

The Research of the Relationship Between Gui-youguang and Jiading Literati

【作者】 刘蕾

【导师】 孙小力;

【作者基本信息】 上海大学 , 中国古代文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 归有光为明代著名散文家,他上承唐宋大家,下启清代桐城派,对明清文坛有重要影响。虽然归有光一直是学界关注的热点,但他与嘉定文坛的关系却很少有人论及。归有光曾居住嘉定十多年,在此娶妻生子,讲学授徒,度过人生一个重要的阶段。在此过程中,归有光与嘉定文坛发生了紧密的联系,结识了志同道合的朋友,拥有一批极力拥护的弟子,在嘉定地区的时光成为归有光文章学术在整个文坛产生影响的开端。本文从归有光与嘉定文坛关系入手,详细分析归有光至嘉定前、在嘉定时、离嘉定后这三个阶段中归有光、归氏后人与嘉定文坛的关系,揭示归有光在嘉定地位的确立及思想的传承过程,探究明清之际归有光文坛地位发生转变的原因。文章首先梳理归有光至嘉定前当地世家望族的发展历程,分析嘉定流传已久的古学传统,这是归有光讲学的知识环境基础。其次考证归有光在嘉定时的好友关系、师生关系及主要活动,还原其嘉定讲学的真实面貌,揭示归有光与嘉定文坛契合的内在原因。再次探讨归有光离嘉定后,嘉定后学对归有光思想的传承和推广。以往学界已注意到钱谦益在明末清初对归有光的推扬,其实在钱谦益之前,嘉定文坛在这方面已做出不少努力,其中徐学谟、黄淳耀贡献颇多。徐学谟不仅就归有光的文章与文坛盟主王世贞产生论争,而且通过多种方式肯定归有光,成为连接归有光与嘉定文坛不可或缺的桥梁;黄淳耀在明末更加坚定地学习归有光,继承归有光思想的同时也有所发展。通过归氏后人、嘉定文人、钱谦益三者的共同努力,归有光逐渐声名大噪,文坛地位发生重要转变。全文共分五章。第一章考察嘉定世家望族,阐明当地古学传统。第二章考证归有光与嘉定文人的交游关系,描述嘉定讲学期间的重大事件。第三章通过详细梳理徐学谟、嘉定四先生、归氏后人、钱谦益等人的相互交往关系,展现归有光文坛地位转变的过程。第四章论述嘉定文坛在学术和文学思想方面对归有光的继承。第五章分析归有光思想在明末社会思潮和风尚习俗影响下产生的发展和变异。

【Abstract】 Guiyouguang is a famous author in Ming Dynasty, Who inherits Tang and Song Dynasty and initiates Qing Dynasty, has a major impact on Ming-Qing literati. Although Guiyouguang has been the focus of attention in academic circles, but his relationship with Jiading literati has rarely been addressed. Guiyouguang lives in Jiading for more than ten years. It is an important period in his life. In the process, he contacts with Jiading literators, cultivates like-minded friends, has a lot of good students. This period of time plays an important role in the transition of his literary status.This paper starts with the relationship between Guiyouguang and Jiading literati. There are three innovations. First of all, research the relationship between Guiyouguang and Jiading literators including the friendships and the teacher-student relationship, restore Guiyouguang’s activities and major events in the period of living in Jiading, explore the underlying reasons of Guiyouguang fit in with Jiading literati. Secondly, reveal the dissemination and development process of Guiyouguang’s thought. Thirdly, clarify the variation of Guiyouguang’s thought in the late Ming Dynasty.In the past, scholars have noticed the effect of Qianqianyi in pushing the thought of Guiyouguang. In fact, Jiading literators has made significant efforts to spread thought of Guiyouguang before Qianqianyi. Among them Xuxuemo and Huangchunyao contribute a lot. Xuxuemo supports Guiyouguang not only through controversy with Wangshizhen but also by forming literature circle in Jiading district to spread the thought of Guiyouguang. He is the bridge connecting Guiyouguang and“four Jiading Mr.”In late Ming Dynasty, Huangchunyao not only adhere more formerly to Guiyouguang’s thought but also make some development.This paper is divided into five chapters. Chapter One examines the families of rank in Jiading district to clarify the ancient local tradition. Chapter Two researches the relationship between Guiyouguang and Jiading literators. Chapter Three discusses the dissemination and development process of Guiyouguang’s thought, especially the efforts of Xuxuemo,“four Jiading Mr.”, Jiading descendants. Chapter Four discusses the confucian that Jiading literators inherited from Guiyouguang. Chapter Five exhibits the development and variation of Guiyouguang’s thought confronting the new culture in the late Ming Dynasty.

【关键词】 归有光嘉定文坛传承发展变异
【Key words】 GuiyouguangJiading literatiDescendantDevelopmentVariation
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 上海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 01期
  • 【分类号】I206.2
  • 【下载频次】446

