

Empirical Study on the Relationship between Strategic Leadership of Top Managers and Performances in China Background

【作者】 任嵘嵘

【导师】 杨锡怀;

【作者基本信息】 东北大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 企业高层管理者应该做些什么可以使公司长期繁荣与发展,这些是值得学者与实际工作者所关注的问题。我们经常可以看到,在行业中面对类似的机会与威胁时,一些公司的整体表现明显优于其他公司,甚至当行业的条件非常差时一些公司仍可以保持可观的利润,而有的公司却难以维继。越来越多的研究者更加关注高层管理者实施战略的内容与方式而非战略领导过程本身。本文就尝试运用实证研究的方法对中国背景下企业高层管理者战略领导能力的构成因素与维度、战略领导能力与绩效之间的关系以及战略风格与所处阶段的匹配性对绩效的影响等问题做进一步的探索。在国内外关于战略领导能力相关文献研究、财富500强高层管理者的案例分析,猎头公司招聘高层管理者广告分析的基础上,与13家企业的27位高层管理者进行了半结构化访谈,以进一步确认中国背景下企业高层管理者战略领导能力的构成因素与划分维度。在半结构化访谈的基础上,对收集到的各项能力进行整理,通过编码分析,初步得出战略领导能力的理论框架。理论研究结果表明,在中国背景下企业高层管理者战略领导能力包括愿景能力、战略决策能力、战略执行能力、战略驱动能力、关系能力5个维度及29项能力。在文献分析的基础上,根据理论框架的结果加入了个体控制变量后形成《企业高层管理者战略领导能力构成因素探求表》,以某省范围内的企业为样本,分别对229份有效问卷进行了探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析。结果显示,中国背景下企业高层管理者战略领导能力由5个维度24项能力组成,这些能力与维度具有较好的聚合效度和辨别效度。企业高层管理者在性别、年龄、学历以及在位时间等个体因素上有显著差异。在对《企业高层管理者战略领导能力构成因素探求表》进行修改后得到《企业高层管理者战略领导能力构成因素问卷》。在此基础上,加入了个体特征控制变量以及企业特征控制变量、绩效问卷,采用多层次多维度的效标模型以长江商学院EMBA、北大商学院EMBA为样本,对132份有效问卷运用相关分析、多元层次回归分析和典型相关技术等方法检验了高层管理者战略领导能力与绩效的关系。研究结果表明:(1)高层管理者的战略领导能力对公司绩效的不同维度有显著影响作用。(2)高层管理者战略领导能力的不同维度对企业绩效有显著的影响作用。(3)高层管理者战略领导能力对企业绩效有显著的影响作用。在验证了企业高层管理者战略领导能力与绩效之间关系的基础上,使用同样的问卷加入了高层管理者战略风格以及企业所处战略阶段的子问卷,运用析因方差技术考察了高层管理者战略风格与企业所处战略阶段性的匹配性对企业绩效的影响作用。研究结果表明:(1)在战略风格与战略阶段不同的匹配情况下企业绩效是有差异的。(2)战略风格与战略阶段的匹配性好的高层管理者其企业绩效较高。创业型高层管理者会在快速发展战略阶段下表现最为突出。稳健型高层管理者在稳定发展战略阶段下表现最为突出。转变型的高层管理者在防御战略阶段下表现最为突出。最后,本文总结了研究的主要结论,探讨了本研究的理论进展和现实意义,指出了研究上的不足和有待进一步解决的问题。

【Abstract】 What the top managers should do to keep the company thriving and developing is a concern for the scholars and practical workers. It is a usual phenomenon that the overall performance of some of the company is much better than the other companies when they are faced with similar chances and threats, and some of the companies can keep its high profit when in poor conditions while some of the companies find it hard to maintain. More and more researchers are taking greater concern on the content and style of the strategy instead of the process of the strategy that the top managers carry out. The paper explores the components and dimensions of the strategic leadership of top managers in companies, the relationship between the strategic leadership and performances, and the influence of the fit issue between the strategic style and the strategic stage to the performances of the company.On the basis of the text research of the strategic leadership both home and abroad, the case analysis of the top managers of the 500 wealth, and the analysis of the advertisers for the top managers by the headhunters, a semi-structured interviews was made with 27 top managers of 13 enterprises to further confirm the components and the dimensions of the strategic leadership of the top managers in China. On the basis of the deep interview, the collected material was analyzed with the mentioned abilities coded so that the theoretical idea was drawn. The theoretical result showed that the strategic leadership included the five dimensions such as strategy vision, the strategy decision, strategy implementation, strategy driving and relationship-handling and 29 abilities.On the basis of the text analysis, the individual variables are added to the theoretical result to form "the Questionnaire for the Strategic Components of Top Managers in Enterprise". With enterprises within Hebei Province as samples, an analysis was made on the 229 valid questionnaires to explore and verify the components listed there. The result showed that the strategic leadership consisted of 5 dimensions and 24 abilities both models had acceptable convergent validities and discriminate validities. The top managers of enterprises differed greatly in individual elements such as sex, age, learning experiences and time in office.On the basis of "the Questionnaire for the Strategic Components of Top Managers in Enterprise", a performance questionnaire, and individual feature control variables and enterprises feature control variables were added. With the EMBA in Yangtze River Institute of Commerce and the EMBA in Beijing Institute of Commerce as samples, a multi-layer and multi-dimension performance mode was applied to analyze the 132 valid questionnaires. Correlation analysis, regression multi-analysis and the Canonical Correlation were applied to test the relationship between the strategic leadership of the top managers and their performances. The research showed:(1) The strategic leadership of the top managers influences the different dimensions performances of the company greatly.(2) The different dimensions of the strategic leadership influence the performance of the company greatly.(3 The strategic leadership influence the performance of the company greatly.On the basis of the check of the relationship between the strategic leadership of the top leaders and their performance, another questionnaire about the strategic style of the top managers and the stage of the enterprise was added to the same questionnaire. The ANOVA for Factoral Design was applied to check the influence of the fit issue between the strategic style and strategic stage on the performance of the company. The research showed:(1) With different fit issue between strategic style and strategic stage, the performance of company is different.(2) Good fit between strategic style and strategic stage of top managers leads to good performance of the company.The innovative leaders stand out at the rapid development stage. The leaders good at keeping the business excel at the steady development stage. Leaders excellent at expanding business perform the best at the strategic defending stage.At last, the article summarized the main conclusions of the research, and analyzed the theoretical development and the realistic significance, and pointed out the drawbacks in the research and the problems to be solved.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 06期

