

【作者】 丁莉霞

【导师】 班班多杰;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 宗教学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 宗教与经济的关系历来密不可分,特别是在藏传佛教文化圈,宗教和政治、经济的高度契合发展出了独特的藏传佛教寺院经济。然而在藏传佛教这一大的宗教文化背景下,由于地理、人文的多种因素,寺院经济的表现形式、发展规模等等也存在着诸多地域差异,特别是在藏区的次级区域——安多藏区表现的更为明显。而甘南地处甘、青、川等农牧经济和多元宗教文化交接地带,是以藏族为主体的多民族聚居地区,因此在宗教文化环境和经济社会环境等方面可以称为是安多藏区的典型缩影,这里的藏传佛教寺院经济的地域差异更为明显:低海拔的农区由于长期处于藏汉杂居地带,与汉文化的持续涵化导致了藏传佛教信仰的相对衰落,使得寺院经济发展维持在小规模、低层次的发展水平上;而高海拔的高原牧区则在藏传佛教格鲁派传入后通过与牧区的部落制度结合,发展出了发达的寺院经济。本文试图运用核心-边缘视角视角描述和分析这种藏传佛教文化经济的地域差异,在藏传佛教这一共有的宗教文化空间下,通过对甘南藏区农、牧区宗教信仰及寺院经济之间的对比与共生从历时性和共时性两个方面的考察,来凸显藏区社会经济与宗教文化的复杂与多元。本论文共分为五个部分。第一部分绪论,介绍了本论文的研究缘起和研究意义,核心-边缘视角的多学科应用、寺院经济的研究综述以及论文的研究方法。第二部分为甘南藏传佛教寺院经济的产生背景及发展溯源。首先概要介绍甘南藏区的自然地理、社会文化背景,其次就藏传佛教在甘南地区的传播与发展、藏传佛教寺院经济的发展特点进行了一般性的总结。第三部分主要围绕核心-边缘格局的形成,就政教合一体制下的甘南藏传佛教寺院经济从核心和边缘的生成背景、社会经济基础等方面分别进行了历史考察,并认为核心-边缘格局具有共生性和差异性的特点。第四部分主要论及建国以来,社会变革对甘南藏传佛教寺院经济的影响。特别是改革开放以来,在外部社会经济环境的推动以及藏传佛教寺院内部生存和传承的内在要求下,藏传佛教寺院经济在社会主义政治及经济制度框架下得以重建,“自养”的经营性活动成为甘南藏传佛教寺院经济重建并实现现代转化的重要内容。第五部分主要对当前市场经济条件下,通过对甘南农区以及游牧地区藏传佛教寺院经济在传统农牧村和城镇两个层次的实证考察,认为在核心地区无论传统封闭半封闭牧区还是趋现代化的城镇,其藏传佛教信仰均在稳定发展,寺院经济来源以传统的部落信教群体捐施为主,一部分寺院借助多元化的自养经营开拓了世俗性收入来源。而边缘地区无论农村还是城镇,藏传佛教信仰正在不可逆转的衰落,世俗化导致寺院经济陷入困境,宗教性收入和世俗性收入这两大支柱难以为继。核心-边缘格局再次凸现;在此基础上,就甘南藏传佛教寺院经济面临的问题以及未来发展趋势进行探讨,认为由于藏传佛教信仰的民族性、长期性特点决定了藏传佛教寺院经济将长期存在,核心地区寺院经济将持续增强,边缘地区寺院经济则持续衰落。与以往的研究多注重藏传佛教寺院经济历史发展演变不同的是,本文最重要的创新之处是运用了核心-边缘这一新的视角来整体描述甘南地区不同地理、文化、社会背景下藏传佛教的寺院经济现象,在文献研究和现实调研的基础上,通过对牧区和农区藏传佛教寺院经济的对比,来呈现藏汉交界地带宗教经济文化的复杂与多元。

【Abstract】 The relationship between religion and the economy has always been inextricably linked; religious, political, economic height fit the development of a unique Tibetan Buddhist monastery economy, particularly in the Tibetan Buddhist circles. However, Tibetan Buddhism’s religious and cultural background of this large, because variety of factors of geographic and cultural, economic performance temple form, the scale of development so there are many regional differences, especially in Tibetan areas of sub-regions--Amdo was more serious. Which is located in Gannan in Gansu, Qinghai, Sichuan and other pastoral economy and multi-religious and cultural transition zone, are Tibetans as the main multi-ethnic region, and therefore religious and cultural environment and economic and social environment that can be called Amdo Tibetan typical microcosm, where Tibetan Buddhism is more obvious geographical differences economy:the agricultural areas of low altitude in Tibetan and Chinese mixed zone due to the long, continuing to assimilate with the Han culture has led to Tibetan Buddhism relative decline, making temple economic development to maintain the small-scale, low-level development level; the high altitude of Tibet Plateau in the Gelug Sect of Tibetan Buddhism after the Introduction of the system with the pastoral tribes, and develop out of the temple developed economies. In this paper we referred to as regional differences in the core of Tibetan Buddhism-the edge pattern, trying to diachronic and synchronic study of two areas, in the Tibetan Buddhist religious culture of this common space, the Gannan Tibetan farming and pastoral areas religious belief and the contrast between the monastic economy and Symbiosis, to display the Tibetan socio-economic and religious culture complex and diverse.This paper is divided into five chapters. Chapter one reviewed the economic background and the development of Gannan Tibetan Buddhist monastery. First reviewed the natural and social background of Gannan and the economy Tibetan Buddhist monastery, followed by the Gannan Tibetan Buddhism in the area of communication and development of Tibetan Buddhism’s development and features of the back;The second chapter researched the formation of the Core-periphery mode under the theocracy system of Gannan Tibetan Buddhism. Ming and Qing dynasties, with the rise of the Labrang Monastery, temple economy was developed based on the tribal system; the theocratic system of chieftain-basedand established on mixed Tibetan areas, so the monastery attached to secular organizations, the feudal lords failed to develop a self-developed temple economy, so gradually Gannan agricultural and pastoral area culture of Tibetan Buddhism formed Core-periphery pattern;The third chapter dealt with the social transformation of the Gannan Tibetan Buddhist temple economy since the founding, while the core-periphery pattern in the growth and decline followed. Especially since the reform and opening up, the rapid revival of Tibetan Buddhism began, temple economy in the socialist political and economic systems within the framework of the reconstruction, "self-support" of business activities into the economic reconstruction of Tibetan Buddhism and become an important part of achieving the modern transformation;Chapter Four of the current market economy, through the the research of Tibetan Buddhist monastery in the traditional Gannan agricultural and pastoral area economy of two levels of empirical investigation that closed in the core areas in terms of traditional pastoral or semi-enclosed modern trend town, its Tibetan Buddhism are in stability and development, temple sources of income tax applied to tribal religious groups in the main part of the monastery through a wide range of self-support operation to open up the secular sources of revenue. The marginal areas, whether rural or urban, Tibetan Buddhism is an irreversible decline, leading to the monastery secular economic hardship, religion, income, and the two pillars of the secular income unsustainable. Core-periphery structure again highlights;ChapterⅤon the core-periphery pattern of economic causes and the social function of the monastery, Gannan Tibetan Buddhist monastery problems facing the economy and the future development trend of that of Tibetan Buddhism as the national character, the long-term characteristics have determined Tibetan Buddhism will be a long economic core area economy will continue to enhance the monastery, the monastery fringe economy continued to decline.

【关键词】 核心边缘藏传佛教寺院经济
【Key words】 Core-peripheryTibetan Buddhismeconomic

