

Study on Product Design Planning and Visual Optimization Design Method of Modern Machinery

【作者】 孙伟

【导师】 闻邦椿;

【作者基本信息】 东北大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 产品设计是产品开发过程最重要的一个环节,设计效果的好坏会直接影响产品的最终质量。先进而实用的设计理论方法对很好地完成产品设计工作有很大的促进作用,因而备受科研人员和企业界的重视。据不完全统计,目前学者们已经提出了近60种设计方法,这些设计方法对提高产品的设计质量都起到了不同程度的作用。在一个具体的产品设计中,应用所有的设计方法进行设计是不现实的,也是不必要的。现代机械综合设计理论方法在总结现有设计理论方法的基础上,提出了应用产品设计规划、功能优化设计、动态优化设计、智能优化设计、可视优化设计、设计质量检验等主要技术手段来对产品进行设计,以确保和提升产品的广义质量(全部功能与性能)。综合设计理论方法的提出避免了设计方法选择的随意性和不规范性,因而有着重要的意义。目前,对综合设计法总体框架的研究已经较为完善,部分研究成果已经被广大学者和企业界人士所接受。但是,在其理论框架下,一些具体的设计理念、技术和方法还有待进一步深入研究。本文重点研究综合设计法理论框架下的产品设计规划和可视优化设计法,力图通过对这两个环节进行深入研究,来完善产品设计规划和可视优化设计的具体技术或方法。本文的研究工作得到了国家自然科学基金重点项目(编号:50535010)的支持。其研究结论对于综合设计法的进一步丰富以及推广与应用都有着重要意义。具体研究内容如下:对综合设计法的理论框架做了进一步深入研究与概括。详细介绍了产品的广义质量与广义优化两个重要概念。将综合设计法的理论体系按产品设计的流程划分为设计规划、功能优化、技术设计(动态优化设计、智能优化设计、可视优化设计)和设计质量检验四部分。提出创建设计集成平台是应用综合设计方法的重要手段,并给出了设计平台的体系结构,即将平台分为界面层、应用层、技术层和环境层四个层面。在总结和分析与产品设计规划相关研究成果的基础上,提出了3L/8D产品设计规划理论方法,即从设计战略、设计业务、设计质量检验三个层面,具体包括:设计环境、设计思想、设计目标、设计内容、设计方法、设计过程、设计的潜在问题分析和设计质量评价等8个环节,来对产品设计进行全面规划,以提高设计效率和设计的成功率。对产品设计规划工作进行了细致地研究,提出了产品设计规划各阶段的决策模型及具体的规划方法,从而初步建立了3L/8D设计规划的理论框架,为进一步深入研究产品设计规划提供了参考。围绕3L/8D产品设计规划相关理论,用计算机技术实现了设计规划几个重要环节的辅助规划系统的开发,具体包括创建顾客需求重要度评判系统、顾客的模糊聚类分析系统、设计实例搜索系统、设计任务分解及相关性评判系统、设计质量的模糊评判系统。研究中具体论述了每个系统的功能模块、实现原理和实现过程。以上系统均具有可视化的操作界面,能自动生成相关报告,从而可以辅助产品开发人员快速获得可以指导制定设计规划的决策信息。进行了现代机械可视优化设计方法及实现措施研究。通过对现代机械设计特点的具体分析以及在总结前人研究成果的基础上,确定了可视优化法的研究内涵、研究内容、技术流程、关键技术、研发支撑软件以及具体的应用原则,从而建立了可视优化设计法的理论框架。进一步,对可视优化设计的具体环节,即运动学和动力学状态、工作过程和控制过程、加工制造和装配过程等可视优化的内容和方法也进行了讨论,详细介绍了其原理、目标和方法。在介绍产品设计平台内涵的基础上,重点研究了搭建可视优化设计平台的策略与技术。研究中,提出了可视优化设计平台的体系结构及功能模块。可视优化设计平台,从体系结构上看可以分为4个层次,分别是:技术操作层、主要功能层、辅助功能层和技术支持层。平台按需要可以分为快速建模系统、加工过程可视化仿真系统、装配过程可视化仿真系统、运动学可视化仿真系统等10个功能模块。确立了搭建可视优化设计平台的构建策略,可以概括为16字方针,即“自我评价、追求效益、力求节约、分步实现”。提出了搭建可视优化设计平台的一般流程,包括6个关键步骤,分别是:现场调研、需求分析、制定规划、实际开发、功能测试和投入使用。以东北大学自主研制3-TPT并联运动机床为实例,采用可视优化设计法对其进行了研究。主要对其进行了参数化设计、运动学可视化、动力学可视化、工作过程可视化、装配过程可视化等环节的研究。实践表明,在机械产品设计研发过程中采用可视优化设计技术是行之有效的,且可以提升产品的设计质量。

