

The Research of the Mechanical Property and Calculation Method for Masonry Structure Strengthened with FRP

【作者】 由世岐

【导师】 刘斌;

【作者基本信息】 东北大学 , 结构工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 砌体结构历史悠久,在建筑结构中占有重要的、不可替代的地位。但目前大量砌体结构进入了安全性失效或功能退化期,大拆大建既造成资源浪费,又造成严重的环境问题,因此我国已进入工程建设加固、改造阶段。FRP具有高强高效、施工便捷、耐腐蚀性好、自重轻、适用于各种形状各个部位的加固等多种突出的优点,非常符合砌体结构加固的要求。但FRP加固砌体结构的受力性能研究还处在相对匮乏阶段,因此本文对FRP布加固砖砌体基本力学性能、FRP布加固砌体柱抗压性能、FRP布加固砖砌体墙受剪性能以及CFRP加固砌体柱的可靠度等进行了研究。本文研究的主要内容如下:通过对12件FRP布加固砌体抗压试件和3件对比件的试验,研究FRP布加固砌体抗压性能与效果。通过对15件FRP布加固砌体双剪试件的试验,研究FRP布加固砌体抗剪性能与效果。通过4个未加固砌体试件和6个在受拉侧表面粘贴FRP布加固的砌体试件的四点平面外弯曲试验,研究FRP布加固砌体抗弯性能与效果。对7组GFRP加固砖砌体柱抗压试件、3组CFRP加固砖砌体柱抗压试件和1组对比试件进行抗压力学性能试验,其中每组为4个试件。观察试件的破坏过程、最终破坏形式,分析不同长细比、不同FRP种类和不同FRP加固量等参数对加固柱极限承载力和变形的影响,并提出FRP加固实心黏土砖受压短柱极限强度和变形的计算公式。对5片GFRP加固砖砌体墙受剪试件、2片CFRP加固砖砌体墙受剪试件和1片对比试件进行受剪力学性能试验。观察试件的破坏过程、最终破坏形式,分析不同FRP、不同粘贴面和不同粘贴方向对墙体开裂荷载、受剪承载力、变形能力、耗能以及破坏形态等方面的影响,并提出FRP加固砖墙片的受剪承载力公式。结合可靠度理论,通过理论推导,以砌块的强度、砂浆的强度、构件的几何尺寸以及荷载效应值为基本随机变量,建立CFRP加固砖柱的轴压情况下的稳定可靠性计算公式。并利用MATLAB语言编程对其进行可靠度分析。分别对CFRP加固前后上下截面的受压构件可靠度指标进行计算。

【Abstract】 The history of masonry structure is long. The structure is important and irreplaceable in building structures. But at present, a large number of masonry structure is at stage of losing effective safety and functionality degrading. Deconstruction this amount of masonry structure or reconstruction of a large number of building structures will either produce resource waste or create serious environmental problems. Therefore, our country has stepped into a stage of strengthening and rehabilitating current engineering structures. FRP is of the advantages of high strength, high effective, easy construction, good anti-corrosion, light weight, and fitting structural strengthening for various structures. It very fits the requirement of the strengthening of masonry structure. However, the research of the mechanical property of the strengthened structure is relative little, therefore, this dissertation presents the research of the mechanical property of strengthened masonry structure by FRP sheet., the shear property of masonry wall strengthened by FRP sheet and the reliability of the masonry column strengthened by CFRP, the main research contents of this dissertation is as following:Through testing 12 compressive masonry members strengthened with FRP and 3 comparative members, studying compressive property and results of masonry structure strengthened by FRP sheet. Through double shear tests to 15 masonry structure strengthened by FRP, studying the shear property and results of masonry structure strengthened with FRP. Through 4-points planar bending tests to 4 un-strengthened masonry members and 6 strengthened masonry members with FRP at the tensile surface, studying the bending property and results of masonry structure strengthened with FRP.The compressive tests were conducted to 7 groups of masonry column members strengthened with GFRP,3 groups of masonry column strengthened with CFRP, and 1 groups of compressive members, among them, each group has 4 members. Observing the failure progress and final failure mode of the members. Analyzing the effects of different length/width ratio, different type of FRP and different amount of FRP to the limit bearing capacity of the strengthened masonry column and its deformation.The shearing tests were conducted to 5 GFRP strengthened masonry wall members,2 CFRP strengthened masonry wall members and 1 comparative members. Observing the failure progress and final failure mode. Analyzing the different adhesion surface and different adhesion direction to the cracking loads of the wall, shear bearing capacity, deforming ability, energy consuming and failure mode, putting forward calculation formula of shear capacity of FRP strengthened brick wall members.Combining reliability theory, through theoretical derivation, taking brick strength, mortar strength, member’s geometric size and load effect value as basic random variables, establishing the reliable calculation formula of CFRP strengthened brick built column under axial compression. Using MATLAB program to conduct reliability analysis. The reliability index of the axial compression members strengthened with CFRP at the front, the back, the upper and the lower were conducted.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 05期

