

Reserch on Degraded Vegetation Characters, Restoration and Reconstruction at Limestone Hills of Xuzhou

【作者】 陈平

【导师】 万福绪;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 水土保护与荒漠化防治, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 1.研究区域不同林分类型间的土壤性状指标有一定差异。在现存主要林分中,各林层木本植物组成有较大差异。调查发现,木本植物科属数量大小顺序为:林下层>灌木层>乔木层,其中乔木层共有14科18属,其中出现植物种较多的科有桑科3属3种;在灌木层中共有18科22属,其中出现植物种数较多的科有榆科2属4种。调查还发现,各林分林下长有少量木本植物幼苗,共有22科33属。在林分中,灌木和乔木层植物几乎都是阳性树种,乔木树种数量与灌木层树种数量呈现相反的变化趋势,即当乔木层树种增加时,灌木层树种数量降低,反之亦然。此外,随着林分乔木层密度的降低,林下植物种类和数量都有一定程度的增加,但增加的幅度各不相同。试验采用物种丰富度指数Patrick指数(dp)、Menhinick指数(dMe)、Simpson指数(SSP),Shannon-Wiener指数( SSW)和Pielou均匀度指数(JSW、JSP)对研究区域主要林分类型进行物种多样性分析,探讨了不同林分的林下植物多样性。研究结果表明:同一林分中,木本植物在灌木层的物种丰富度均要高于乔木层;不同林分类型间物种丰富度有较大差异,但其在乔木层和灌木层的变化趋势相近。对林分木本植物多样性测定结果显示,同一林分类型中木本植物的物种多样性大小顺序为:灌木层>乔木层;不同林分间的调查结果有一定差异。通过对不同林分间相似性的比较发现,不同林分间相似系数变化较大,变化范围在0~0.7826之间,表明研究区主要林分类型间有着较大的差异性,如福山的侧柏林分和泉山的桑+刺槐林分、泉山的刺槐+侧柏林分和刺槐+白榆林分之间,相似系数仅分别为0.1429、0.1333;其它林分群落间相似性相对较高,如侧柏+黄连木+刺槐林分和侧柏+三角枫+五角枫林分、刺槐+侧柏林分和刺槐+白榆林分,林分相似性系数分别达到了0.7619、0.7826。2.以研究区现存主要林分类型为研究对象,采用样方法对其主要乔灌木种群的生态位宽度和生态位重叠进行研究。结果表明:在各主要林分类型的乔木层中侧柏、刺槐和黄连木的生态位宽度较广,分别达到0.7625、0.4935、0.4184;灌木层中构树、刺槐的生态位宽度较广,分别达到0.7358、0.5271。此外,主要林分类型中的黄连木与三角槭、侧柏与黄连木的生态位重叠较大。野外调查还发现,做为现有石灰岩山地主要造林树种的侧柏,其幼苗、幼树在各林分林下灌木层中几乎没有出现,表现出较差的树种自我更新能力,但由于其在林分乔木层中的生态位较广,且与其它树种的生态位重叠较小,因此,认为侧柏与刺槐、构树一样,仍将是本区植被恢复、荒山造林的主要先锋树种。