

The Study on Yi Yuan Zhi Yan

【作者】 李燕青

【导师】 孙小力;

【作者基本信息】 上海大学 , 中国古代文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 《艺苑卮言》是明代“后七子”领袖王世贞的代表作,然而迄今为止,对于《艺苑卮言》文本的研究缺乏足够的重视。大致而言,不足有三:第一,对《艺苑卮言》文本性质、理论来源及其版本变化的研究不够;第二,研究对象趋于单一,研究内容过于狭窄,对全本的探讨十分缺乏;第三,对《艺苑卮言》的研讨过于简单,不能动态地加以分析探讨,因此无从认识其中潜藏着的王世贞思想的流动。为弥补上述不足与缺憾,本文力图对《艺苑卮言》作一全面研究。本文绪论对迄今为止有关王世贞的研究作一扫描概述,指出《艺苑卮言》在王世贞研究中的意义所在。第一章考察《艺苑卮言》的成书经过、内容演变、版本变化。在对上述几个方面作出考察后得出结论:《艺苑卮言》实际上是一部内容博杂的札记性质的著作,其中蕴含王世贞不同时期的文艺思想。比较重要的发现或开拓是:首次梳理了《艺苑卮言》、《卮言别录》、《卮言附录》以及《宛委余编》之间的关系;确定万历十七年(1589)刊行的十六卷本《新刻增补艺苑卮言》的价值,指出它的成书早在隆庆初年,并可能完好保存了《卮言别录》;通过《明诗评》与《艺苑卮言》的比较,分析王世贞多变的诗学思想。第二章探讨《艺苑卮言》的思想来源,其中以严羽、徐祯卿和杨慎为代表。在《艺苑卮言》中,对严羽的继承批判涉及《沧浪诗话》的诗辨、诗体、诗法、诗评、考证五大方面。王世贞不仅继承了徐祯卿《谈艺录》中的诗学思想,也弥补了徐祯卿论诗“不及近体”的不足。对杨慎的继承批评则涉及到多个学科,论文指出王世贞对于杨慎所怀有的矛盾心态,以及因此心态而产生的品评特色。第三章探讨王世贞文学思想的三个侧面:明代诗文批评、唐诗学和“格调与时代”。《艺苑卮言》的明代作家批评最为突出,本章即以此为焦点考察分析王世贞的作家批评,并以杨慎为例剖析了王世贞的批评特色。第四章考察《艺苑卮言》在明代的传播与影响,尤其是针对引用、辑录《艺苑卮言》的书籍,调查比较扎实。本文立足于文本,对《艺苑卮言》作出了较为细致的研究,力求在文学批评史上给《艺苑卮言》一个较为准确合理的定位,从而推动王世贞研究向纵深方向发展。

【Abstract】 Yi yuan zhi yan is an important representative work of Wang Shizhen, However, the researches on the book are much less than sufficient. The deficiencies manifest themselves in the following three aspects: First, the research about the nature of the text and the change of version are not enough; Second, the study of the content is too narrow; third, the study on the book is far from comprehensive and the change of the author’s thought in the process of writing is indistinct. To overcome the weakness and shortcomings above, the paper will conduct a comprehensive study. From the analysis of the text, the paper explores the background and resource of Yi yuan zhi yan, redefines its position in the history of the literary criticism.The introduction summaries researches about Wang shizhen to indicate the meaning of this subject. Chapter one investigates the writing process of Yi yuan zhi yan and the evolution of the content and the edition. It takes Wang Shizhen about twenty years time to write Yi yuan zhi yan, there have been many changes in the process. This chapter combs out the relationship of the four different works which includes Yi yuan zhi yan , Zhi Yan bie lu, Zhi yan fu lu and Wan wei yu bian. Among them the edition with sixteen volumes has kept the original appearance of Yi yuan zhi yan. Analyze the thought of Wang Shizhen through comparison of Ming shi ping and Yi yuan zhi yan.Chapter two discusses the resources of Yi yuan zhi yan. Yi yuan zhi yan takes many advantages of ancient critics, especially incorporates the thought of Yan Yu, Yang Shen and Xu Zhenqing. Cang lang shi hua is one of the important resources of Yi yuan zhi yan, Wang Shizhen analyzes and develops the theory proposed by Yan Yu which includes the identification of poem, the style of poetry, the pattern of poetry, the criticism of poetry. Tan yi lu is another important resource of Yi yuan zhi yan.Wang Shizhen inherits the theory of Xu Zhenqing, remedies the shortage of the theory, forms a integrate system of poetry criticism. Wang Shizhen inherits the thought of Yang Shen not only in literature but also in the science of history, artistic etc.Chapter three discusses three special ideas in Yi yuan zhi yan which include the criticism of the poetry in Ming Dynasty, the poetics theory in Tang Dynasty, the relationship between literary style and era. Wang Shizhen not only criticizes the ancient author but also evaluates the authors in the Ming Dynasty, which is the highlight of the book. He criticizes Tang poetry through the theory inheriting fromYan Yu and Gao Bing. Wang Shizhen not only emphasizes the literary style but also focuses on the relation between literary style and era, forming a particular critical method.Chapter four mainly investigates the influence of the book. Yi yuan zhi yan has a far-reaching impact on literati in the Ming and Qing Dynasty. It is reflected in three respects: quoted by kinds of books; duplicated and compiled by other poetry theory books; inherited and developed by descendant.In conclusion, the paper researches Yi yuan zhi yan comprehensively, determines its reasonable position in the history of literary criticism, propels the research of Wang Shizhen.

【关键词】 王世贞《艺苑卮言》内容版本思想传播
【Key words】 Wang ShizhenYi yuan zhi yancontenteditionthoughttransmission
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 上海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 01期
  • 【分类号】I207.22
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】652

