

【作者】 邓遂

【导师】 邓伟志;

【作者基本信息】 上海大学 , 社会学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 随着风险社会的来临,乡村社会中突发事件也呈高发态势,乡村家庭面临越来越多的突发事件;而与此同时,在乡村社会权力主体系统呈高度整合化的同时,乡村社会因乡土情感的逐渐消逝、加之家族力量的削弱以及乡村中间组织的缺失,乡村社会的权力对象系统呈现原子化倾向,人们之间的合作与互助在日趋减少,乡村社会抵御突发事件的风险能力在削弱。从系统论角度看,家庭突发事故作为造成家庭解体或家庭运行重大困难的突发事件,其一旦爆发,必将对乡村家庭网络系统形成多种冲击影响,而乡村家庭网络系统作为家庭突发事故发生的环境背景,也必将对家庭突发事故冲击影响产生一定的制约影响。家庭网络系统是社会大系统中的一个组成小系统,它指由家庭内部互动以及家庭及其成员在日常生活实践活动中与他人、群体及组织之间形成的以家庭为核心的具有进行经济与信息、精神情感及事务管理等方面资源流通的富有延伸性人际关系网络整体。家庭网络系统一方面是家庭成员内部互动及参与社会互动的产物,另一方面它又构成了对家庭行为及策略具有影响作用的背景环境。家庭网络系统一般由家庭内部网、家庭亲朋网、家庭社区网、家庭社会网等四个不同的层次子系统组成。其中家庭内部网是家庭网络系统的核心部分,也就是我们通常说的家庭或家庭组织体。而家庭亲朋网、家庭社区网、家庭社会网则构成家庭网络系统的外围部分——家庭外部网,它是家庭及其成员进行社会实践的产物,是家庭内部网向外延伸部分,同时反过来,它又构成了家庭存在的外部环境。家庭外部网中所有对事故家庭起支持作用的人际关系网络称之为家庭支持网络系统。乡村家庭支持网络系统中缺乏家庭组织子网络系统,在属性上基本属于私人性支持网络。家庭突发事故通过直接冲击影响家庭内部网络结构、家庭经济物质基础与家庭精神情感基础,进而造成家庭结构的解体或家庭运行出现重大障碍。家庭突发事故以事故应对行为与事故认知行为为媒介,并通过特定的传播途径把事故冲击影响间接地传递到家庭外部系统甚至社会,进而可能给家庭外部网络系统甚至社会系统造成一系列的负面影响,如或造成事故家庭的亲友家庭的间接受损,或造成社区的不稳定因素,或降低社区或社会的认同度,或导致家庭突发事故升级为社会突发事件等等。家庭网络系统对家庭突发事故冲击影响的制约影响主要通过家庭网络系统本身对事故家庭的即时回应策略与事后恢复策略的结构性制约影响来实现。家庭即时回应策略以解决事故衍生的急迫性问题为直接目的,具有即时化解事故冲击压力、防止事故本身的升级或家庭处境的进一步恶化的功效。家庭即时回应策略的类型与效果决定于家庭网络系统,尤其是家庭支持网络系统的层次组成、网络规模以及其所提供资源援助的频率与资源援助量等方面因素。家庭事后恢复策略以运用家庭网络资源来重建受损的家庭基础进而恢复家庭功能、维持家庭正常运行为目的。家庭事后恢复策略类型往往由事故家庭网络所蕴含的资源在家庭内外网络系统中的对比性分布情况所决定。家庭事后恢复策略的效果直接受家庭内部网结构组成与规模、家庭外部网结构组成与规模(尤其是家庭支持网的组成与规模)、家庭内外网络系统之间资源流通频率、流通量等因素制约。其中家庭内部网的结构组成及其规模对家庭事后恢复策略的效果具有决定性影响,它决定着家庭事后恢复策略所能挖掘的家庭内部资源之众寡,也制约着家庭事后恢复策略的合理选择与有效实施,进而直接影响了事后恢复策略的效果。而家庭外部网络系统组成与特征差异,尤其是家庭支持网结构组成、规模、属性等方面的差异也将会影响到家庭事后恢复策略的效果,对于那些事后恢复策略是家庭支持网络主导型策略的家庭,这种影响则更为明显。此外,家庭网络系统之间的资源流通情况也在很大程度上制约着家庭事后恢复策略的效果,因为它一方面决定着家庭事后康复活力的强弱,另一方面又影响着家庭事后恢复重建所依赖外部资源的众寡。家庭突发事故与家庭网络系统之间相互作用通常呈现以下两种后果:(1)当事故家庭有着较为良好家庭网络环境时,家庭突发事故虽曾造成了家庭内部网功能受损或部分瘫痪,但家庭并未解体,家庭成员生活虽受影响但未流落街头,事故给家庭成员造成的负面影响较小,给社区、社会造成的负面影响也相对较少;(2)当事故家庭网络系统环境较差时,家庭突发事故往往造成家庭内部网络系统的解体,甚至使家庭成员流落社会街头,事故给家庭成员造成多方不利影响,对社区、社会产生较大的负面影响。Q自然村落及邻近村落各事故家庭在遭遇与应对家庭突发事故过程中所呈现的种种相似性与差异性,都是在特定社会制度与文化条件下各家庭网络系统之间共性与个性所导致的分化产物。有限空间爆炸的现象与原理可以较为形象地描述和解释家庭突发事故与家庭网络系统之间相互作用现象与作用机制。在国家、社会以制度建设的形式发展乡村社会组织、建立乡村社会保障体系、乡村家庭救助机制以构建乡村家庭组织性支持网络的同时,乡村家庭在构建一种实用的道德观念的同时,也应该在日常生活通过相互的礼物赠送、互助等形式来构建家庭私人性支持网络。这样最终形成一个能有效应对家庭突发事故的家庭网络系统。

