

Study on the Social Construction Process of Environmental Problem

【作者】 洪长安

【导师】 安维复;

【作者基本信息】 上海大学 , 社会学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 “九曲河污染”早在二十多年就已经存在。随着L县工业化、城镇化建设步伐的加快,尤其F糖厂建立在九曲河上游之后,九曲河污染变得更加严重了。但是,由于沿河村民由九曲河水改饮地下水以及九曲河网箱养鱼功能的开发,“九曲河污染”只是一直被养鱼户当作获赔的一个“符号”提出来。尽管几乎年年都会发生九曲河污染死鱼事件,但是在索赔与赔偿的“共谋”下,“九曲河污染”在十多年的时间内并未成为一个环境问题而得到有效地治理。直到最近五年来,随着村民的不断抗争、大众媒体的报道、政协委员的介入、社会的广泛关注、国家环保政策的出台,“九曲河污染”才真正成为了一个的环境问题,九曲河治理也被当地政府提上了政治议程。在社会建构论看来,社会问题是社会建构的产物,同时也是一个不断被社会建构的过程。作为环境问题的“九曲河污染”在很大程度上是一个社会共识、共建的过程和结果。作为一种客观事实而长期存在的“九曲河污染”经过社会主体对其不断、反复的建构过程后,逐渐取得了合法地位,并被当地政府纳入了制度化的政策议程。村民(主要是养鱼户)、新闻媒体、网络媒体、政协委员、政府、企业、科学、律师、社会大众等多种因素影响到了这个社会建构过程。其中,村民、政府、大众媒体是“九曲河污染”社会建构过程中的主要影响因素。本文从社会建构论视角对“九曲河污染”问题被长期遮蔽、后又浮现出来并得到有效治理的过程进行了考察,重点分析了村民(主要是养鱼户)、政府、企业在互动过程中采取不同行动方式及其行动背后的逻辑。文章以“九曲河污染问题”为个案,以L县白沙镇桂鱼村为调查地点,通过对九曲河污染的多个故事的呈现,从五个方面探讨了“九曲河污染”的问题化过程。第一方面,对九曲河所在的L县的经济社会环境、九曲河的生态环境以及调查地点桂鱼村的生产生活状况进行介绍,旨在交代九曲河污染发生的背景;第二方面,对1990年代发生的三个九曲河污染故事进行了描述,分析了“九曲河污染”问题被发现但又被彻底淹没的原因;第三方面,在1998年发生的九曲河“3.5”污染事故发生后,对养鱼户求助新闻媒体、进行环境信访的过程进行了研究,揭示了他们呈现“九曲河污染”的策略;第四方面,在九曲河污染加剧而养鱼户急剧扩张的背景下,分析了养鱼户、政府、企业三者对2005年发生了九曲河“1.8”污染事故采取的不同态度,以及探讨了网民、政协委员呈现“九曲河污染”的方式和策略,揭示了“九曲河污染”问题被合法化、制度化的过程;第五方面,围绕2007年发生的九曲河“2.13”污染故事,重点分析了养鱼户在对“九曲河污染”重新建构过程中采取的“问题化”技术和手段,以及政府、企业等在面临环保压力增大的情况下的行动逻辑。文章以田野调查的访谈资料、有关九曲河污染及治理等材料为基石,通过对上述五个维度的考察,得出了两个方面的结论:第一,“九曲河污染”问题是一个利益问题,而“九曲河污染”问题长期被遮蔽是村民、企业和政府三者之间“利益共谋”的结果;第二,“九曲河污染”问题的实质是社会建构的过程和结果。

【Abstract】 The pollution of Jiuqu River has existed since last more than 20 years. With the high speed of industrialization and urbanization construction in L county, especially after the founding of F sugar factory in the upstream of Jiuqu River, the pollution of Jiuqu River has become more serious. However, as the villagers near the river have drunk groundwater instead of the water of Jiuqu River and the function of fish culture in net pen in Jiuqu River has been developed, the pollution of Jiuqu River has not yet been raised as a problem. Although the accidents of dead fish caused by the pollution of Jiuqu River happened almost every year, the pollution of Jiuqu River has not become an environmental problem and been effectively managed during the more than ten years under the collusion of claim for compensation and compensation. Until the recent five years, with the constant oppose of the villagers, the reports of mass media, the intervention of political advisors, the abroad attention of society and the emergence of national environmental protection policy, the pollution of Jiuqu River has really become an environmental problem, and the management of Jiuqu River has been put on the political agenda by the local government.In the view of social constructionism, the environmental problem is the outcome of social construction, and is also a process constantly constructed by society. The pollution of Jiuqu River as an environment problem is the process and result of a social consensus and co-construction to a great extent. The pollution of Jiuqu River as a long-standing objective fact has gradually got its legal position, and been put on the institutional policy agenda by the local government, after the process of the constant and repeating construction by social subjects. Villagers who are mainly fish-farming households, news media, internet media, political advisors, government, corporations, scientists, lawyers, the public and so on all have influenced the process of social construction. And villagers, government and corporations are the main factors that have influenced the social construction process of the pollution of Jiuqu River.This thesis reviews the process of the pollution of Jiuqu River which was chronically shaded, emerged later and was effectively managed in the angle of social constructionism. It emphasizes to analyze the different action manners, means and their backside logics during the interaction process between villagers who are mainly fish-farming households, government and corporations.This thesis takes the pollution problem of Jiuqu River as a case, selects Guiyu Village, Baisha Town, L County as a survey point, and discusses the process of the pollution of Jiuqu River problem from five aspects through presenting several stories of the pollution of Jiuqu River. First, it describes the economic and social environment of L County, the environment of Jiuqu River and the production and living situation of Guiyu Village in order to make clear the background of the pollution of Jiuqu River. Second, it describes three stories of the pollution of Jiuqu River happened in 1990s, and analyzes the reasons why the pollution of Jiuqu River problem was discovered but then was completely submerged. Third, it studies the process of the fish-farming households looked to news media and presented petitions for the environment after the accident 3.5 pollution of Jiuqu River happened in 1998, and reveals the strategies that they presented the pollution of Jiuqu River. Fourth, it analyzes the different attitudes taken by the fish-farming households, government and corporations towards the accident 1.8 pollution of Jiuqu River happened in 2005, discusses the manners and strategies of the pollution of Jiuqu River that the netizens and political advisors presented, and reveals the process that the pollution of Jiuqu River problem is legalized and institutionalized, in the background of the serious pollution of Jiuqu River and the rapid expand of fish-farming households. Fifth, it stresses to analyze the problem techniques and means taken by the fish-farming households in the process of reconstruction of Jiuqu River pollution, and the action logics taken by the government and corporations facing the bigger pressure of environmental protection at that time, encircling the accident 2.13 pollution of Jiuqu River happened in 2007.This thesis is based on the interview data of field investigation and the documents about the pollution and management of Jiuqu River. It gets two conclusions through the review of the five aspects above. One is the pollution of Jiuqu River problem was caused by interests, and the pollution of Jiuqu River was not seen as a problem for a long period, which was the result of the common benefit pursued by villagers, government and corporations. The other is the essence of the pollution of Jiuqu River problem is a process and a result of social construction.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 上海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 01期

