

The Research on Taiwanese Investors’ Social Adpatation in Fujian Province

【作者】 严志兰

【导师】 邓伟志;

【作者基本信息】 上海大学 , 社会学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 台商投资大陆的二十年,也是两岸民众近距离交往、互动的二十年,台商成为两岸互相理解的重要桥梁。无论从国家和平发展战略角度,还是从社会群体之间的沟通融合角度来看,台商都是一个集经济性、政治性和社会性于一体,具有特殊地位和作用的群体。本研究以大陆台商的社会适应与社会融合为研究主题,试图描画当前以台商为主要桥梁的两岸融合的现状,进而为推动两岸在经济、文化、社会和人民思想感情方面的大融合提供有益探索。全球化浪潮下,人口迁移与流动已经成为一个世界性的现象和社会问题。从移民学角度来看,有数百万之众的台商群体进入大陆的社会生活,与当地社会的互动日渐深入,这本身就是中国社会变迁中的一个重要现象,由此带来的各种流动人口适应与融合问题是所有迁移者及作为人口流入地的中国社会都要面临的问题。本研究试图从对研究对象个体的观察、交往、交流中感受、描述台商群体的个性、形象,结合问卷调查,从不断累积的经验资料与文献资料中提炼出对这个群体真实、独特的人生经历的理解与诠释。进而以台商的“社会适应”为研究主题,从移民社会学的视角,运用国际移民研究中的跨国主义理论、社会认同理论和关系网络理论展开对大陆台商行为和心理的描述性分析与解释。在此基础上,思考台商适应与融合的社会政策。对福建台商的田野调查发现:在闽台商的跨界流动动机存在工具性和情感性流动两大类型,其中工具性流动包括追逐市场型、个人发展型、朋友介绍型、招商引资型和公司委派型五种;情感性流动包括家族安排型、回报家乡型和改变生活方式型三种。从经济、日常生活、社会、心理和文化等四个层面对在闽台商的社会适应情况进行描述性定量分析。总体上,台商普遍表示能够适应在福建的生活,同时表示台湾和福建两边的生活都能够完全接受。但在闽台商经济融入当地社会的程度高于其他层面的融入,在日常生活、社会交往、社会支持、心理和文化认同方面与当地社会的联系还比较松散,要实现在福建“安居乐业”还有很长的路要走。本研究按照职业和阶层的自然分化,将大陆台商群体划分为台商企业主、台商个体户、台籍干部和台太四种类型。不同类型的台商呈现出不同的流动和适应特征。本研究从三个方面剖析了在闽台商的社会适应策略:首先,持续地在两岸间往返流动,形成跨界流动的生活方式,建构起跨界的社会空间;其次,在认同上表现出双向性和情境性特征,以重建内在心理秩序,化解身份模糊引起尴尬和心理落差;最后,地缘关系和亲缘关系是最主要的关系类型,建构两岸婚姻关系成为一种特殊的适应策略,通过相互交织的“大圈子”和“小圈子”建构本土化的社会关系网络,从经济、社会、文化和日常生活等方面全面嵌入当地社会,为台商在当地社会正常生活提供工具性和情感性支持。本研究认为在闽台商社会适应的一般特征表现为:一方面,台商主动适应大陆社会,全面参与大陆社会生活;另一方面,大陆社会积极接纳台商,与台商群体形成良性互动关系。最后,本研究从构建两岸人民和谐共处的生活共同体的角度提出台商是两岸社会融合的先锋队,在两岸民间交流中扮演着重要角色,通过社会政策的引导作用促进大陆台商的社会适应与融合具有重要的现实意义。在借鉴国际移民管理经验和两岸关系现状的基础上,提出促进台商社会适应与融合的具体政策建议:首先,将制定针对台商的社会政策上升到与针对台商的经济政策同等重要的高度来认识。其次,创新对台工作管理体制是台商社会政策制定、完善与贯彻落实的前提条件。再次,遵循“全面开放”和“国民待遇”原则,在台商社会政策制定方面先行先试。

