

Research on Logistics Network Design of Ecological Remanufacturing Closed-loop Supply Chain

【作者】 王雅璨

【导师】 汝宜红;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 我国乃至全球的机电产品已进入报废高峰期。再制造能最大限度地重新利用废旧机电产品的附加值,降低环境污染,节约自然资源,是末端产品的最佳资源化方式。迫于生产者延伸责任制的压力和受到经济利益的驱动,原始设备制造商负责再制造已逐渐成为一种发展趋势。长期以来,制造商正向和逆向两种供应链物流网络基本上处于未整合状态,经济效率和环境效率总体上没有达到统一与协调,其结果制约了我国再制造资源循环和环境保护目标的实现。鉴此,为原始设备制造商设计适应再制造工程特点的生态闭环供应链物流网络,提供实现成本优化和节能减排的决策方案与实施途径,是当前需要研究的重大而紧迫的课题。本文应用再制造工程、闭环供应链、产品生命周期设计、生态效率和供应链物流网络设计等相关理论与方法,通过生态闭环供应链物流网络的基本结构设计和定量模型设计,将正向供应链物流和逆向供应链物流进行整合,设计出适应再制造工程特点的生态闭环供应链物流网络,从而实现经济效率和环境效率的统一。本文的主要研究成果有:一、将生态效率理念引入再制造闭环供应链物流网络设计的研究中,从生态效率的视角对“生态闭环供应链”进行了概念界定,提出经济效率和环境效率的统一是生态闭环供应链物流网络设计的基本目标,有效整合正向和逆向供应链物流网络是设计要考虑的重要问题。二、提出了生态闭环供应链物流网络结构设计的基本原则和设计模式。对其网络结构进行了功能设计、特征描述以及节点和线路设计;为体现网络设计的生态特性,提出了整合物流网络结构与产品结构的生态设计思路;基于不同的绿色模块化划分准则,分析相应的产品结构和物流网络结构类型。三、设计了制造/再制造集成的生态闭环供应链物流网络模型。从物流网络设计思路上,考虑了制造/再制造集成网络正向和逆向物流的设施集成和运输整合问题;从决策变量方面,既考虑传统的网络选址和流量分配问题,又考虑了产品结构设计问题;从优化目标方面,综合考虑了产品全生命周期的成本最优、废弃物排放最小和资源消耗最低,以体现生态闭环供应链降低成本、节约资源和改善环境的目标;同时模型还考虑了随机环境下关键参数对物流网络设计的影响,建立随机机会约束规划模型,设计混合遗传算法对其进行求解,并考察了不同置信度水平所设计的物流网络的稳健性。四、为制造企业生态闭环供应链物流网络设计提供了多种择优方案。通过三种产品结构设计方式的生态效率比较,提供产品结构设计的择优方案;分析网络设计中经济效率与环境效率的背反关系,借助帕累托(Pareto)解集提供兼顾经济和环境效率的最佳选址方案;通过网络整合与不整合以及两种整合方式的生态效率比较提供网络设计模式的择优方案。本文中共有图34幅,表19个,引据参考文献185篇。

【Abstract】 Chinese as well as global machinery and electric appliance products are reaching the summit of scrapping. Under such circumstances, remanufacturing is the optimum way of terminal resource reutilization. It can both reserve natural resources and reduce environmental pollution by increasing the added value of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment to its maximum. Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), motivated by extended producers’ responsibility (EPR) as well as interest, has gradually being the center of remanufacturing. However, the current disintegrated forward and reverse supply chains has caused the separation of economic and environmental efficiency and thus hampered the circulation of remanufactured products and the process of environmental protection. In regard to this, the logistics network design of ecological remanufacturing closed-loop supply chain aiming at cost optimization and energy conservation & emission reduction has been the pressing task.This paper applies theories and methods about remanufacturing, closed loop supply chain, design of product life cycle, eco-efficiency and logistics network design. It provides an integration of forward and reverse supply chain using basic structure of logistics network of ecological closed-loop supply chain and quantitative modeling. Such integration can give overall consideration to both economic and environmental efficiencies by adapting to the characteristics of remanufacturing projects.Main achievements of this paper are as below:1. It introduces the concept of’eco-efficiency’ into the logistics network design of ecological remanufacturing closed-loop supply chain and defines’ecological closed supply chain’ from the view of eco-efficiency. At the same time, it emphasizes the integration of both economic and environmental efficiency and logistics network between forward and reverse supply chain.2. It brings forward principles and models in design of ecological closed-loop supply chain. In addition, it provides the functional design, characteristic description and knot and route design of the network. In order to highlight the eco-characteristics, this paper bring up the idea of integrating logistics network with product design and analyzed their structures based on different standards in categorizing the green modules.3. It designs a model of logistics network of ecological closed-loop supply chain that integrating manufacturing and remanufacturing. It considers the integration of both facilities and transportation in forward and reverse supply chain in a logistic network approach. In terms of decision variable, it takes both the location-allocation and the product design into consideration. From the perspective of target optimizing, it combines factors such as cost optimization, waste and resource consumption minimization in order to realize the strategic target of the cost decreasing, resource reservation and environmental improving. The critical parameter under random circumstance is another factor of consideration. By applying Chance Constrained Programming model, and solved by mixed genetic algorithm, this paper studies the robustness of logistic network under different confidence level.4. It provides several feasible plans for enterprises to realize the logistics network of ecological closed-loop supply chain. And by comparing the eco-efficiency of three product designs, one optimized project is been chosen. It also analyzes the paradox of balancing economic and ecological efficiency and finds an optimal solution with the help of Pareto Solution. An optimized model of network design has thus been chosen by comparing the ecological efficiency of integrated and disintegrated ones.In this paper, there are 34 figures,19 tables and 185 pieces of references consulted.

  • 【分类号】F224;F274;F252
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】1492
  • 攻读期成果

