

The Development of the Application of Traditional Chinese Patterns in Interior Decoration

【作者】 黄仕雄

【导师】 张青萍;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 家具设计与工程, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 皖南明清民居的文化遗产十分丰富,它不仅涉及到中国传统文化,中国古建筑学、砖石木结构建筑技术,还涉及到中国传统图案在室内外装饰中的应用,中国传统图案在皖南明清民居室内装饰中的应用不仅让人在视觉和心理上感到美的愉悦,而且也在生态功能上起到一定的作用。长期以来,人们对皖南明清民居室内装饰图案的应用研究较多的只停留在图案外观审美和祥瑞符号的表层上,对于室内环境装饰中中国传统图案形成这一整体美感及生态功能的作用及人与自然相合的宇宙观,却少有人去深究。那么在民居室内环境装饰中,中国传统图案产生美感功能起到重要作用的又是什么——那就是中国传统图案本质精神,生生不息的理念,深刻的思想内涵,阴阳对立而又统一的辩证关系,图案的格律,生态功能等恰恰这些正是深蕴在民居装饰中难以觉察的。中国传统图案有着悠久的传承历史,凝聚着全民的智慧才华,长久以来一直与建筑、装饰一脉相承,表里相依,发挥着重大的作用。本论文以中国传统图案结构功能在皖南民居室内装饰中的应用研究为例阐述图案结构功能,再从民居装饰中的潜在基质和本源,揭示图案结构应用理念、方法,以此来找到中国传统图案结构在民居室内装饰中对视觉中心、场力形成的影响,空间中主次审美的关系,及生态功能所起到的作用和规律来弥补对中国传统图案在民居室内装饰中的片面认识,以免造成应用的局限性,这就是本文的研究目的。同时还通过对皖南民居室内装饰图案结构功能的应用,分析研究,找到那些在图案结构功能应用上,如材质、生态功能、造型等,由于历史原因和科技的不发达,致使在当时还不能实现或应用不够的方面,今天能够实现的,有待发展,为中国传统图案结构应用拓展一个既传承又开创、前所未有的崭新局面。全文分为十章,首先是绪论;第二章、第三章论述中国传统图案发展概况,及中国传统图案与文化,着重讲人与自然的关系和中国传统图案结构,形式特点,功能性装饰性;第四章、第五章主要讲述皖南明清民居建筑,民居建筑平面空间布局及装饰的艺术特色;第六章讲述中国传统图案结构在皖南明清民居室内装饰应用中的节点分析,是揭示图案结构应用方法较重要的部分;第七章是论述图案结构对场力的影响及应用实例,重点以个案来分析,是理论、学术性的部分,是全文中一个重要突出部分;第八章论述了皖南明清民居室内装饰图案结构与生态功能的发展前景;第九章、第十章讲述了在新时期皖南民居室内装饰中图案结构功能应用发展中的新材料新形式新观念创新实例,这章是中国传统图结构功能应用的新视野具有一定的启迪性;第十章结语是对全文的总结。

【Abstract】 Ming and Qing residential houses in Southern Anhui are rich in cultural heritage. They involve not only traditional Chinese culture, ancient Chinese architecture, and the technology of masonry and wooden architecture, but also the use of traditional Chinese patterns in interior and exterior decoration. The application of such patterns in the interior of Ming and Qing houses in Southern Anhui is not only pleasing to the eye and the mind, but also of ecological use. For a long time, the study of such application has been confined to the superficial level of aesthetic appearance and auspicious symbolism, and has rarely extended to the overall aesthetic effect and the ecological use. What plays an important role in the production of such aesthetic effect? The answer should be the essential spirit of traditional Chinese patterns, the ever renewed concepts, the profound thoughts, the dialectical relationship between yin and yang, and the rhythm and ecological function of patterns, all of which are deeply embedded in residential house decoration and difficult to discern.Traditional Chinese patterns have a long history and embody the whole nation’s wisdom and talent. For a long time they have been married with and played an important role in architecture and decoration. This paper expounds the structures and uses of patterns by citing the example of the research into the use of traditional Chinese patterns’ structural function in the interior decoration of Southern Anhui houses. Then it reveals the principle and methods of such use in terms of the latent matrix and origin of house decoration, and thereby finds out the role that the structure of traditional Chinese patterns plays in the formation of visual focus and field force, the relationship between primary and secondary aesthetic effects in a space, and the ecological function of interior decoration, in order to compensate for the biased understanding of traditional Chinese patterns in interior decoration and avoid limitations on their application. That is the objective of this paper. In addition, through analysis and study of the use of the structural function of the patterns of the interior decoration of Southern Anhui houses, it attempts to find out the aspects of the use of the patterns’ structural function, such as material, ecological function and form, which could not be realized or were not made full use of in the past due to historical limitations and backwardness in science and technology, but can be realized and are to be developed at present, in order to bring about an unprecedented situation by carrying on the tradition and breaking new ground for the use of the structure of traditional Chinese patterns. The paper is divided into ten chapters:the first chapter is the introduction; the 2nd and 3rd Chapters treat development status of Chinese traditional patterns, and relationship between Chinese traditional patterns and culture, highlight relationship between human and nature, and structure, forms, features, functionality and decorating function of Chinese traditional patterns; the 4th and 5th Chapters mainly narrate residential architectures of Ming and Qing Dynasties in Southern Anhui, plane and spatial layout of residential architectures and art features of decorations; the sixth chapter, an important part for revealing the methods of applying pattern structures, describes a node analysis of the application of traditional Chinese pattern structures in the interior decoration of Ming and Qing houses in Southern Anhui; the 7th Chapter, as a theoretical and academic part and also a prominent part of the paper, treats the influence of pattern structures on field force and application examples, and cases are used mainly for analysis; the 8th Chapter discusses the prospect of the structure and ecological functions of the interior decoration patterns of Ming and Qing residential houses in Southern Anhui; the 9th and 10th chapters, which may inspire a new horizon on the application of the structural function of traditional Chinese patterns, present innovative examples of new materials, new forms and new ideas in the development of the application of the structural function of patterns in the interior decoration of Southern Anhui residential houses in the New Period since the beginning of reform and opening up; the conclusion in the 10th chapter summarizes the whole paper.

  • 【分类号】J525
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】2499

