

Study on the Influence of Complex Underlying Surfaces and the Performance of the Heat Moisture in the Building Natural Ventilation

【作者】 邹声华

【导师】 翁培奋;

【作者基本信息】 上海大学 , 流体力学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 自然通风是一种经济、节能、环保的传统通风方式。在降低建筑能耗、改善室内热湿环境、提高室内空气品质等诸多方面具有比机械通风更强的优势。然而,自然通风的影响因素非常复杂,其机理还不完善,自然通风的设计计算还处于经验与半经验状态。因此,充分地认识和利用自然通风是实现建筑可持续发展战略和建设“资源节约型和环境友好型”社会的需要。室外干球温度的确定是自然通风设计计算的首要问题。本文对CTTC模型进行了改进。应用改进后的CTTC模型计算城市环境下自然通风的室外温度更准确。计算建筑间距、建筑相对高度及绿化率等参数对城市环境温度的影响,得出了:建筑群相对高度越大,环境温度会降低,最大降幅为1℃;绿化率在35%时,降温效果最好。同时,通过现场测试,获得了不同建筑景观布局下的室内外温度、湿度等参数的分布规律。以室外大气-植被(水体、地面)-室内环境作为整体研究对象,将室内、外环境多场耦合在一起,建立数学模型。研究了植被、水体等复杂下垫面对建筑自然通风的热湿影响规律。研究植被对建筑自然通风的影响。建立了完整的植被对自然通风作用的数学模型。运用该模型,研究了植被高度、植被与建筑物间距以及植被宽度等对建筑自然通风的影响规律,提出了可供工程运用的经验公式。随着树林与建筑的间距的增大、林宽的增加,建筑室内通风换气次数呈减缓的趋势,室内温度也呈下降趋势,最大温降可达1.4℃;当树林与建筑之间的距离与建筑高度的比值达到75%时,换气次数和室内温度趋于恒定;树林高度与建筑高度的比值为50%时,通风换气次数最低。研究室内地表对建筑自然通风热湿特性的影响。充分考虑地表的传热传质作用,重组了建筑自然通风的数值计算模型。通过对某现代热源厂房自然通风的模拟与实测得出:当室外无风时,厂房地面采用吸热性能好的材料构筑可使厂房内近地表2米高度范围内的空气温度降低1.3-1.5℃,厂房内的压力降低了0.2Pa以上,进风量增加。这种增风降温作用得以充分体现的最大室外风速为1.5m/s。研究水体对建筑自然通风热湿特性的影响。在描述水体蒸发时,考虑到水体与空气的热、质交换,引用气象研究文献中提出的拟合公式计算水体的平衡温度及对应情况下的蒸发量,建立了水体对建筑自然通风热湿影响的数学模型。研究来流温度、湿度、水体宽度、水体与建筑之间的距离等因素对室内相对湿度的影响规律,并对各影响因素进行了相关性分析。结果表明:水体对建筑室内的湿度影响比温度影响更明显,水体面积越大,影响越大;水体距离建筑10-15米范围对室内的相对湿度影响较显著。

【Abstract】 Natural ventilation has advantages over mechanical ventilation in many aspects such as reducing building energy consumption and improving indoor thermal environment, air quality. However, the influencing factors of natural ventilation are complicated. Therefore, fully understand and utilize natural ventilation is necessary to achieve sustainable developments and to build a resource-saving and environment-friendly society.How to determine the outdoor dry-bulb temperature is crucial for designing and calculating natural ventilation. This thesis improves the CTTC model,and makes the calculation of outdoor temperature in urban natural ventilation more accurate. By analyzing the influence of calculating parameters, that is the distances between buildings, building’s relative height and greening rate on the urban environment and temperature, we draw the following conclusions: the temperature of underlying surface declines as the relative height of buildings been greater, the maximum decreasing amplitude can be 1℃. Especially, the cooling effect is best when the greening rate is 35%. At the mean time, we get the parameters’distribution rules such as the outdoor ambient temperature, humidity and others under the different architectural landscape layout through site measurement.This paper chooses outdoor atmosphere - vegetation or water body- the ground and the indoor environment as the objective. We create a mathematical model by coupling indoor and outdoor environments from multi-sites. Furthermore, numerical simulation method is used to study the laws about how the vegetation, water and complex underlying surface affect on the heat and moisture of buildings natural ventilation.It is studied that the influence of the vegetation on the natural ventilation in buildings. A complete simulation algorithm of how the vegetation effect on the heat and moisture characteristics of the natural ventilation is created. By changing the height of vegetation, the distance between the vegetations and the buildings as well as the width of vegetation, the empirical formula of the engineering use are concluded. It is shown that indoor ventilation slow down, as the distance between the forest and buildings and the width of forest areas increasing. The indoor temperature drops as well, and the maximum decreasing amplitude is 1.4℃. The frequency of indoor ventilation tends to be constant, when the ratio of the distance between the forest and buildings to the building height is 75%. The frequency of indoor ventilation reaches the lowest point, when the ratio of the forest height to the building height is 50%.It is studied that the influence of the indoor surfaces on the heat and moisture’properties of the natural ventilation in buildings. The thesis not only present the concept of surface effect by fully considering those factors that the surface can transfer heat and moisture but also reconstructs the building numerical model of natural ventilation, which enriches the contents of the numerical calculation of natural ventilation. By combining simulation and on-site measurement on the natural ventilation of a factory, we conclude the following results: when the outside environment is wind-free, the former one can reduce the air temperature by 1.3-1.5℃with the rage 2m of the near-surface comparing plant on the ground by using the heat-absorbing materials with a good performance with the one with the insulation materials. At the mean time, the pressure inside the plant also reduces 0.2Pa and the rate of windshield flowing into the air velocity increases. The maximum wind speed is 1.5m/s that fully reflected the surface effect.It is studied that the influence of the body of water on the heat and moisture’properties of the natural ventilation in buildings. We establish the mathematical model and corresponding algorithms about the affect of a body of water on the heat and moisture of the natural ventilation in buildings during the process of describing the evaporation of water, using the fitting formula proposed by meteorological research literature to calculate the balance temperature of water body and corresponding evaporation by taking into account the heat and mass exchange of water and air. This formula can help us to calculate the evaporation exactly. Besides, this paper makes research on those rules of how the indoor relative humidity is affected by different temperature, humidity of free stream, width of water body and the distance between water body and the buildings, and we analyze the correlation of influence factors. The results show that: water body has more significant affect on the building indoor humidity than the indoor temperature. The larger the area of water body is, the greater effect it has. In the range from 10 meters to 15 meters, the water body has a significant affection on the indoor humidity.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 上海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 01期

