

【作者】 买艳霞

【导师】 傅承洲;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 中国古代文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 唐寅作为明代中期吴中文学的代表人物之一,近年来得到了学界较多的关注,其文学价值及历史地位也得到了较多的肯定。但学界对唐寅的研究还存在一些鲜有人涉及的领域,如在唐寅生平史实研究中,对于唐寅的第二次重大政治活动应聘宁王朱宸濠的事件,尚缺乏深入辨析。对唐寅的交游史实研究,尚不充分。唐寅诗文集的版本源流尚无人梳理,对署名唐寅的《六如居士尺牍》等几本尺牍作品的真伪也无人甄别。对唐寅诗文源头的辨析也值得深入研究。因而,本文选择唐寅作为研究对象,采取知人论世的方法,针对上述几个领域作出初步的探讨。主要从以下几个方面展开论述:一、在唐寅生平考述中,将侧重于对唐寅生平史实中前人未作深入研究的问题作探讨。主要对唐寅的理想、唐寅豫章之行的史实作专题研究。唐寅的理想具有鲜明的武功色彩,侠客、英雄、豪杰、将军都曾是唐寅的人生目标,由于客观条件的限制,唐寅的理想未能实现,但对侠客精神的追慕却成为唐寅一生的追求。唐寅的豫章之行给唐寅的身心带来了巨大的伤害,而且在朱宸濠发动叛乱后,此行成为唐寅人生中的污点,受到时人的非议,唐寅最终为此放弃了立言传世的想法。二、在唐寅的交游考述中,将对唐寅的交游特点作出分析,主要从地域特色、身份特点、交游关系特点来分析探讨唐寅交游圈的情况。唐寅与友人的交往方式主要有诗文唱和,文人雅集,游览名胜,书画鉴赏题诗等。交游活动对唐寅的人生产生了明显的影响,如唐寅奖掖后进、退隐吴中、藏书、嗜茗等诸多行为都和其交游活动有密切的关系。唐寅交游活动对其文学创作也有很大影响,唐寅青年时期和友人倡导的古文辞运动对其早期创作的影响是明显的;中晚年学习白居易,也是受诸多师友如沈周、吴宽、王鏊等人的影响。考察唐寅的人际交往,有助于我们理解唐寅人生经历中的诸多细节问题,如梁储为唐寅延誉于程敏政不仅仅是出于欣赏唐寅的才华,还可能是因为他们之间有着复杂的人际关系。早在梁储向程敏政引荐唐寅之前,程敏政就从唐寅的诸多师友如沈周、杨循吉、文林等人的口中听说过唐寅。这使得唐寅在会试前拜访程敏政成为必然。唐寅与徐经同行的原因并不仅是因为徐经资助了他,二人是志趣相投的朋友,徐经可能还是以晚一辈的身份与唐寅同行。唐寅与徐经的叔叔徐元寿是要好的朋友。三、在唐寅的文集版本考述中,重点梳理明版唐寅集之间的关系,并探讨各个版本的优缺点。对署名唐寅的《六如居士尺牍》等几本尺牍作品的真伪作甄别。四、在唐寅的诗文研究中,主要探讨唐寅对待诗歌的创作态度基本上是严肃认真的,并非很随意;《诗经》对唐寅的诗歌创作有明显的影响;唐寅诗歌的主题取向表现为高扬自我、讴歌生命、怀才不遇与归隐情怀;唐寅诗歌的艺术风格主要表现为富丽精工、平易流畅和俚俗直白。

【Abstract】 Tang Yin, one representative of Wuzhong literature school in mid-Ming dynasty, has been concerned in the academic circle in recent years. And his literature value and significance in history get relatively more positive comments. Yet some studies concerned Tang Yin only touched by few people in the circle of academic, e.g. in the study of Tang Yin’s life history, it is lacking of a deep analysis concerning his second political activity that he went to apply for the employment of the Ning king, Zhu Chenhao. And it is not completed as to the description of Tang Yin’s history of touring and making friends. It needs to make clear that the source of his poetry editions. Some letter collections with a signature of Tang Yin need to be tested and discriminated whether genuine or not, and in particular the letter collections of Liu Ru hermit. Also it is worthy to make a thorough study to the source of his poetry.Under this circumstance the author focus Tang Yin as a researching object and target, to make tentative study based on the above mentioned fields by the ways of understanding human beings and reflecting on society. It covers the four following aspects.Firstly we profile the issues concerning Tang Yin’s life history which lacking an in-depth study before. It is a special topic study around the historical facts of Tang Yin’s ideal and a tour to Yuzhang. The ideal of Tang Yin characterized with an air of martial art. That swordman, hero and general had ever been his life goals, and limited by some objective conditions, he failed to realize. Yet he kept chasing the spirit of swordman through all his life. The tour to Yuzhang brought him greatly physical and mental harms. Furthermore, this Yuzhang tour turned out to.be a stain in Tang Yin’s life after the rebellion of Zhu Chenhao. He was approached by people in that time. As a result, Tang Yin was forced to give up the ideal.Second is an analysis of Tang Yin’s companionship. It involves the situation of Tang Yin’s companionship circle, mainly including regional features, identifications and relationships. The ways of communication between Tang Yin and his friends were various, mainly including poetry-singing, scholar-gathering, sightseeing, picture-calligraphy-appreciating and poetry-making etc. The activities of companionship influenced Tang Yin’s life apparently. Many behaviors of Tang Yin were considered to be closely related to his companionship activities such as bringing up the followers, retiring from public in Wuzhong, book-collecting, and tea-addiction etc. These activities of companionship also greatly affected him in his literature creation. It is obvious that Tang Yin’s early creation was affected by his friends who initiated the movement of classical language. In mid-old age that his learning from Bai Juyi, a noted poet in Tang Dynasty is also considered to benefit from the influences of Shen Zhou, Wu Kuan, Wang Ao and other school friends. A survey to the interpersonal communication of Tang Yin would help us understand more details about his life, such that Tang Yin could keep his reputation not only out of the appreciation from Cheng Minzheng to him, but also out of their complicated interpersonal relationship. Before that Liang Chu recommended Tang Yin to Cheng Minzheng, Cheng Minzheng had known of Tang Yin from many of Tang’s schoolmates like Shen Zhou, Yang Xunji, Wen Lin and so on. Thus it was a necessity for Tang Yin to interview Cheng Minzheng before the metropolitan examination. Tang Yin and Xu Jing became co-workers not only for that Xu Jing provided finance aids for him, but also that they were close and congenial friends, and Xu Jing might be one generation younger than Tang Yin to co-work with. Meanwhile Tang Yin and Xu Jing’s uncle were good friends too.Third is on the editions of Tang Yin’s poetry collections concentrating their relations between editions in Ming periods and the merits and demerits of each edition. Also some letter collections with signature of Tang Yin and the letter collection of Liuru hermit in particular are discriminated.Fourth is a study of Tang Yin’s poetry. It is hold that Tang Yin’s attitudes towards his poetry creation were serious and earnest instead of being very casual. Shi Jing (the Chinese classical poetry) obviously affected in Tang Yin’s works. The themes of Tang Yin’s poetry were characterized by ego-eulogizing, life-praising, and the frustrated sentiment for his talent as well as his secluding feeling.

【关键词】 唐寅生平交游版本文学
【Key words】 Tang Yinlifecompanionshipeditionliterature

