

The Study on the Localization of Design Language of Chinese Modern Landscape

【作者】 邱冰

【导师】 王浩;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 在全球化和快速城市化的背景下,中国当代园林设计存在着“失语”现象:缺少自己的设计语言,或者说没有属于自己的一套表达、沟通和解读的设计理论和方法。如何“古为今用”、“洋为中用”,创造出属于这个时代,具有本土文化和设计特征的中国当代园林作品是一个亟待研究的课题。论文从园林历史和设计的角度,研究中国现代园林设计语言本土化过程及当代园林设计语言的本土化策略。论文内容主要包括四大部分:首先介绍了1949-2009年间中国现代园林有代表性的作品;其次是运用语言学的研究方法,建构用以量化设计特征的设计语言模型;再是利用设计语言模型,量化中国现代园林不同发展阶段的设计特征,总结出新中国60年来现代园林设计语言的本土化过程和规律;最后提出了中国当代园林设计语言的本土化策略及具体的设计方法。通过分析、总结,论文的研究取得了以下具有一定价值的成果:1.系统地综述了1949—2009年间中国现代园林的发展历程;2.系统构建了园林设计语言的框架体系及设计语言的分析模型;3.以设计语言分析模型为工具,准确地通过词汇和句法规则量化出定性描述的中国现代园林不同发展阶段的设计特征,图解出中国现代园林设计语言的演变历程;4.提出了传统园林设计语言的三种转译方法、地域性园林设计语言的语法框架及本土化作品的保护方法。

【Abstract】 Under the background of globalization and rapid urbanization, there are lots of "aphasia" phenomena in contemporary Chinese landscape:lacking of their language, or having not a set of own expression, communication and interpretation of the design theory and method. How to "make the past serve the present" and "make foreign things serve China", and create indigenous culture and design features of contemporary Chinese landscape works, is an urgent subject.The dissertation mainly deals with the localization process of design language of modern Chinese landscape, and explores the localization strategies for the contemporary, viewing from the history of landscape design. It divides into four parts:starting with the works of well-known landscape architects in China from 1949-2009 and their main characteristics, frameworking the pattern of design language in terms of linguistic methodology, quantitiving design features of different development stages based on the framework, summarizing the localization process and discipline of design language of Chinese landscape for 60 years, finally putting forward the localization strategies and methods for the contemporary.Conclusion was drawn from an examination for Chinese landscape in the period of 1949-2009 and from the study for its design language. It is as followed:1. Making a summary of the development of Chinese landscape in the period of 1949-2009.2. Constructing a frame system and an analysis model of design language.3. Quantitive study via vocabulary and syntax for design features of different development stages in China by the analysis model. A schematic illustration is made for the evolution of design language of modern Chinese landscape.4. Putting forward three types of translation methods of traditional design language, and an grammar framework of regional landscape design, and an protection method of localization work.

  • 【分类号】TU986.2
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】2108

