengthening minority economic endogenetic forces, increasing the extroverted development dynamics. Ascending the port functions, develop to the economical belt is the destination of international transportation.