【Abstract】 The two decades that Taiwanese investors have invested on the mainland is also the two decades that the cross-strait people contact and interact closely. Taiwanese investors have become an important bridge for cross-strait mutual understanding. No matter from the perspective of the national peaceful development strategy, or the communication and integration between social groups, Taiwanese investors are groups with special status and role and with economic, political and social nature. Taking Taiwanese investors’social adaptation and social integration as the research subject, this study tried to describe the status quo of cross-strait social integration in which Taiwanese investors worked as the main bridge and provide useful exploration to promote the cross-strait great integration in aspects of economy, culture, society and people’s thoughts and feelings.In the tide of globalization, population migration and movement have become a worldwide phenomenon and social problem. From the perspective of migrant study, millions of Taiwanese investors have stepped into public social life of the mainland, deeply interacted with the local community day by day which itself is an important phenomenon in social change of China, and brought a variety of problems on adaptation and integration faced by all immigrants and Chinese society as the destination of migration.This study attempted to experience and describe Taiwanese investors’personality and image through the observation and communication with individuals, combined with questionnaires, and extracted the understanding and interpretation to their real and unique life experience from the continually cumulated empirical data and literature. Then,taking Taiwanese investors’“social adaptation”as the research subject, from the perspective of Migration Sociology, applying the transnationalism theory in the research of international migrants, social identity theory and relational network theory, the dissertation described and analyzed Taiwanese investors’behaviors and psychology on the mainland, and based on them the author thought deeply social policies to promote Taiwanese investors’adaptation and integration. The fieldwork on Taiwanese investors in Fujian province found that:In the aspect of immigration motivation, there are two types of immigration: one is instrumental and the other is emotional. The instrumental immigration includes five types which are chasing market, personal development, friends introduction, attracting foreign investment and company delegation. The emotional immigration includes three types which are family arrangements, returning home and altering lifestyle.This dissertation made a descriptive and quantitative analysis on Taiwanese investors in Fujian province from four levels of economy, daily life, social communication and support, psychology and culture. Taiwanese investors generally expressed that they could adapt to the life in Fujian and fully accept the life of both sides of Fujian and Taiwan as a whole. But the integration level in economy was higher than the other integration levels. In the aspects of daily life, social communication, social support, psychological and cultural identity, there was still relatively loose relation with the local community and there was still a long way to“live and work in peace”in Fujian province.According to the occupational and social strata differentiation, this study divided Taiwanese investors on the mainland into four types which were company owners, self-employed people, Taiwanese staffs and their wives on the mainland. Different types of Taiwanese investors presented different feature of migration and adaptation.This study analyzed the Taiwanese investors’social adaptation strategy from three aspects. Firstly, migrating to and fro continually across the straits formed the cross-border lifestyle and constructed the cross-border social space. Secondly, Taiwanese investors displayed bi-directional and contextual characteristics in identity to solve the embarrassment and mental imbalance caused by fuzzy identity. Finally, geographical and genetic relationship was the most important type of relationship. Constructing cross-strait marriage relationship was a special adaptation strategy. Through the interwoven“big circle”and“small circle”, constructing the localized social relation network, comprehensively embedded in local society from aspects of economy, society, culture and daily life provided instrumental and emotional support for Taiwanese investors’regular life in local community. This study concluded that the general characteristics of Taiwanese investors’social adaptation in Fujian province were that on the one hand, Taiwanese investors adapted to the local community initiatively and fully participated in social life on the mainland; on the other hand, mainland society actively accepted Taiwanese investors and positively interacted with each other.Finally, from the perspective of constructing a cross-strait harmonious life community, this study put forward that Taiwanese investors was the vanguard of cross-strait social integration and played an important role. Through the guiding role of social policy, promoting Taiwanese investors’adaptation and integration has important practical significance. In reference to international migration management experience, based on the status quo of cross-strait relations, this dissertation proposed specific policy recommendations to promote Taiwanese investors’adaptation and integration:Firstly, it is necessary to lift the importance of formulating social policies towards Taiwanese investors to the same height as economic policy towards Taiwanese investors. Secondly, innovating management system towards Taiwan was the precondition to formulate, perfect and implement policy towards Taiwanese investors. Finally, following the principle of“Overall Open”and“national treatment”, it should antecede and foretaste in formulation of social policy towards Taiwanese investors.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 上海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 01期

