

Study on Biographies in New Tang History Book from the Angle of Narratology

【作者】 柳卓霞

【导师】 董乃斌;

【作者基本信息】 上海大学 , 中国古代文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 叙事是人类的一种行为,也是人类共同生存和发展所必须的一项基本技能。人类的叙事能力伴随着社会的进步得到提升。叙事与文学的关系尤其密切,即使在以抒情为主要特色的诗歌领域,叙事因素也大量存在着。在中国文学史上,既存在着源远流长的抒情传统,也存在着根柢深厚的叙事传统。只是由于种种原因,古今学术界对中国文学叙事传统的研究显得比较薄弱,与对抒情传统的研究相比,更加显得不平衡。其实,中华文化的叙事品格早在2500多年前的先秦史学著作《春秋》、《左传》、《国语》就显现出来,后经近500年的发展,到汉代的纪传体史书《史记》问世而臻于成熟,并在此后的史学发展中日益完善。中国古代文史不分家,文学与史学之所以能够在某种程度上达到统一,原因固然很多,但很重要的一点就在于它们对叙事方法不同程度的运用。中国传统史著的主要形式纪传体史书,其中的人物传记部分往往体现了作者对史学与文学价值的双重追求,实乃史学与文学交汇的产物,不妨视为两者的接合点。因此对史传作品进行叙事分析,不但有助于我们深入探索和把握史传作品的文学性,从而更深刻地把握史学名著的文学价值,理解文学与史学的亲缘与渊源关系,而且更有助于我们坚定对我国古已有之的叙事品格的认识,为我国文学的叙事传统和中国特色文学叙事理论的建构提供借鉴。唐代和宋代是文学与史学的鼎盛时期,目前学术界关于唐宋历史研究、唐宋人物生平研究、唐宋文学研究等方面已取得丰硕成果。但是从文学叙事角度对《新唐书》文本的研究却寥若晨星。笔者特选择《新唐书》列传为研究对象,对其叙事特征作较为深入系统的考察,作为探讨中国古代文学叙事传统的一种尝试。本文主要采用文本分析的方法、叙事学方法、文体学和比较研究的方法,通过对《新唐书》列传的叙事结构、互见叙事、叙事干预、民间叙事等诸方面的分析,探讨《新唐书》列传的叙事特点,并通过《新唐书》列传与唐代其他各类传记文体的比较,探讨《新唐书》人物传记叙事方面的独特性。论文包括绪论、引言、主体部分九章、结语。主要内容如下:绪论和引言叙述选题缘起,对古今学者有关《新唐书》列传文本叙事特征的研究状况进行综述,对其编修背景及列传的执笔者宋祁的文学观和史学观进行概述,说明论文的研究方法、意义和主要内容。论文从第一章到第六章分别对《新唐书》列传的叙事结构、叙事干预、互见叙事和民间叙事进行考察。第一章论叙事结构。《新唐书》列传的单篇传文基本沿用正史列传的通用手法,以顺叙方式组织文本的形式,但为了避免单调重复,兼用插叙、补叙等手法,形成了时序的多样化特点;同时在时间线索的统摄下,在传文中多采用单线贯珠与一线双丝的结构方式;在各篇传文之间,以不同的方式将各传主关联在一起,形成一个庞大的人际关系网,使整个《新唐书》列传呈现出网状布局。第二、三章论叙事干预。史家撰写史书,不仅仅是记载历朝历代的大事,还要通过叙事干预申张自己的主体意识,《新唐书》列传中既有较为明显的指点干预与评论干预,也有较为隐晦的寓论断于叙事式干预。通过叙事干预,宋祁达到了文约意丰、意蕴幽隐的效果,增强了传文的文学性,同时表现了中国史家的传统意识、统治阶级的官方意识和宋祁个人的思想。第四、五章论互见叙事。纪传体史书是以人物为主体的历史书写方法,刻画形神兼备、鲜明活泼的历史人物形象是纪传体史传作家孜孜以求的高标。论文以魏征和武则天为例,探讨互见叙事对刻画人物形象之作用,认为互见文本对传主生平事迹的补充和生活化,增强了传主形象的立体感;它对传主行为提供具体语境,为读者把握传主的行为动机和心理动向打开了一扇窗户;同时互见文本对传主命运的阐释,使读者能够透过人物事迹看到其本真面目,从而对传主有更全面、更细微的了解。第六章论《新唐书》列传中所见的民间叙事。史家为追求叙事的“详而博”,在书写过程中经常采录民间叙事,《新唐书》中采录的民间叙事数量庞大,涉及范围亦非常广泛。宋祁通过采录民间叙事文本,使传主事迹具有了传奇化色彩;实现叙事视角的多重转换,增加反映社会现实的广度和深度;借鉴民间叙事组织文本亦是解决文章结构重复的有效方法。为使民间叙事适应官方叙事的要求,宋祁对部分民间叙事文本进行加工、润色,使其呈现出浓厚的官方色彩;又为更好的传情达意,在语言上则或保留其民间色彩或进行雅化处理。论文第七章至第九章采用比较研究的方法将《新唐书》列传与唐人单篇传记文章、唐人墓志铭、唐代笔记、传奇进行文体叙事特点的比较,探讨史传与文学作品叙事手法之异同。文人单篇传记文章、墓志铭和笔记、传奇皆是正史列传的重要史源,正史往往在对它们进行加工改造后而成。与它们相比,正史更注重对上层统治阶级思想的维护和宣扬。正史以“实录”为悬鹄的追求使之在行文上注重客观性,史家个人的感情较为隐晦,文学性传记和墓志铭则不但可以在行文中对传主的生平作大量评论,甚至可以抒发作者个人的情感,叙述者的主体意识非常明显。由于传记文章和墓志铭一般是死者生前的好友在传(墓)主去世后不久写成的,故不免对死者有所回护,对当时敏感的话题有所回避,文本中时常存在对事件记录模糊的现象,而史传作品则以叙事的明晰可靠为高标。正史作为官方叙事,担负着维护上层统治,宣扬主流思想的重任,它多是对社会上层官员仕宦经历和军国大事的记载,行文中很多纪要式的记录。笔记传奇则以搜罗趣闻轶事以吸引读者为兴趣所在,故作者会运用多种手法如叙述者的角色化、环境描写、心理描写等多种手法,创造出逼真的“第二自然”。结语。在上述各部分的基础上,对《新唐书》列传的叙事特点进行总结,初步探讨文学与史学叙事之间的关系,认为历史叙事从其产生之日起就具有文学叙事的因素,是中国文学叙事的源头之一,叙事文学在发展过程中突破历史叙事得到更为充分的发展后,以正史为代表的史学叙事的发展却出现了某些萎缩、衰退的趋势,然在史书写作中追求文学叙事之美仍然是一些富于文学修养和理想的中国史家的传统。

