

Urban Disaster-prevention Green Space Planning and Construction in Multi-ethnic Areas

【作者】 朱颖

【导师】 王浩;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 城市安全是宜居的前提,对于无法预期的震灾,绿地能发挥极大的避灾功能。避灾绿地是城市防灾空间的重要组成部分,也是城市应急避难场所中一种不可或缺的类型。多民族地区由于民族成分众多、风俗习惯、宗教信仰各异而具有特殊的民族性,城市避灾绿地规划建设不同于非民族地区。本研究针对当前中国多民族地区城市避灾绿地规划建设等方面的研究空白,展开理论与实证研究。主要内容包括:(1)总结和分析了国内外城市避灾绿地的发展,根据中国现实国情,从“避灾绿地”与相关概念的辨析出发,解析“避灾绿地”的概念及特征,并明确了城市避灾绿地系统的地位。(2)城市避灾绿地是城市绿地系统规划与城市抗震防灾规划的结合点,城市避灾绿地系统能否在灾时起到作用与避灾绿地系统各项指标制定的合理性有关,综合考虑多方因素确定避灾绿地系统的规划指标与避灾绿地设施建设内容,指导避灾绿地的建设,保障灾时城市居民的避灾需求。(3)基于避灾行为心理需求,提出以人口密度理论、空间行为理论、避灾绿地承载力、绿地生态学理论、领域层次理论以及环保节能理论作为避灾绿地规划建设理论基础,以此指导避灾绿地的规划建设。首次提出以人口密度结合绿地承载力作为避灾绿地的服务半径的依据,并作为城市避灾绿地系统空间布局的依据。(4)中国多民族地区存在多元文化、风俗习惯各异、社会经济发展落后的现状,本研究探讨了多民族地区城市避灾绿地系统规划方法、空间规划设计策略、规划要点以及营建技术。并以乌鲁木齐为例,根据城市民族构成、多元文化、人口密度、绿地系统现状特点以及城市空间布局等相关因素,构建乌鲁木齐城市避灾绿地体系,并对中心避灾绿地的规划建设进行实例研究,初步归纳了适合中国多民族地区中心(固定)避灾绿地空间布局形态,对避灾设施的配置提出建议。(5)从避灾绿地建设的平灾结合角度出发,提出避灾绿地的日常管理、灾时管理、灾后恢复不同管理内容及侧重点,为完善城市避灾绿地的管理机制、切实发挥绿地综合功能提供思路。

【Abstract】 Security is a prerequisite for a livable urban. For the unexpected earthquake,the green space can play the enormous function. Disaster-prevention green space is the important part of urban spatial system of disaster prevention and also an indispensable type of urban emergency shelters. Multi-ethnic regions have many ethnic groups and there are different in costom and religion.The planning and construction of disaster-prevention green space is different from the non-ethnic areas. Study on the theory and practice based on the research gaps of the current disaster-prevention green space planning and construction in multi-ethnic area of China.The main content includes:(1)Summarizes and analyzes the development of urban disaster-prevention green space in domestic and foreign,according to the actual situation in China,explain the“disaster-prevention green space”and clearly the status of urban disaster-prevention green space system.(2)Disaster-prevention green space combined with urban green space system planning and urban planning on earthquake resistance and hazardous prevention. The role of disaster-prevention green space system is relevant to reasonable indexes. Considering the many factors to determine indexes of disaster prevention green system planning and disaster-prevention green space construction, to guide the construction.(3)Considering behavioral and psychological needs of disaster prevention, Proposed the theoretic of disaster prevention green space planning and construction and guided the planning and building. First, put forward the disaster-prevention green space service radius basis on population density and green capacity, and the urban disaster-prevention green space system spatial layout based on this theory.(4)Based on cultural diversity, different customs, socio-economic development of backward, discussed the construction methods of disaster-prevention green in multi-ethnic urban. Take Urumqi as the example, according to the ethnic composition, multicultural, population density, green space system characteristics and the spatial structure of urban development, build disaster-prevention green system, and the center for disaster prevention green space planning, to make recommendations the configuration of disaster facilities.(5)Disaster-prevention green space has multi-function.There are different contents and focus in daily management, disaster management and disaster recovery management.


