

【作者】 马训祥

【导师】 宋才发;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 中国少数民族经济, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 发展经济是解决我国当代民族问题的关键。法治最重要的精神向度是自由,其中保障社会主体权利是法治的核心要素。西部大开发战略的实施,不仅激活了少数民族和民族地区发展经济的热情,也催生民族自治地方权利意识的觉醒,迫切需要法治为其经济发展保驾护航。司法救济是保障少数民族经济权利的最后一道屏障,而公正的司法离不开程序的正义。在市场经济体制下,民族自治地方的经济发展呼吁司法程序的正当性。少数民族经济法是指有权国家机关依照法定程序,制定、批准或认可的调整民族自治地方经济关系,以保障民族自治地方经济权益,促进民族自治地方经济稳定、协调和发展的法律规范的总称。经过建国60年的发展,民族自治地方的经济社会发展问题依然突出。在经济上,民族自治地方的市场机制发育不完善;在政治上,民族自治地方经济管理自治权的有限性限制了经济发展的正式制度供给;在社会结构上,民族自治地方尚处于市民社会形成阶段;在思想观念上,民族自治地方的经济权利依然存在事实上的不平等。所有这些问题的解决,离不开少数民族经济法法律体系的建立与健全。法律的生命在于它在具体事实中的应用。少数民族经济法司法适用是指国家司法机关及其工作人员依照法定职权和法定程序,具体运用少数民族经济法法律规范,独立处理经济纠纷案件的专门性活动。少数民族经济法司法适用的原则有:法治原则、平等原则、独立原则和法律责任原则。在理论上,少数民族经济法司法适用有助于保障民族自治地方经济权益,化解民族自治地方经济纠纷,制约民族自治地方政府权力滥用,引导民族自治地方经济可持续发展。在我国当前的法治实践中,少数民族经济法的司法适用不仅必要,而且是可行的。它是司法链条上具有承前启后作用的关键一节,是实体法与程序法对接的桥梁和媒介。从司法适用的运行机制角度看,少数民族经济法司法适用外部运行机制由少数民族经济法的可诉性和民族自治地方法律意识现代化两个方面,它是保证权利主体启动司法救济程序的重要因子;内部运行机制是少数民族经济法司法适用程序的正当性,它是权利主体有获得公正审判机会的重要保证。公正程序的阙如是少数民族经济法司法适用的最大困境。从学理角度分析,少数民族经济法司法适用主要存在三种形式的困境:即少数民族经济法司法适用程序启动难、少数民族经济法纠纷司法力量介入难和少数民族经济法法律规范司法适用难。问题的症结在于少数民族经济法司法适用的内、外部运行机制失灵或受阻,并通过民族自治地方法律意识淡薄、少数民族经济法可诉性缺失、民族自治地方行政权司法化膨胀、民族自治地方司法权弱质化这四个因素表现出来。在现行司法体制下,构建少数民族经济法司法适用的诉讼模式及相应的诉讼机制,是解决少数民族经济法司法适用的重要突破口。根据少数民族经济法性质与行政公益诉讼相契合的特点,行政公益诉讼是解决少数民族经济法纠纷的主要途径。构建少数民族经济法行政公益诉讼模式,至少应处理好以下问题:一是少数民族经济法行政公益诉讼的启动方式;二是少数民族经济法行政公益诉讼受案范围;三是少数民族经济法行政公益诉讼管辖机构;四是少数民族经济法行政公益诉讼的举证责任;五是少数民族经济法行政公益诉讼的诉讼费用。

【Abstract】 Economic development is crucial to settle the contemporary ethnic issues. The freedom is the foremost spiritual-orientation in rule by law among which guarantee the subject of right is absolutely the core. The implementation of China’s Western Campaign not only activates the zest of minority people to improve the economy in ethnic region but also awaken them to recognize the lawful rights. Rule by law is inevitably and urgently required in economic growth, of which the judicatory relief is the last guard to guarantee the economic rights. Fair judicature rely on the legal procedure, which is appealed in economy expand at autonomous region under the market economy system.Ethnic economy law is the collected appellation of rules and regulations which is constituted, authorized or approved by given organ in accordance with the legal procedure, reconciling the economic relations, ensuring economic rights and interests, hastening the stable and harmonious development in autonomous regions. With 60 years’boost in ethnic area after founding of people republic of China, the problems in social development is nonetheless outstanding in which the market mechanism is unfledged in economy, the limited authority of economic management hamper the provision of due system in politic, autonomous area is yet in the elementary phase of civil community in society structure and the inequality in reality is disclosed withal in economic rights. The above-mentioned issues can not be conducted without the establishment and improvement of economy legislation system.The life of the law rest with the practical application. The judicatory application in ethnic economy law is the special activity, executed by judicatory organ according to the legal authorization and regulated procedure, which apply ethnic economy laws and regulations to deal with the economy suit independently. The principle of the judicatory application in ethnic economy law is covered with the tenet of rule by law, equivalence, independence and legal obligation. In theory, judicatory application in ethnic economy law is helpful to assure economy lawful right and interest in autonomous area, to reconcile regional economy suit, to restrain abuse of authority in self-government, to induce the sustainable development in economy. Example the current practice in rule of law, judicatory application of ethnic economy law is either necessary or feasible, serving as the linkage between legislation and law execution among the chain of law system, playing the role as bridge and intermedium between the substantive law and procedure law. At point of view on operation mechanism of judicatory application, the external operation mechanism is composed with litigation in ethnic economy law and modernization in legal recognition of self-government at autonomous region, which is the important ingredient to startup the judicatory relief procedure; whereas the internal operation mechanism represent the justice of the judicatory procedure which ensure the subject of right to obtain the opportunity in impartial judgment.The absence of legal procedure is the biggest barrier in judicatory application. By analysis of theory, there are three forms of plights in it as following:judicatory procedure is hardly startup, judicatory reconciliation is impeded to involve in economy suits, judicatory application is implemented with knot thereof the crux is the malfunction or failure in internal and external operation mechanism, which is unveiled on indifferent legal awareness, missing litigation in ethnic economy lawsuits, unrestrained local administration power as well as diluted judicatory power. Under the current judicatory system, the construction in litigation pattern and lawsuit mechanism is the paramount breakthrough to realize the judicatory application in ethnic economy law. With the trait of matching the character of ethnic economy law, the administrative litigation of public interests is perceived as primary approach to resolve the ethnic economy dispute. The following issues should be solved to build up the pattern of administrative litigation of public interests in ethnic economy law:firstly, the mode of startup; secondly, the scope of lawsuit; thirdly, the organ in jurisdiction, fourthly, burden of proof and last but not least is the lawsuit expense in lawsuit.

  • 【分类号】D922.29;D921.8
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】316
  • 攻读期成果

