

Analysis of the Grow up of High-technique Skilled Persons

【作者】 高岩

【导师】 陈凡;

【作者基本信息】 东北大学 , 科学技术哲学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 当前,高技能人才的匮乏已经成为制约企业持续发展和阻碍产业优化升级的“瓶颈”,并直接影响着我国制造业在国际上的持续竞争力。如何加快高技能人才队伍建设,满足经济技术发展的要求,正日益成为国际社会共同关注的热点问题。因此,探讨“高技能”的本质和高技能人才的成长问题,既有现实意义又有理论意义。本文论述“高技能人才”的成长,突出特点是着重引导人们从科技哲学的视角去分析。首先分析界定了技能和高技能的概念内涵,揭示了技能和高技能的本质及特征,指出高技能是由知识、技巧和创造力等三个要素构成的。进而对高技能人才的类型与特征进行了描述。在此基础上,分析了影响高技能人才成长的内在因素和外在因素,探讨了高技能的获得过程和机理,得出高技能的获得是技术主体长时间向一个方向积累知识和技巧的结果。通过对高技能的理性分析和对高技能人才的访谈调查,总结提炼了高技能人才成长的三条规律:即基于知识获得的累积效应规律;基于技巧习得的师承效应规律;基于创造力提升的年龄效应规律。最后,基于高技能人才成长规律及影响高技能人才内在—外在因素的分析,提出建立社会化的高技能人才培养体系。即以行业企业为主体,职业院校为基础,校企合作为纽带,政府推动与社会支持相互结合的社会化、开放式的高技能人才培养体系。文中分析了我国高技能人才培养的现状、存在问题及其产生根源,指出造成高技能人才短缺与断层的根源,并在借鉴国外高技能人才培养经验的基础上,提出完善我国高技能人才培养体系的原则与对策。

【Abstract】 Currently, the lack of high-technique skilled personnel has become an obstacle to enterprises development and the "bottleneck" of industrial upgrading, as well as a big problem for Chinese manufacturing industry to keep lasting competitiveness in the world. The training and grow up of high-technique skilled personnel has been a worldwide problem. How to accelerate the construction of high-technique skilled personnel, increase the number and quality rapidly, and bring them into full play has become an increasingly global issue of common concern. Therefore, they are both important in theory and reality to research on essential content of high-technique skill and relative issues of high-technique skilled personnel.This study defined technique skills, high-technique skills, high-technique skilled personnel, explored essential and characteristic of technique skills and high-technique skills, indicated that high-technique skills are contained by knowledge, skills and creativity, described that features and types of high-technique skilled personnel. Based on above mentioned works, analyzed the influence of the internal factors and external factors on the growth of high-technique skilled personnel, explors the laws and process for gaining of high-technique skills. High-technique skills are the results of a worker accumulate knowledge and skills toward single direction for long time. By visiting and fact analysis to large numbers of interviewee, it found that there are three rules for the growth of the high-technique skilled personnel. To obtain knowledge from teachers, to practice the skills in order to accumulate experiences, and the creativity will emerge after times of study like that.According to the present situation of high-technique skilled personnel in china, the problems of training high-technique skilled personnel and reasons are analyzed, indicated that the main problems resulting in lack of high-technique skilled personnel are the incorrect understanding about person with ability, the unadvanced management, lack of the vocational education, the unperfected drive mechanism. To the problems and reasons above mentioned, it puts forward my principles and policy suggestions about how to improve training system of high-technique skilled personnel through studying foreign advanced experience.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 06期

