

Study on Theory & Practice of National Parks Construction in China

【作者】 唐芳林

【导师】 张嘉宾; 张金池;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 生态学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 生物多样性是人类生存发展的基础,建立各类保护地是就地保护生物多样性的重要形式。然而,就目前我国保护地的模式和管理现状而言,与当地经济发展存在着一定的矛盾和冲突。因此,如何破解长期困扰我国“保护与发展”的矛盾?如何改进和重构保护地的指导思想和理念,如何因地制宜地合理地制定我国保护地体系,确定保护地在科学发展中的定位,实现我国生物多样性的有效保护,同时又能为国家经济发展战略决策和战略目标的实现发挥重要作用,实现我国自然保护事业的可持续发展已经成为当前的紧迫问题,是本论文选题的关键所在。结合目前我国保护工作实践中出现的问题,理清解决问题的思路,探索切实可行的保护地发展思路是本研究的主要目的。本论文采用文献研究法、综合生态学、社会学等外业调查法以及SWOT、典型案例、综合集成等研究方法,分析了国内外保护地发展状况,特别是我国保护地建设管理的现状与问题,阐述了国外国家公园的产生、发展、内涵、特征,分析了各国国家公园的主要管理模式,针对我国实际,从功能定位、资源评价、分区管理模式、国家公园建立管理的相关技术标准、机制与配套措施等方面进行了比较全面的研究,研究得出以下结论:(1)保护地是全球保护生物多样性的主要模式,建设保护地的目的是走可持续发展的道路,而可持续发展的内涵应是“当代与后代并重,保护与发展并存”。我国的保护地体系包括了自然保护区、风景名胜区、森林公园、地质公园等类型,自然保护区是我国保护地的主要形式,我国大陆地区缺失了国家公园这一保护地形式。(2)国家公园是保护地的一个类别,它既不同于严格的自然保护区,也不同于一般的旅游景区。实践表明,国家公园以生态环境、自然资源保护和适度旅游开发为基本策略,通过较小范围的适度开发实现大范围的有效保护,既排除与保护目标相抵触的开发利用方式,达到了保护生态系统完整性的目的,又为公众提供了旅游、科研、教育、娱乐的机会和场所,国家公园已被证明是一种能够合理处理生态环境保护与资源开发利用关系的行之有效的实现双赢的保护和管理模式。尤其是在生态环境保护和自然资源利用矛盾尖锐的亚洲和非洲地区,通过这种保护与发展有机结合的模式,不仅有力地促进了生态环境和生物多样性的保护,同时也极大地带动了地方旅游业和经济社会的发展,做到了资源的可持续利用。(3)解决我国目前保护地所面临的困境需要运用科学发展观,国家公园作为一个可供选择的生存模式自然地提到了议事日程上来。从我国保护区半个多世纪的实践和现实国情来看,借鉴国外先进经验,引入国家公园理念,建立适合我国国情的国家公园体系可能是最好的模式之一,是促进区域生态保护和经济社会协调发展,实现保护地生态、社会、经济三大综合效益有效发挥的必要手段。

【Abstract】 Biodiversity is the foundation of human’s subsistence and development. Establishing kinds of protected areas is the mail type of conserving biodiversity in the world. However, between the actuality of our model and management and economy development, it has also many contradiction and conflict. Therefore, it become severe problems that“how to solve the contradiction between protection and development, how to improve and rebuild the ideas of protected areas and how to establish our protected areas system reasonably?”, and then to solve these problems is the main aim of the paper.Based on literature referment, ecological and sociology survey, the writer had analysed the development of protected areas in the world, especially to the actuality and problems of China based on SWOT, representative cases and integration method. Expatiating on the genesis,development, connotation, characteristic of national parks in foreign countries, and aiming at our situation, researching the function orientation, resource evaluate,subarea management modle ,management mechanism and some technical regulations of establishing national park in China.The results showed:(1)Protected areas aiming at achieving sustainable development, is the main type of conserving biodiversity in the world. The connotation of sustainable development is“pay equal attention to present age and afterworld, to protection and development”. China has made great progress in establishing protected areas, including nature reserves, scenic landscape, forest parks and geological parks atc, among which nature reserves is the main model of China, but short of national parks.(2)National parks is a type of protected areas,which is differ from nature reserves and scenic landscape.According to the past experiences, national parks system is an effective resolving measure to deal with the relationship between conservation management and local community development because its essential strategy is conserving ecological environment and natural resource and developing reasonably, achieving large-scale protection through small-scale exploitation, and at the same time, it also supplied opportunity and ideal areas to public for touring, scientific researching, educating and recreating. Especially in Asia and Africa, we can not only promote the protection of ecological environment and natural resource, but also accelerate the development of economy and society,and at last, achieving the sustainable development.(3)To solving the jams in our protected areas,we should use scientific outlook on development. According to 50 years practice of our protected areas and our country’s situation, the national park system has some inspirations for solving it.Using the experience of national parks system for reference, establishing efficient national parks system adapt to our country, could be promoted the sustainable development of our protected area and achieved coordinated development among ecological,social and economic.

  • 【分类号】TU986
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】1310

