

【作者】 李伟成

【导师】 丁雨龙;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 植物学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 酒竹(Oxytenanthera braunii Pilger ap. Engler),以其分泌出天然的营养丰富的伤流液、后经自然发酵可形成一定酒精度的营养液而闻名于世。本文对酒竹这一重要经济竹种的引种、形态解剖、成分分析、生理生态和扦插组培等工作做了详细的研究,为收集种质和培育特种竹种提供了基础资料。酒竹可作为优质纸张的纸浆原料;覆膜栽培可以提早出笋时间和提高笋的质量,如促进矿质元素的吸收及提高蛋白质、总糖、粗纤维和多种氨基酸含量等;酒竹竹叶营养成分丰富,故其作为天然保健食品开发前景良好。覆膜可以提高雨季前移栽酒竹林土壤的水分含量,加快根鞭系伤口的愈合和新根产生;可以提高冬季土壤平均温度,同时,促进枝叶数量有不同程度的提高,冠幅面积增加。对钩梢带篼移栽母株枝叶数量分布和酒竹笋的个体生长发育的可塑性规律进行研究。结果表明:去除顶端优势并经过一年多恢复生长的酒竹,其各枝盘的枝和叶片数量分别与枝盘号存在着乘幂关系;钩梢后的酒竹植株自身具备补偿作用,钩梢后剩余留枝盘数与累积枝、叶片数量占完整植株枝、叶片数量百分比的关系可以用二次函数来表达;枝和叶片数量的密度分布函数可直接运用Weibull和Gamma概率密度函数进行拟合。酒竹出笋量动态和高生长曲线呈“S”形。酒竹是喜光物种,酒竹的光合功能在雨季前和雨季表现出了较大的差异性:雨季前,受到阳光直射的东南向叶片出现午休现象,但是西北向叶片在中午却避免了最大有效光辐射,而在雨季则为单峰;中度和重度水平的氮磷钾平衡施肥具有明显促进酒竹生长的作用,轻度施肥略有效果但不明显。一年生茎秆和当年生一级枝的生根率分别小于二年生茎秆和一年生一级枝,ABT处理可以提高二年生茎秆和一年生一级枝的生根率,河沙+10%蛭石的扦插床亦可提高生根率,元江试验结果明显低于墨江

【Abstract】 Wine bamboo, Oxytenanthera braunii Pilger ap. Engler, is an important natural resource in the world. The variation characteristics of the anatomical properties of different ages and positions of culm were studied in terms of vascular bundle morphology, fiber morphology and tissue measurement. Anatomical observations showed that the roots were composed of the epidermis, cortex and vascular cylinder. The rhizome and stem were consisted of the epidermis, cortex, elementary tissue and vascular bundle.This research aimed at the fiber structure of O. braunii at different ages and sections. The purpose was to provide theoretical base for directive breeding method through analyzing fibers’ morphological parameters. In conclusion, all indicators showed that O. braunii could be used as a good resource for pulp making. The results showed that plastic film mulching could proceed in time of shoot germination and enhance the shoot quality such as improving absorbability of trace element, increasing content of protein, sugar, coarse fiber and majority of amino acid. Synthetically, short time of plastic film mulching showed one method to provide the necessary soil water and mean temperature and do good for development and soil quality though winter. And also, theoretical support for species protection and rational application was provided through analyzing the nutrient elements and components of stump, culm, branch and leaf. Leaf of Wine bamboo had richer nutrients, so there were good prospects for its development and cultivation as a kind of natural healthy food products.Individual-based model was used to delineate and capture the essence of the shoot growth system well enough addressing specific characteristics of parameters about the system. Results showed that power function could be used to set up the relationship between leaf number and node number, which was the same as branch number after obtruncating. Compensation effect of mother individuals after transplanting was important for wine bamboo adapting to the semi-arid area in southwest china. The quadratic function could be used to express the relationship between the number of residual nodes with branch. The percentage of branch number contributing to the total number of the individual without obtruncating was also shown by the percentage of leaf number. The probability distribution function such as Weibull and Gamma were used to simulate the distribution of branch and leaf number on each culm node after obtruncating and transplanting with stump. Results indicated that distribution curve was successfully simulated. Weibull and Gamma functions gave the best answer compared with normal distribution. So humidity was the main ecological factor influencing the growth of bamboo shoots. Understanding the advantage of plasticity response and its limits is of critical importance for numerous issues in ecology and evolution for O. braunii.Individual physiological response to complex environments was a major factor in the ecological breadth of species. The effects of different fertilizer levels on growth and photosynthetic characteristics of O. braunii were preliminarily explored in order to provide basis for proper application of compound fertilizer for its plantation in southwest china. Results showed that the modules such as leaf, branch and lateral root all behaved correspondingly to fertilizer levels, which were indicated by crown, individual height, basal diameter, diameter of breast height (DBH), maximum leaf length, total leaf area, maximum branch length, maximum length of lateral root, root radius, specific leaf area (SLA) and the modules’ biomass respectively. And the semi-destructive method of growth analysis accorded with the research requirements for valuable and endangered species.A series of comparative culm burying and branch cuttage propagation experiments of O. braunii is conducted in different culture substrata and seasons with various portions of shoots. It is concluded that culm burying and branch cuttage can raise the general capability of O. braunii in Southwest China and the most suitable environment for O. braunii planting is in the middle-high mountain area.A high-efficiency in vitro propagation method was developed for O. braunii. Bud from lateral and healthy growing secondary branches was used for explants. The BA/NAA mixture ratio at 4:1 provided the best induction result, which was 81.3±8.2%. The influence of thidiazuron (TDZ) variation on rooting was examined as well.This paper also was to provide the data of transplant and technique of living throw the winter such as plastic film mulching. The results showed that plastic film mulching could provide the necessary water and meanwhile help the root system heal up its wound after being transplanted. Furthermore, plastic film mulching could improve the mean temperature of soil and the number of leaf and branch at the sixth and ninth node. And then, the crown expanded. Straw mulch could also do a certain effect which was inefficient than plastic film mulching. Ammonia-N was unchangeable, and on the contrary, nitrate-N was variable irregularly throw the winter. Plastic film mulching was one of the important techniques in planting O. braunii.

  • 【分类号】S795
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】176

