

Studies on Biology of Quercus Phillyraeoides A. Gray

【作者】 谢春平

【导师】 方炎明;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 植物学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 乌冈栎(Quercus phillyraeoides A.Gray)为壳斗科(Fagaceae)栎属巴东栎组(Sect. Engleriana)的植物,主要生长在石灰岩山地或酸性基岩山地上。乌冈栎林的生境极为脆弱,一般树种很难在乌冈栎群落中形成优势种。乌冈栎的萌蘖能力虽强,但森林一旦被毁,就很难恢复。目前,乌冈栎的开发利用很不合理,尚处于简单的破坏性烧炭工业利用阶段,国内外对乌冈栎的生物学与生态学研究却很薄弱,几乎处于空白状态。因此,本文从地理分布、群落学特征、群落生殖特征、种群特征、表型多样性以及资源开发利用等6个方面对乌冈栎进行了系统的研究,一方面为乌冈栎林及其环境的保护提供科学参考依据,另一方面亦为乌冈栎种质资源的合理利用提供基础资料。主要结论如下:(1)乌冈栎主产亚热带地区,水平分布于东亚的中国(23°~34°N,100°~120°E)和日本(26°~37°N,128°~140°E);垂直分布大多在海拔500m以上,少数地区可降至200m。乌冈栎的起源地可能是中国西南部山地,起源时间大致是在中新世;乌冈栎呈两条路线迁移,现今的分布格局受第四纪气候变化影响深重。气候环境指数研究的结果表明乌冈栎各项指数平均值均较低,其性质为亚热带耐寒树种,温度是影响乌冈栎分布的最主要因素。(2)乌冈栎群落物种组成、区系分析、生活型谱、群落结构、物种多样性和乔木层优势种群生态位等6方面的分析结果表明,各地乌冈栎群落均呈现出结构简单、垂直高度低、物种多样性低的特点。生活型谱说明了乌冈栎群落具有旱生植被的特点,并与典型的亚热带常绿阔叶林存在一定的区别。乌冈栎与群落其他树种相比,具有较大的重要值和较宽的生态位,在群落中占绝对优势。群落的区系分析表明,群落兼有温带与热带性质,群落的起源和演化时间与地理分布研究结果相吻合。(3)生殖物候特征表明,乌冈栎群落内多数植物的开花与结果事件避开了降雨高峰期和高温天气,因此植物的生殖物候对环境具有极强的适应能力。从果实类型来看,肉质果比例略高于干果,但果实(种子)传播媒介较为单一,这亦可能是群落生物多样性低的主要原因之一。(4)种群数量动态和更新情况的研究表明,多数地区乌冈栎群落幼龄级个体缺乏,中龄级个体对维持乌冈栎种群具有重要意义,种群结构大多呈倒金字塔型,空间分布呈聚集型。种群更新存在一定的困难,主要受其自身生物学特性的制约和外界传播力量的影响;由于乌冈栎分布地段的特殊性,短期内的更新仍能继续进行。适当干扰,开辟林窗是提高乌冈栎天然更新的较佳途径。(5)叶表型和果实形态特征的统计和数量分析结果表明,乌冈栎叶和果实的表型均存在较大的变异,居群内变异大于居群间变异。叶形态与环境的相关分析表明,叶形态变异受水分影响较大。最后,对利川栎进行了讨论,认为将其调整为乌冈栎的变种是合理的。(6)乌冈栎资源具有广阔的开发利用前景,尤其作为园林观赏植物、能源植物、淀粉植物、水土保护与荒山绿化植物等方面,具有比较高的开发利用潜力。如何深度开发乌冈栎资源、发挥更高的经济价值,值得进一步深入研究;最后对资源的开发利用及存在问题提出了建议。