【Abstract】 Product design is the most important part during the product development process and the final quality of product is impacted directly by the effect of the design. The advanced and applied design theory or method has great stimulation on product design so that it is focused their attention by researchers and enterprisers. By cursory statistic, more than 60 kinds of design methods that are put forward by literates improve the design quality evidently at present. It is unpractical and unnecessary that all design methods are applied on a specific product design. Depending on summarizing design methods in existence, the synthesis deign method of modern machinery is brought. According to this method, product design planning, function optimization design, dynamic optimization design, intelligent optimization design, visual optimization design and design quality inspection are used during product design process, and then design quality can be insured and improved. It’s so significative that the random and nonstandard character of selecting design methods can be avoided by applying the synthesis design method.At present, the general framework of synthesis design method has been studied well and some research results have been accepted by most researchers and enterprisers. However, under the theory framework, some design ideas, techniques and methods still need to be studied in-depth. In the paper, the product design planning and visual optimization design (VOD) are researched mainly and some techniques or methods about design planning and VOD are expected to achieve by the study. The works are supported by the Key Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.50535010). The results of the research are important for enriching and developing, extending and applying the synthesis design method. And the main contents are as follows:The theory framework of synthesis deign method is continued to study and summarize in-depth. The generalized quality and generalized optimization are two important concepts for understanding and applying synthesis design method. According to design flow, the theoretical system of synthesis design method is divided into four parts:design planning, function optimization, technique design and inspection of design quality. Furthermore, establishing design platform is thought as a main measure of applying the method and the architecture of the design platform is put forward. The architecture is composed of four layers: interface layer, application layer, technology layer and environment layer. ABSTRACTOn the basis of summarizing and analyzing the relevant study of product design planning, the theory method of 3L/8D planning is proposed. According to this method, in order to ensure efficiency and success ratio of design, design stratagem layer, design operation layer and design inspection layer should be considered during the planning. Furthermore, the three layers can be divided into 8 sections, such as design environment, design ideas, design objective, design contents, design methods, design process, design problem and design quality assessment. In the paper, the work of design planning is researched roundly, decision-making model and particular method for every phase of design planning is also put forward and then elementary theory framework of 3L/8D design planning method is set up. Above-mentioned study can provide references for further researching design planning.Around relational theory of 3L/8D design planning, the exploiture of some compute assistant planning systems are comprised of the following parts:importance degree evaluation on customer demands, the fuzzy clustering analysis on customers, the design case search, the decomposition and correlative degree evaluation on design task, the design quality fuzzy evaluation. During the research, the functional modules, implement theory and process are discussed in detail. All the systems are provided with visual interfaces and can build reports automatically, so they can make researchers get decision-making information rapidly.The methods and implement measures of VOD are researched in the paper. By analyzing the characteristics of modern machinery design and summarizing the former achievements, the connotation, research contents, technical flow, key techniques, developing software and application rules of VOD are determined, and then the theory frame of methodology is set up. Furthermore, the particular segments of VOD namely assembly process, machining process, kinematics and dynamics state, working process, control process are also discussed and the theory, objective and method of these segments are researched detailedly.Based upon introducing the connotation of design platform, the strategy and technique of constructing VOD platform are researched mainly. The architecture and functional module are proposed during study. In the light of architecture, VOD platform can be divided into 4 layers, and it is technology operation layer, main functional layer, assistant functional layer and technical support layer respectively. Moreover, the VOD platform is made up of 10 functional modules, such as fast modeling system, machining process simulation system, assembly process simulation system, kinematics simulation system and so on. The strategy of constructing VOD platform is put forward and the strategy may be summarized as a policy, namely self-evaluation, pursuing benefits, effect the greatest economy and implement step by step. The general flow of constructing VOD platform is also proposed and the flow comprises of 6 key steps, namely scene investigation and research, demand analysis, establishing planning, actual development, function testing and coming into operation.Applied the VOD method, the 3-TPT parallel machine tool that is researched and made by northeastern university independently is studied. And around the machine tool, parametric design, assembly process visualization, kinematics visualization, dynamics visualization and working process visualization are researched. The practice indicates that applying the VOD method during product design is effective, and the method can promote product design quality evidently.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 05期