【Abstract】 Narration is a basic skill for human being to survive and develop. It gets continuous progress along with the advancement of human society. Entering in modern times, people showed extreme interest on narration. Scholars began to study on many topics about narration, such as narrative means, narrative media, narrative works and narrative subjects. Step by step, a huge system about narratology was formed.We can see the narrative character of Chinese culture in Pre Qin’s historical works, such as ChunQiu, ZuoZhuan, and GuoYu, which were written in 2,500 years ago. After nearly 500 years development, it come into perfect as the Historical Records (ShiJi), the first biographical historical book, was released in Han dynasty. And it got better and better accompany with the development of historiography.Although the narrative tradition of Chinese ancient literature is not as good as Chinese ancient historiography, but people always say that literature and history are in the same family. Many chapters in excellent historical works, such as ZuoZhuan, Shiji, and Hanshu, have been regarded as excellent, outstanding literature writings. Many excellent literary works, such as Romance of Three Kingdom, Three Woman and A Hundred and Five Men, were produced by absorbing the method of writing history books.The biographical historical books are main body of Chinese traditional history books. And biographies often embody the compiler’s coordinative pursuit of historiography and literature. The biography in the historical book is outcome of historiography and literature. It’s the combination of them. By narratological analysis on historical works, not only can help us to discover the original relationship between historiography and literature, but also can help us to grasp the literary value of historical masterpiece better and understand the historical background of literature. Also it can help us to firm the narratological style of Chinese ancient historical works under the impact of the west narratology, to offer valuable fruit studying on the construction of Chinese traditional narrative theory.Both Tang dynasty and Song dynasty are in the flourishing period of Chinese ancient literature and historiography. Liu Zhiji’s Shi Tong that was published in Early Tang dynasty was a hallmark of the development of relationship between Chinese ancient literature and historiography. New Tang History Book, which was published after Shi Tong not long time, had great significance on both literature and historiography. At present, the academe has made great progress when they study on character’s life, history event and literary method on New Tang History Book. However, the research about its text from the angel of narration is just as few as stars at dawn. To discuss deeply about the relationship between Chinese ancient literature and history, this thesis take the biography in New Tang History Book as research object to make a systematic study on narrative traits of this history book.Mainly adopting methods of narratology, stylistics and comparative study, this thesis discusses the narrative character of New Tang History Book through analyzing cross-references narration, folk narration and narrative intervention of New Tang History Book. Also it discusses New Tang History Book’s unique characteristic of biography’s narrative method through comparing biography in New Tang History Book with narrative style in Tang dynasy .This thesis includes Introduction, nine chapters and the Conclusion. The main contents are as follow:The part of Introduction is mainly about the origin, train of thought, object and method of this thesis. It also gives an overview of the peripheral research and narrative research of New Tang History Book by ancient and contemporary scholars.The thesis investigates narrative structure, cross-references narration ,narrative intervention, and folk narration in first six chapters.Chapter 1 is about narrative structure. each one of biographies in New Tang History Book use common techniques of Chinese Official History, which organizes text in order of precedence. However, it also use techniques of narration interspersed with flashbacks and flash back to avoid monotony and tautology, which form diversified character of temporal structure. Under the temporal clue, biographies usually use structures of crossing pearls with one thread and one thread with two branches. During every biography, it uses different method to associate each protagonist to form a huge net of relationship, which make biographies in New Tang History Book present netlike composition.Chapter 2 and 3 is about narrative intervention. Historians’writing history books are not only record important events of every dynasty, but also reveal the consciousness of themselves by narrative intervention. There are relatively distinct pointing intervention