【Abstract】 With the advent of risk society, rural families have to face with more and more unexpected incidents. At the same time, with administation system highly integrated, rural society showed the tendency of atomization, and rural families’ability to cope with the risk of unexpected incidents is declining. In view of system theory, family unexpected incident as a great destructive accident which leads to family disintegration and difficulties in family functioning is bound to cause a variety of the impacts on rural family network systems. As a return, the rural family network system as the environmental background of family unexpected incident also is bound to have some constraining effects on family unexpected incident.Family network system, as one small part of society system, refers to the whole networks of relationships formed amond family members and between family members and other individuals, groups and organizations. There are sorts of resources exchanged such as economic material resources, informational resources, spirital and emotional resources and management resources for family affairs in family network system. Family network system is the product of social interaction and family interaction, and at same time it is the background environment of family behaviors and strategies. Family network system is composed by family inner network, family relatives and friends network, family community network and family social network. Family inner network is the core of the family network system, that is, we normally refer to family or family organization body. Family relatives and friends network, family community network, family social networks constitute the outer part of family network system– family outer network, which is the product of social practice of family and its members. Family outer network is the outward extension of family inner network, as in turn, it also constitutes the family environment. A part of family outer network played the role of supporting the accident family is called family support network system. Rural family support network lacks of organization networks, and belongs to private support network.Family unexpected incidents affect the family through a direct impact on the family structure, family economic base and the spirit and emotional foundations of family, and lead to the disintegration of the family structure or family functioning obstacle. Family unexpected incidents take the incident respose behavior and the incident cognitive behavior as the media, and indirectly bring a series of negative impacts to the family outer network systems, and even to community and society through specific routes of transmission, such as causing damage to families of the relatives and friends, or causing instability in the community, or reducing the degree of community or social recognition, or leading family unexpected incidents to escalate, etc..The constraining functions of family network system achieve through the family’s immediate strategies and post-recovery strategies. Family immediate strategy solves the urgent problems derived from the accident, and prevents the accident from escalating, or prevents family situation from further deteriorating. Its type and effect are determined by family network system, in particular the composition and the scale of family support network, the assistance frequency and amount of resources provided by family support network. The aim of family post-recovery strategies is to reconstruct the damaged family bases and restore the family function by using network resources.The type of post-recovery strategies often is determined by the comparison distribution of resources in family network both within and outside the family network system. The effect of the post-recovery strategies is directly affected by the composition and size of family inner network system, especially the composition and the size of family support network, the frequency and amount of family resource exchange between the inside and outside the family, and so on.Under the interaction between family unexpected incident and family network system, there are two consequences: (1) When the accident family has a relatively good family network system environment, Family organization wouldn’t disintergrate though family network function impaired or partially paralyzed, family members wouldn’t live on the streets, and there would be marginal negative impacts on family members, the community and the society. (2) When the accident family has a poor family network system environment, the family organization would disintegrate, the family members would have to live on the streets, and there would be signifcant negative effects on the family members, the community and the society. These similarities and differences,which appeared during the process of the family to copy with family unexpected incidents in Q natural villages and the neighboring ones,are the result of differentiation of the similarities and differences amond family network systems under the particular social systems and cultural conditions. Limited space explosion phenomenon and principles can provide a more vivid description about the phenomena and mechanism priciples of interaction betweem family network systems and family unexpected incidents.When the nation and society try to build family organizational support network by developping rural social organization, establishing rural social security system and rural familiy rescue mechanism, rural families should build the private family support network system in their daily lives through mutual gift and mutual aid as forming their practical moral values. Thus there will ultimately be an effective family network system of responsing to family unexpected incidents.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 上海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 01期