3.采用盆栽试验,研究了干旱胁迫条件下,研究区5种常用造林和风景林改造树种,侧柏、苦楝、栾树、黄连木、乌桕1年生实生苗的抗旱生理、生化指标:丙二醛(MDA)、电导率( EC)、叶绿素( Chl. )、游离脯氨酸( Pro)、过氧化物酶活性(POD)等的变化情况,并在研究生理生化指标与抗旱性关系的基础上,采用隶属函数法对上述指标进行综合分析,得出5种试验树种抗旱能力从大到小的顺序为:侧柏、栾树、黄连木、乌桕、苦楝,这一结果与盆栽试验中5种植物的实际表现情况一致。4.通过对徐州市石灰岩低山丘陵地的野外调查,将其以坡度划分立地类型小区,以土被连续性划分立地类型组,以土层厚度划分立地类型,共分出3个立地类型小区,12个类型组和30个立地类型。在对徐州市自然条件和16座石质荒山立地条件进行调查分析的基础上,进行造林试验,分别从人工整地、造林树种、苗木规格、造林密度、混交方式、土壤改良、保水保墒、促进生根等方面进行研究,提出了较为完善的黄淮区域石灰岩山地人工造林技术方案。试验造林共选用了15个树种,实际造林面积470hm2,81万株,总体成活率85.6%,其中侧柏85.8%、龙柏87.5%、女贞93.7%、雪松82.0%、桧柏63.9%、刺槐84.2%、五角枫85.3%、黄连木65.7%、火炬树97.1%、乌桕67.7%、楝树78.1%、柿84.7%、石榴58.6%、枣61.3%、杏40%。研究发现,不同树种的造林成活率有较大不同。此外,调查还发现,立地类型和技术措施不同,造林成活率存在差异。5.试验将荒山造林和林分改造后2年的人工林分,以乔木层主要造林树种为依据划分不同人工林分(成林2年的荒山新造林和风景改造林)类型。在对调查区域做全面勘查的前提下,结合林分现状,设置8块典型林分样地,调查样地位于徐州市的云龙山、曹山和段山。研究在对不同林分类型样地调查的基础上,采用物种丰富度指数Patrick指数(dp)、Menhinick指数(dMe)、Simpson指数( SSP)、Shannon-Wiener指数( SSW)和Pielou均匀度指数(JSW、JSP)进行物种多样性分析,探讨人为干扰对林下植物多样性的短期影响。结果表明:(1)同一林分各层物种多样性指数顺序是:草本层>灌木层,但在侧柏纯林(对照地)中由于特殊生境的影响表现为:灌木层>草本层;(2)不同林分灌木层植物多样性顺序是:侧柏>栾树+侧柏(下坡)>侧柏(2a)>侧柏+黄连木>侧柏+朴树+青桐+刺槐>女贞+雪松(2a)>侧柏+栾树(上坡)>女贞(2a),草本层植物多样性顺序是:侧柏+朴树+青桐+刺槐>女贞(2a)>女贞+雪松(2a)>栾树+侧柏(下坡)>侧柏+黄连木>侧柏+栾树(上坡)>侧柏(2a)>侧柏;(3)不同人为干扰对人工林下植物组成的短期影响不同,结果显示不同林分间相似性指数变化范围在0.0560~0.5854,林分间共有种较少,差异大,多样性高。

