

The Red and the Green: the Environmentalism in China(1949-)

【作者】 颜敏

【导师】 朱学勤;

【作者基本信息】 上海大学 , 社会学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本文采用历史社会学的研究方法,根据文献资料和实地调查,从政府与社会关系理论出发,分政府环保和社会环保两个互动的方面,以赶超现代化过程为经,以控制-依赖结构为纬,对当代中国环境保护运动进行了全程、整体的叙述和分析。基本结论是:当代中国环境保护运动是控制-依赖合法性结构的建构、扩展和巩固的历史过程。本文的基本理路是:赶超现代化是中国政府和社会共同奉行的战略原则,并铸就了政府与社会之间的控制-依赖结构;由于控制-依赖结构的生态遮蔽,环境问题愈演愈烈,并反过来对控制-依赖合法性形成新的挑战;在为克服这些挑战而发起、推行的环境保护运动中,控制-依赖结构得以推广和巩固;因此,环境保护运动是控制-依赖结构实现合法化的一种重要手段或方式。当代中国环境保护运动分为四个历史时期,即红色起源、大转折、绿色突围、绿色政治。政府环保的基本特征,是行政分权与政治集权的紧密结合,这是政府构建系统内外控制-依赖结构的方式,也是环保“政府失灵”的根本原因。本文更为详细地分析了环境信访与环境纠纷,精英、媒体和环保NGO,企业的环保态度、行为,大型水利工程等社会环保的多个维度,描述了政府与民众、精英、知识分子、媒体、NGO、企业的互动过程,归纳社会环保依赖性的种种表现,以说明环保“社会失灵”和“市场失灵”的结构性原因。本文特别提出,政府与社会的关系既有传统理论所指出的“控制-服从”的一面,更有“控制-依赖”的一面。在论述过程中,本文还提出了“生态遮蔽”、“污染三角”、“污染标签”、“主动依赖”与“被动依赖”、媒体的“依赖性指标”和“环保宣传力度指标”等新概念。为广泛运用各种文献资料,本文运用统计方法,收集、整理了大量的数据资料,如“中央政府历年环境法律法规政策件数和分类”、“历年全国环境治理投入及其所占GDP百分比”、“中央和地方财政相关环境保护的主要支出项目及金额”、“历年环境信访”、“历年关停并转迁污染企业的情况”等。此外,本文还运用社会网的理论和方法,绘制了“行政系统环保社会网”、“政府系统环保社会网”。最后,本文为探索中国环保事业的出路,提出“社会产权”这一新概念,构想以政府、社会和市场三方相互促进、制约平衡的环保制度框架。只有推进政府-社会关系从控制-依赖向控制-自治的转型,中国环保事业才有崭新的明天。

【Abstract】 The paper studies the history of the environmentalism in contemporary China since 1949.The paper follows the methods of historical sociology, based on various historical documentation and field investigation, and directed by the theory of the state-society relationship.The basic conclusion of the study is that the environmentalism in contemporary China is a historical progress when the control-dependence legitimacy was being challenged, besieged while being reconstructed, overspread and consolidatedThe frame of the study is as follow. Serious and constant legitimacy challenges at home and abroad enforce both Chinese state and its people to pursue the Catching-up Modernization as the ultimate value. The ecological deficiency in Catching-up Modernization has been causing more and more environmental problems and ecological crisis, which conversely have damaged the legitimacy. To handle and overcome the challenges, series of environmental protection movements as green legitimization are promoted, while the control-dependence between state and society, which the Catching-up Modernization has cast, has been strengthened. Thus, the environmentalism is the movements of reconstructing the green legitimacyThe environmentalism in contemporary China is historically explained in four periods, including the red origin of the green, the green transition of the red, the green breakthrough and the green legitimization of the red. The paper suggests, the state environmentalism is characterized by the combination of administrative decentralization and political centralization, which specifies the ways for the state’s internal and external control, and causes government failure. And the paper analyzed in more detail the social environmentalism, including the environmental petitions and environmental disputes, the environmental attitudes and behavior of the elite, the media, environmental NGOs and the enterprises, and large-scale water conservancy works, to explore their mutual and complex interactions with the state, to infer the models of their dependence on the state, and to illuminate the structural causes of social failure or market failure in environmental protection.The paper developed the control-dependence model from the traditional theory, which views the relationship between state and society as control-dependence, as its analytical frame. Besides, various conceptions such as green breakthrough, green legitimacy, ecological deficiency in Catching-up Modernization, polluting triangle, polluting labeling, positive dependence and negative dependence, dependence index and environmental proclamation index of the media, are newly presented. Abundant documents and data are compiled and sorted out statistically for the research, such as, the Annual Number and Typology of Environmental Policy Document of Central Government, the Main Expenditure of the Central and Local Governments on Environment Protection, Annual Environmental Petitions, Annual Number of Polluting Enterprises Closed, Suspended, Combined, and Transferred. And the Environmental Social Network of Administration System, the Environmental Social Network of State System are drawn.Finally, compared with the property right of state or individual, the research has brought forward a new concept——property right of society, conceiving a institutional frame of the positive balance among government, market and society. Thus, both the environmental protection movement and the transition of relation between state and society in China are to be improved harmoniously and efficiently.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 上海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 01期