and commenting intervention, as well as metaphorical narrative intervention which has writer’s judgment in biographies of New Tang History Book. By narrative intervention, Songqi get the effect of using simple text to express abundant meanings, hiding author’s mind in connotation, which strengthen the literary characteristics of the biography. Biographies in New History Book shows traditional consciousness of Chinese historian, official character and Songqi’s thought.Chapter 4 and 5 is about cross-references narration. Biography is a writing method of history books, which takes characters as it’s main body. It intends to observe events by portraying a character, to expatiate history by writing biographies. Portraying a historical people both in figure and spirit is the highest standard which historians stick to pursue. The thesis takes Weizheng and Wuzetian as examples to discuss the function of cross-reference narration’s portraying historical characters. The thesis consider that cross-reference text improves the third dimension effect of protagonist’s character by the complementarity of protagonist’s life story. The cross-reference text provides specific context for protagonist’s behavior, opening a window for readers to grasp protagonist’s action motivation and state of mine. At the same time, the cross-reference make readers look through protagonist’s real appearance to know the real detail text by interpret protagonist’s fate. So, readers can know more detail about the protagonist.Chapter 6 is about folk narration. To pursue narration’s detail and rich character, historians usually pick folk narration when writing history books. New Tang History Book has picked a great deal of folk narration, which involved wide range. By collecting and recording texts of folk narration, Songqi makes protagonist of each biography get legendary character to realize changing narrative angle and strengthening the width and depth of the reflection on society. It’s also an effective way to solve the problem of the tautology about text structure by using experience folk narration to organize texts. To make folk narration adapt the request of official narration, Songqi uses method of imagination, embellishment and processing on texts of folk narration. And texts of folk narration show itself deeply official and obviously elegant character.Chapter 7, 8 and 9 mainly use method of comparative study to compare the biography in New Tang History Book with the biography in Tang literary biography works, Tang epitaph, Tang jotting and Tang Romance on the character of narrative style to discuss the similarities and differences of narrative method between historical biography and literary works.Literary biography, epitaph, and jotting are all important historical origin of biographies in official history. Many contents in biographies of official history are on the basis of addition and transformation of them. Comparing with them, official history pays more attention to maintain and propagate thoughts of upper ruling class. Official history takes true record as its target, which makes it take more attention to be objectivity. Historians’personal emotion express metaphorically. Both literary biography and epitaph not only can make comment on the protagonist’s life in the text, but also can express writer’s personal emotion. The narrator’s subject consciousness is very easy to see. Literary biography and epitaph are usually finished just after the protagonist died by one of his good friends. So, literary biography and epitaph usually slide over sensitive topic. There are usually some kinds of dim text which record the event. However, historical biography takes perspicuity as highest standard. Biographies in official history usually record protagonist’s life in summary, paying attention to the protagonist’s political metamorphosis. Jotting novels and romance that take realities as subject matter are interested in collecting amusing anecdotes and making scenario vivid and intricate to attract readers. So the writer will use many kinds of techniques to enrich text and create living second nature.On the basis of above parts, the part of conclusion discusses the relation between literature and history, and takes the conclusion that historical narration possesses the factor of literary narration. Historical narration is one of provenances of Chinese literary narration. When literary narration gets great progress after breaking through historical narration, official history which is the representation of historical narration appears some kind of trend of atrophy and decline. However, the pursuit of beauty of narration during writing a history book is still the tradition of historians who abound in literary culture and ideality.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 上海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 01期