【Abstract】 1.There are different amoung the numbers of species and the soil factor at different layers in different plantations.They show following order: undergrown layer> shurb layer> tree layer,and the number of species are 14 plant families,18 plant generas in tree layer;18 plant families,22 plant generas in shurb layer;22 plant families,33 plant generas in undergrown layer respectively. The species of plant in tree and shurb layers of plantations are almost light tree species,the species numbers between tree layer and shurb layer was proximately inverse proportion.And with the decrease of the density of plantations,the number of plants and species of undergrowth increase.Based on the data collected from different forest vegetation plantations,species richness, evenness and species diversity of plantations were discussed by patrick index, menhinick index,simpson index,Shannon-Wiener index and Pielou index.The results showed that:the richness is higher in shurb layer than tree layer in the same plantation;and the richness in different plantations are big different,but the same trend appeared in tree and shurb layer of different plantations.Species diversity investigation demonstrates that the species diversity indexes of the same plantations have same change rule,which is higher of shurber layer than tree layer;and the indexes are big different in different plantations.Change of sorenson indices in the same forest vegetation plantations are big,indices of the range from 0 to 0.7826;the result showed that difference of plantations is big.Such as the index between Morus alba+ Robinia pseudoacacia and Platycladus orientalis at FuShan hill is 0.1429; the index between Platycladus orientalis and Robinia pseudoacacia+ Ulmus pumila at QuanShan hill is 0.1333; the index betwteen Platycladus orientalis+ Pistacia chinensis + Robinia pseudoacacia and Platycladus orientalis+ Acer buergerianum + Acer mono is 0.7619; the index between Robinia pseudoacacia+ Platycladus orientalis + Robinia pseudoacacia+ Ulmus pumila is 0.7826.2.Based on the investigation on 7 types of main woody species of plantations in Xuzhou,the niche breath and niche overlap of the main species are studied.The results showed that the niche breaths of Robinia pseudoacacia、Platycladus orientalis、Pistacia chinensis in the tree layer are 0.7625,0.4935,0.4184 respectively,which are higher.The niche breaths of Robinia pseudoacacia、Broussonetia papyrifera in the shrub layer are 0.7358,0.5271 respectively, which are higher.The niche overlaps that Pistacia chinensis with Acer buergerianum and Platycladus orientalis are high. And there are no seedling of Platycladus orientalis at the shrub layer, but the niche overlaps of Platycladus orientalis with other species are much less, so Platycladus orientalis、Robinia pseudoacacia、Broussonetia papyrifera are the main species for the restoration in the limestone low mountains and hills of Xuzhou city.3.The drought resistance and physiological characters under drought stress of 5 plant species(Platycladus orientalis、Melia azedarach、Koelreuteria paniculata、Pistacia chinensis、 Sapium sebiferum) are investigated in the potted plant experiment.On the basis of the relationship between physiological standards[malondialdehyde (MDA),leaf relative conductivity, chlorophyll(Chl.),proline content(Pro),peroxidase(POD)]and drought resistance, the comprehensive evaluation of the 5 plant species is handled by subordinative function method. The results indicate that their drought resistance in the order from strong to weak was Platycladus orientalis,Koelreuteria paniculata,Pistacia chinensis,Sapium sebiferum,Melia azedarach , according to their practical performance.4. Based on field investigation and study,site sub-areas are classified by grade, site type groups by the continutiy of the soil and site type by thickness of the soil the limestone low mountains and hills in Xuzhou city. Thus,the area is divided into 3 site sub-areas ,12 site type groups and 30 site types. The results provides the theoretical guidance for the work of vegetation restoration and for the construction of water and soil conservation projects.Based on the analysis of site types of the 16 stone hills of Xuzhou, the experiment summed up systematically the afforestation techniques of limestone mountain from the aspects of afforestation planning and designing,soil preparation,selection of planting stock,nursery stock specification,planting density,soil improvement,soil humidity,root fasten growth.In the experiment,using 15 tree species,afforestation 470hm2.The results show that:The afforesting survival rate is up to 85.6%, among them,Platycladus orientalis is 85.8%、Sabina chinensis is 87.5%、Ligustrum lucidum is 93.7%、Cedrus deoda ra is 82.0%、Sabina chinensis is 63.9%、Robinia pseudoacacia is 84.2%、Acer mono is 85.3%、Pistacia chinensis is 65.7%、Rhus typhina is 97.1%、Sapium sebiferum is 67.7%、Melia azedarach is 78.1%、Diospyros KakI is 84.7%、Punica granatum is 58.6%、Zizyphus jujuba is 61.3%、Prunus cerasifera is 40.0%.5. Based on the data collected from different plantation plots,species richness, evenness and species diversities of plantations are discussed by patrick index, menhinick index, Simpson index , Shannon-Wiener index and Pielou index. The results showed that:(1) Species diversities in different layer in the same plantation shows an order:shrub layer < herb layer. But in Platycladus orientalis plantation,because they grow in an exceptional habitat,species diversities in different layer is in an different order:shrub layer > herb layer.(2) The species diversities of shrub layer in different plantations shows an order:Platycladus orientalis> Koelreuteria paniculata+Platycladus orientalis(downslope)>Platycladus orientalis(2a)>Platycladus orientalis+Pistacia chinensis>Platycladus orientalis+Celtis tetrandrassp +Firmiana simplex+Robinia pseudoacacia>Ligustrum lucidum+Cedrus deodara ( 2a ) >Platycladus orientalis +Koelreuteria paniculata(upslope)> Ligustrum lucidum(2a), and the order in herb layer is Platycladus orientalis +Celtis tetrandrassp +Firmiana simplex +Robinia pseudoacacia>Ligustrum lucidum(2a)>Ligustrum lucidum +Cedrus deodara(2a)> Koelreuteria paniculata +Platycladus orientalis(downslope)> Platycladus orientalis + Pistacia chinensis >Platycladus orientalis + Koelreuteria paniculata(upslope)>Platycladus orientalis(2a)> Platycladus orientali;(3)Sorenson indices in plantations are 0.0560~0.5854.They have less common species, and the largest biodiversities between plantations.

【关键词】 徐州石灰岩多样性干旱胁迫干扰
【Key words】 XuzhouLimestoneBiodiversitiesDrought stressDisturbance