【Abstract】 Quercus phillyraeoides A.Gray, belonging to Fagaceae genus Quercus L. Sect. Engleriana, was distributed in the mountain of limestone and acid bed rock in East Asia (China and Japan). The habitat of Q. phillyraeoides forest was in fragile eco-environments, where the other plants were very difficult to become the dominant tree. The sprouting ability of Q. phillyraeoides was strong, the natural forest, however, was difficult to recover while damaged heavily. Past utilization of this species was seriously unreasonable in China, mainly in charcoal making industry. At the present time, stuides on Q. phillyraeoides were at the state of emptiness all over the world. To sum up the above arguments, the geographical distribution, characteristic phytocoenology, reproduction ecology of community, population ecology, morphological diversity and resource utilization of Q. phillyraeoides were discussed in the paper. On the one hand, the research could offer the scientific reference for the forest management and the comparative observation of ecological vegetation; on the other hand, it also could offer the basic data for the paleontology, paleogeography, and paleoclimate. The major work and conclusions of present paper were as following:(1) the horizontal distribution of Q. phillyraeoides was main in subtropics of East Asia including China and Japan, and the locations were 23°~34°N,100°~120°E and 26°~37°N,128°~140°E respectively; vertical distribution of Q. phillyraeoides was higher than 500 meters, but some of place could be lower to 200 meters. The original place of Q. phillyraeoides were in the mountains of Southwest China in Miocene; there were two ways for Q. phillyraeoides to distribution, and the pattern of present distribution was effected by the climate of Quaternary strongly. The climatic indices indicated that Q. phillyraeoides was a subtropical species of cold-resistant, which reveal temperature was the most important factor to influence the distribution region of its.(2) The species composition, floristic characteristic of community, life form spectrum, community structure, species diversity in the community and the niche of dominant trees were analyzed. The results showed that the parameter of Q. phillyraeoides community were lower or simpler than the other’s on the aspect of structure, vertical height and species diversity. The life form spectrum indicated that the forest had the characteristics of drought vegetation and were different from the typical evergreen broad-leaved forest of subtropic. Meanwhile, compared to the other plant, Q. phillyraeoides had the high important value and broad niche. Besides, the floristic characteristic of community combined tropic and temperature, and the original and evolutional time was accord to the geographical distribution research.(3) The plant reproductive phenology of Q. phillyraeoides community showed that most of the plants in the community avoided the heavy precipitation and high temperature to flower and fruit, and it could conclude that the plants have high flexibility to the community environment. From the view point of fruit type, sarcocarp was more than dry fruit slightly, and the lower diversity in the community may be resulted by one main reason of the single dispersal of seed.(4) The results of population dynamics and natural regeneration of Q. phillyraeoides mean: most of communities were short of seeding, so the mid-age class individuals were very important for the population to maintain the dominant position in the communities. Population age structure of Q. phillyraeoides was mostly inverted pyramid form, and the distribution pattern were the aggregated. It is difficult for Q. phillyraeoides to regenerate because of its biology and the seed dispersal media. On the account of the special environment, the regeneration of Q. phillyraeoides could go on in the short time. Finally, it was a effective measure to keep the canopy gaps in its forest for the population to regenerate.(5) The morphological of leave and fruit were discussed bythe statistics and numerical taxonomy, and the result showed that the variation was exist in both of them, but the intrapopulation variation was more than extrapopulaton’s. The relationship between leave characteristic and environment indicated that the variation of leaves was affected by the precipitation strongly. At last, we considered that Quercus lichuanensis should be the variety of Quercus phillyraeoides, which be named Quercus phillyraeoides var. lichuanensis (Cheng) C. P. Xie et Y. M. Fang.(6) The resource of Q. phillyraeoides had vast foreground on development and application, especially as landscape and ornamental plant, energy plant, starch plant, soil-conserving plants and so on. It was very remarkable and worthy of further study to how to deep utilization of Q. phillyraeoides. Ultimately, the present problems and suggestion were come up with for the resource utilization.

  • 【分类号】Q948
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】293

